I miss you

Imagine#3-Lee Joon from MBLAQ

It was cool outside on your balcony where you sat. The sky was a nice shade of dark blue and purple and the endless sky was filled with stars, so beautiful. Yet you couldn't enjoy it the way you wanted to. 
      You felt very down, lonely. Your boyfriend, Changsun, was away doing group activities and you hadn't seen him in nearly 2 weeks and not heard from him since late last night. No calls, no texts, nothing. This bothered you immensely. What could he be doing that he couldn’t even send one text? That just made you even more worried…
      You heaved a loud sigh and allowed your eyes wander, admiring the gorgeous surroundings. The wind blew faintly, your dark strands tickling your cheek. This autumn weather always put you at some sort of peace. The wind continued to blow gently, the leaves of a nearby tree gently landing on the balcony. Leaning over to pick one up, you smiled at the rich green hue that was fading into a more rustic brown color. You'd been outside for an hour, in a daze, having left your phone inside and it was getting chilly. While wrapping your arms around yourself, you decided to go inside.
      Once inside, you sullenly reached for your iPhone, only to notice that you had missed a call from your boyfriend, a gleeful smile spreading and an excited giggle escaping your lips. There was a voicemail and you decided you could listen to that before returning his call.
      As the voicemail began, you could hear the voices of his band mates saying hello. You could hear Changsun laughing his adorable laugh then shushing them, especially Mir who was laughing as well.
      "*Yeoboseyo~? Bo Go Sipo yong, Jagiya! I'll be home soon, but until then, I want to sing something for you!" You couldn't contain your smile of anticipation as he cleared his voice and could hear the voices G.O and Cheondung chatting quietly.
      "You are like my precious Sunday, like the beginning, my Monday.
      Like the gem-like Friday, every day, everywhere.
      I put my lips on your cheeks, kiss, today is good for some reason, kiss
      Wherever it happens, love is heaven. ~
      You’re my pretty girl, I don’t want to send you home.
      And you’re my pretty love, should I tell you or not? 
      I contemplate Cause I love you, my heart keeps rushing, please don’t misunderstand!”
      Your heart melted hearing his voice, because he wasn't singing in serious earnest, he was constantly giggling and laughing while singing and you knew that he was smiling while singing, imagining his cute smile paired with his adorable two front teeth that are slightly longer than the others. You had just fallen even deeper for Changsun, if that's even possible.
      Your cheeks hurt from so much smiling as you tried to call him back, but it went straight to voicemail. With that, you decided to climb into bed. He said he would be home soon right? The sooner you slept, the sooner you could see him. With only thoughts of your eccentric and silly boyfriend in your mind you cuddled into a nice warm fleece blanket, a soft smile on your lips as you effortlessly drifted into a peaceful slumber.
      You didn't know if you were dreaming or not as you felt something warm against your skin, gently caressing its way up your arm. It felt as if it was someone's fingers had warmed as if they had just pulled their gloves off. You then felt something feathery and light against your lips, your eyes fluttering open at the sensation.
      You gasped to see your Changsun hovering over you, his lips pressed against yours chastely as his dark hair brushed against your cheek. His closed eyes opened, and you could feel his lips curving into that gorgeous smile that you loved. He then pulled away, grinning even wider. 
      "Jagiya...did you miss your Oppa?" He whispered into the darkness of the room. His dark brown eyes shone brightly and he looked pleased to be with you. His fingers continued to gently run up and down your arms as he reached out, pulling you into his strong protective arms. You immediately snuggled close, gazing up at him. 
      "Of course I did...the song was cute, Joonie." You giggled, feeling a bit groggy, which was cut short by another kiss pressed to your lips, tender and gentle, his lips lingering on yours. His kisses were always sweet yet tended to last long enough to where you both felt your lungs would explode from loss of air. Your lips pushed against his softly as you moaned, his arms tightening around you. Both of you reluctantly pulled away to catch your breath, the pair breathing rather heavily. “The song is ‘Girl’…from the Love Beat album, right?” 
      With a soft melodic chuckle that filled your stomach with butterflies, his fingers ran through your long and slightly disheveled tresses. You could only stare into his pools of melted dark chocolate….at least that’s what they reminded you of. His gaze was full of longing but still tender….this is why you love him so much, no matter his odd words and actions sometimes.
      "I really did miss you, I hate being away for so long..." He frowned for a moment then placed a kiss to your cheek. You then laughed. “What’s with all the kisses, Changsunnie?"  He looked appalled for a moment, jokingly of course. "I wanna make up for all the days I didn't get to kiss you." He leaned in and kissed your chin affectionately, letting his lips plant a trail of hot kisses to the nape of your neck. Joon then pressed a long open mouthed kiss to the area, his teeth playfully nibbling the exposed skin.
      Before he could get too into kissing your neck, your hands gently take his face between them, urging him to look at your face. You then wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face into the crook of his neck. "Are you okay?" His voice was but a whisper but you could always hear his deep voice. You shook your head to indicate a 'no'.
      "Don’t leave for so long again, I miss you too much. I'm glad you're here now though." Your words came out muffled but he only smiled warmly, pulling you closer to him, if that was possible. "I'll try not to,*toki."
      You loved the way he held you, and in that moment, all your worries washed away and all you could see, think or hear was Changsun. You really loved your silly boyfriend.
      *=Hello? I miss you, sweetie.

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Chapter 1: I loved this story! Great job~! ^^
Chapter 1: Very cute!! I love Lee Joon smile