Chapter II


Soojung start being an obedient girl since that day. The Company being stable again with the help of the temporary CEO—Soojung’s parent right hand man. There are many rumors and false news breaking after the accident in the psychology class, but the company doesn’t care lot about that and focusing Soojung’s recuperation progress. She talks a lot and grew much closer to her personal psychologist, Doctor Kim (or Taeyeon eonnie*, the way Soojung address her). The other people may think that her mental becomes normal but the truth is, what she feels inside is the total opposite. She doesn’t mind if she has to live in a world full of hypocrite just to feel secure and safe.  She’s scared of something—of someone, to be exact. At first she thought that maybe all of that is just her hallucination. She admitted she is in depressed mode that time, but if it’s just a hallucination then how can she explain about how she discovered a hateful letters and wounds in her body one day when she woke up?


July 3rd, 2007

Soojung bats her eyelash open and stirred in her bed. She stared blankly at her well-decorated room ceiling. It has some glow in the dark stickers patched into it. She clearly remembered the moment her father took some days off to help her decorating her room.

It is the first time she have a new room that day. As a child, she’s afraid of the perception that she’ll be sleeping alone in the darkness… So that’s why she asked her father to stick it for her. His father was a wise and good family man. He doesn’t order an artisan neither one of his employee to do that despite of his tight schedule. For him, to make his daughter comfortable with his own hand is his responsibility as a father. His father and mother, always try to give their best to Soojung. They showers her with love, they fulfill her needs and always supports her. But it’s not making Soojung a spoiled child notwithstanding the facts that she was born in a wealthy family. She never missed her birthdays without celebrate it with the peoples from orphanage or making charity events. She uses her free time not to go dissipate but she used it to add up her workout and study until she has many achievements in such a young age. And this is the day of her graduation from elementary school. Her parent should have been here, celebrating with her. Soojung felt sad, but she decided to shrug it off.

She look at the clock and grunts, she woke up earlier than she have to. She is not a morning person actually, so this is some kind of rare occasion for her. She decided to prepare herself but when she gets off her blanket she saw some traces of blood there. She’s mature enough to understand menstruation cycle and she already experience it before and she already had it last week. She tried to get off bed to clean up the blanket but suddenly she felt sore in her left hips. And it’s shocked her more that it is the source of the blood in the blanket. There is a long scar with fresh blood dripping from it. She doesn’t know how and when did she has that scars… It looks like she’s been hurt just a moment ago. And somewhere in the bed, she found scattered letter with blood traces too. It is a letter, for her.


July 5th, 2011

“So, Soojungie. How’s school today?” Taeyeon ask suddenly, it makes Soojung taken aback from her own flashback of memory.

“Ah? It’s just… fine” She answered. Taeyeon stare at her blankly for a few minutes and then let out a sigh.

“You know, I’m starting to worry about that daydreaming habit of yours Soojung” She said and she sips her caramel macchiato, “And just fine? Then how can you explain to me about all of this?” Taeyeon show Soojung her laptop screen, which contains a photo of her surrounded by her ‘friends’ in school. Soojung scoffs.

“Just cut it out already. There’s no need for you to always monitoring all of my activities” She said as she gritted her teeth.

“I just wanted to keep you safe—”

“Then why don’t you protect me? Do you think taking picture is good enough?” She replied with her sarcasm remarks. Taeyeon sigh again and reach out Soojung’s hand over the table.

“Listen here, Jung Soojung. You know all you want is just to be a normal girl with privacy, but this bullying is going nowhere. It’s getting worse day by day! I love you just like my dear sister, and you knew that. So I can’t let this thing to happen to you. I, myself, can’t do anything about this if you’re not even stand to fight for yourself. For now, let me just do this okay?” She continues.

“And the number of your wounds increasing” She said as she studied her dongsaeng* hand, analyzing some marks and scars there. Soojung pull herself and look away, “We’re going to treat it later. And from now, avoid wearing short clothes until your wounds are fully healed”

“It’s… not because of the bullying” She whisper, “And it’s not the surface that hurts, but the inside that suffocating” She continues slowly, too slowly for Taeyeon to hear that truth.

