The most beautiful BABY~

Imagine #2- Moon Jongup from B.A.P

Moon Jongup had a very simple hobby, aside from being BAP's sub-vocalist and lead dancer, he loved to work out. But....being a Kpop idol did have its bad points. He was easily recognizable so he had to go to remote places, unless he wanted to be chased by fans or Shisus forbid a Sasaeng fan found him. Jongup had already heard of an instance when a Sasaeng fan gave Himchan a coffee with laxatives in it, which made him ill at a performance, and he didn’t want it.  So he chose a remote gym in Busan to go to, and was thankful when he walked in that it looked to be nothing but older people with only one girl who looked to be his age.
      That one girl...
      She was working out determinedly on the elliptical, her pretty face had beads of sweat rolling down…right onto her bust....but Jongup knew he liked her then. She was just so gorgeous to him, his cheeks flushing as he shamelessly gawked. He had to talk to her...but there was just one problem with that. He was a bit shy, not knowing how to approach her. Jongup has a sort of 4-D personality upon getting to know him, but it was hard for him to approach girls.
      Jongup decided to work out on machines close to her, but not too close. He didn't wanna seem creepy. 
      The pretty girl sighed against the elliptical, exhausted, and decided to stumble off, moving over to the exercise bike. With a grin, Jongup claimed a place at the weight lifting machine right next to her. He then began to set the weight of the machine to something comfortable for him to lift, not something easy but something a bit challenging.
      Weight lifting was his favorite part, he loved the burn of a good workout, most times going with Yongguk because his closest friend in the group, Zelo wasn’t really fond of working out. His eyes kept wandering to the pretty girl with the long reddish brown hair, hoping he could get some kind of courage to approach her. He soon sat up, his arms sore, to hear the girls’ music blaring so loud that he could clearly hear it. The young dancer blinked a few times when he quickly recognized the song as B.A.P.’s ‘Punch’. Wow, was he lucky or what?  It got even better when he watched her from the corner of his dark brown eyes to observe her silently singing the lyrics to 'Punch', then punching the air a few times. Jongup couldn't help but laugh at this, and he had found his way to approach her. With a close lipped, shy smile, he approached her, tapping her shoulder.
      ((Your pov))
      You were so damn exhausted, but loved working out. You never got any time to work out, thanks to just enrolling into college for culinary arts and your job, but you like to get in a good workout when you can. 
      Your music was what kept you going, giving your body fuel to not pass out right then and there. You put it on your workout playlist and set to more work on the exercise bike, only to have one of your favorite songs, 'Punch' by BAP, come on. That fired you up!
      You are a hardcore baby, your bias being the most y and adorable Moon Jongup. Your favorite thing was his smile, it’s so gorgeous~! You loved his voice and dancing, but most of all you loved his shyness and humbleness at being a Kpop idol, and his willingness to get better at singing. Gah you love everything about him!
      You were knocked out of your fangirlish Jongup thoughts by someone tapping your shoulder. With a raised eyebrow and an annoyed facial expression, you halted your legs on the exercise bike and glared up at who bothered you, only to lay eyes on none other than your ultimate bias, Moon Jongup. He was sweaty, wearing a black sleeveless shirt with some grey sweatpants, nice shoes though. His dark black hair, which was newly dyed for the Japanese One Shot music video, was left without any product and messy on his head.
      You could not believe what you were seeing, you could only blink, as he stared down at you with a shy smile. Jongup laughed and decided to gently tap your shoulder again, which prompted you to pull the headphones from your ears. You would not be one of those crazy fangirls! You swore it! You would act normal! After all, he's the one who approached you!
      "Uhm...Hello.” He awkwardly cleared his throat. “I know it's kind of weird with someone just randomly tapping your shoulder like that...but I'm just curious...were you just listening to 'PUNCH' by B.A.P?" His voice was even cuter in person, really soft and he seemed a bit embarrassed. You wanted to fangirl but remained calm, you had to. "Oh yea! It's one of my favorite songs by my favorite band." You smiled adorably, which seemed to please him. He seemed to relax a bit around you, seeing that you weren't some obsessed fan. 
      "That makes me happy, I'm actually in BAP, I'm Jongup." He said proudly, leaning against the weight lifting machine that was close. You smiled widely, nodding with glee. You knew he was Jonguppie but you wanted to hear him say it. Just to make sure he wasn't someone else. Of course you could recognize your ultimate bias anywhere. "I know, I recognized you immediately. You're actually my ultimate Kpop bias, so I was very happy internally to see you approach me, why you would want to though...I don't know." You applauded yourself for remaining so calm in the presence of someone so gorgeous and he seemed to appreciate it as well because he then smiled that beautiful smile that you never thought you'd see in person in a million years.
      "I'M your ultimate bias?!" He asked incredulously with a laugh, his cheeks flushed red as he scratched his sweaty black hair. You nodded in enthusiasm, no longer hiding your glee at being near him. "Yes of course!" He could only smile, flattered that the girl he saw and immediately liked, had actually liked him as well. Strangely coincidental but he didn't think more on it. "Omo...can I ask why I'm your bias? I’m used to Himchan, Daehyun and Zelo having most of the fans, to be honest." His laugh was kind of bitter and you took notice, frowning.
      "I was biased to you the first time I saw're so gorgeous! And your smile is so pretty...I know this sounds strange, but when I see your makes me feel comforted. It just seems so sincere." You felt your cheeks heat and continue." I also adore your singing voice and your determination to get better...your dancing is amazing...but...I think I really just like everything about you." You ended with a most adorable smile, your smile reaching your eyes.
