Fading Numbers


Jessica watches as people die slowly; numbers fading off their wrists with every year they live.


I watch them. 

They live life so carelessly, having faith that they'll be alive the very next day.

People don't know how much time they have to live, but I do. And I fear for every single person who lives life obliviously.




omg my first try at character death

and it !

thank you to honey&chibi graphics who made my poster <3


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Chapter 2: I'm crying because of this fic >_< Thank you so much, author.
Chapter 1: I'm crying really hard goddamn you author-nim :"(

This is such a great story shgsjkgsjad
ackung #3
Chapter 1: love the story
looking forward for more
kpopperforevaah #4
Chapter 1: great storyyyyy omgggggggg .....:)))))