Soojung look down to her wound in her limbs,

I don’t know eonnie*. I don’t even know what’s going on with me, I’m so scared.


It’s just another day in School. Another day means another center of attentions, another rude treatment, and another bullying for Soojung.

“Look at what Princess wearing today!” a brunette haired girl and her group suddenly bumped to Soojung while she gets to the restroom. She just kept in silence while they let out their amused hyena laughs.

This becoming her usual thing every day, peoples will come to her even if she doesn’t do anything wrong. She’s Jung Soojung, who wouldn’t know her? She always has been the center of attention, even if she doesn’t want it. She was born with it, the sole Heiress of Jung Company and an orphan because she doesn’t have family anymore.

“Were you trying to get more attention? Did your bodyguards were not enough?” The other girl with blonde hair continues to mock her while tugging the hem of Soojung’s sweater.

“Why didn’t you bring your wealthy mother and father to protect you instead?” Soojung’s eyes darted at her, sending cold icy daggers, “Ah, I forgot you didn’t have one” The girl said. Those sentence enough to make Soojung’s blood boils and get her anger to the next level.

“Stop wasting your money” The brunette girl said, “Your bodyguards can’t help a psycho who even tend to hurt herself like you” Soojung look away and look at her reflection in the mirror, her head starting to dizzy but she hold it inside. She rather to get herself suffers than showing them her weakness right now.

“And they’re useless. They can’t even protect you here” And then, someone pulled her long black hair roughly. The pain doubled as she felt the force in her head.

“Stop it!” She shouted. Soojung moan in pain and then her head slowly become numb.

“Stop it, please!!!” She shouted. She threw their hands out of her body as her eyes swat open, look at the faint of her reflection in the mirror. But it wasn’t her. It is her, but it wasn’t. She was there again, looking at Soojung fiercely with her mocking smirk in front of her. Soojung could not breath.

How? How can she follow me here?

The reflection started to blur as the blonde girl shouted something to her and hit the back of her head. The blonde and her gangs started to panic as Soojung didn’t react. Soojung just stood there looking at her reflection.

“I hate you” She said, someone in the mirror. Soojung shiver as she felt her feet give up just like a melting jelly. Soojung couldn’t take it anymore, she start to lose her conscious. The blonde and her gangs run away seeing her condition. She couldn’t care much about the pain anymore, she couldn’t care much about what those mean brats are saying to her. She couldn’t feel anymore but fear that enveloped her. And with the last strand of her senses Soojung still managed to hear what she saying,

“Loser. Murderer”




*eonnie = sister

*dongsaeng = junior/younger sibling

shortcakes7895: Hello guys, I know this is me being a jerk author all over again for not updating for so long… And come up with this chapter. I know this is not the best from what I can do, my grammar’s and all. But believe me it is the best what I come up with… for now. Maybe some of you still wondering how this story would be progressed and ended, well, don’t hope too much because as I said, I like to tease all of you and me just being me maybe I will not updating this story again for a long time. But I will be lurking here anytime so you can just PM me or wall me, just in case you need someone to talk to. Please drop off your comment here for me knowing what you feel about this story. I didn’t mind if you criticize me too I might just ignored you like forever loljk NO I freely accept everything you blurted out to me, so don’t be shy, I have cookies here, I will not bite you, so please stay around, and enjoy the show ♥

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pinkshoujos #1
You should also tag this as kaistal, so more shippers can see this awesome story!
Chapter 1: Who is the person in the mirror? Soojung inner personality? *shiver*
So krystal is the one in the mirror right? I'm keen to know what happen next. Will krystal comes out? O.0 that will be scary.
Love the story so far^^

Thanks for the update.
Chapter 1: I read an article about this diseases once.
It was soooo weird how a person have multiple personality. Well in this case she only have one. But still.

I will be looking forward for the next chap
lala95 #4
I hope author-nim can work hard on this story...its thrilling....i like it...keep on the good job.
Please update soon or tonight