      Now, Jongup was speechless. He blinked a few times, his own cheeks faintly pink with all the praise you had just given him. "Whoa...thank you...I'm...I really appreciate you supporting me the way you do. Thanks for all the compliments too, I try really hard..."he then smiled that smile you loved, gently taking ahold of your hand and squeezing it between both of his. 
      You stared at him, feeling that this moment was surreal to you. Being touched by your bias....who approached you. You had to ask why he approached you, the curiosity was eating at you. “ don't need to thank me, but...I was curious as to why you approached me to begin with." Your face was the vision of adorableness and curiosity as you stared at him. Jongup couldn’t help but stare at you, you were just his type...whatever that was. The only thing he knew was that he liked you the moment he saw you.
       The only thing that would make you more perfect would be if you were a little older than him...
      "Ah...well that. It's kind of stupid...well not stupid but...well I walked in and saw're really pretty and I just wanted to talk to you...I never actually thought you would be a fan of BAP..."his words came out soft and stutterry, his hands still holding one of yours. You could tell he was nervous because his palms were sweating and he kept pausing while speaking.
      Wait what? 
      Moon Jongup thought YOU were pretty? You, who looked horrible and sweaty after working out for about an hour...he thought you were pretty? That thought confused you to no end but it made butterflies swarm in your tummy, knowing that your bias was so struck by your looks. Your lips curved in a very timid manner, looking right into his pretty brown eyes. God his eyes were gorgeous, to you, they looked like chocolate oceans. 
      "I'm not that cute...but I'm really flattered..."you fought with what to call him, considering that you were two years older than him, you couldn't call him Oppa. Using his name so soon with meeting felt you just cut your sentence off awkwardly. He raised his eyebrow at the abrupt end to your sentence.
      "Is something wrong?" You chuckled nervously. "Well...I don't know what to call you. I can't call you Oppa because I'm two years older than you and calling you just Jongup seems rude..."you sighed but he could only smile widely for some reason. "Nah, just call me Jongup and I'll call you Noona. What's your name, Noona?" He appeared to be giddy, his smile beaming down on you like he's just won something. It felt strange to be called Noona by your bias but it was good strange. 
      "Oh, my name is _______, but if you prefer to call me Noona then go ahead, Jongup." You smiled gently, pulling your hand away to dig through your bag for something that maybe he could sign, so your friends didn't think you were lying when you excitedly told them. All you had was your phone and a water bottle. 
      “You want me to sign something?" He thought for a brief moment and then scurried up to the front desk, procuring the only thing he could get his hands on, a dark green marker...which was ironic because Dadamoto is dark green. A lot of coincidental things happening today…
       "I'll sign the back of your cell phone!" He says excitedly, which made your eyes widen. The back of your iPhone? Shisus you thought you would die, this had to be dream. "I would love that!" You exclaimed, removing the hello kitty phone case to reveal the shiny white back of your phone. With an utterly adorable smile, he took your phone from your petite hands and began writing all over the back. He had the most determined face as he was writing, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth. Once Jongup was done, he blew on the back of your phone a few times to dry it and then he grinned, his two rabbit like front teeth adorably making his smile even more endearing. 
      "Here, I'll take pictures with you too." So you got up from the exercise bike, and stood next to him, which was a head taller than you, and smiled the happiest you ever did in your life as he draped one arm over your shoulder and with the other hand, he took one picture. He then gave the peace sign while you did the same and took another picture. The final picture he took was of both of you making a heart with your hands together, the whole time your heart pounding in your chest at his closeness.
      Once done, you cycled through the pictures showing him. He smiled widely, his face close to yours as he looked as well. "If I give you my number, would you text those to me?" He asked, a puppy dog look on his face. You were taken aback, you were now getting his number. You sent a quick prayer to god for giving you such good luck then nodded, your ponytail bobbing. "Sure..." And with that, you traded phone numbers. You flipped your phone over and saw what he had wrote, which made you giggle. "Moon Jongup was here! For my most pretty Noona, my favorite BABY~"
      He smiled shyly, ready to ask you something. “Noona....will you go to lunch with me? Or wherever you want to go...but I want to spend more time with you." He looked hopeful while you nodded vigorously, so happy that you threw your arms around his neck and hugged him. While taken aback, he didn't mind at all, actually wrapping his strong, well defined arms around you. His hug was gentle but you both couldn't help how right this felt, even sweaty, he smelled really good. "A-ah yes! Of course, Jonguppie. It's okay if I call you this right?" You asked in a panic, hoping you didn't offend him.
      He laughed, looking down at you, making a teasing scolding face. "Only if it's okay that I do this-" he interrupted himself to press a soft kiss to your lips, his hands now gently settled on your neck. He seemed a bit timid at doing this, but he wanted you to know that he rarely approached anyone, much less kissed them. But he seriously liked you.
      You on the other hand, nearly died right then and there. Your face was as red as a tomato and your eyes wouldn't stop staring up at your shy yet y bias. His lips were curved into an easy smile, gazing down at you. 
      "I...I guess I'll go get changed back into my normal cloths then." Was all you could say before grabbing your gym bag in a flustered manner and heading back into the ladies changing area. 
      Jongup couldn't help but laugh at your reaction to his chaste kiss, but still felt a lingering spark there. His thumb softly ran across his lips, still in awe of the fact that he had kissed a girl he's just met and at how perfect and soft your lips were. He knew he had to find some excuse to kiss you again, his most beautiful BABY.

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Chapter 1: I LOVED THIS!!!! OMO! I super fan girled like cray lol thank you so much for this really cute and amazing story!!! <3