Heechul's Lollipop

HanChul Fics

HEECHUL'S LOLLIPOP (Hangeng's Lollipop's sequel)


Everyday is Hangeng day.

He will disturb Heechul from watering the plants then he'll with his lollipop and end up tasting same candy.

But everything has it's own end.

One sunny day when Heechul's about to give the lollipop to Hangeng, because it's his turn, Heechul noticed someting bulk on Hangeng's side pocket. And when Heechul grabbed it, he learned that it was another lollipop.

"Yah! You liar!" Heechul bawled to Hangeng. "You said you only have one lollipop! You, selfish frog! HMP!" Then Heechul ran inside their house.

Hangeng tried to talk to Heechul but thr latter keeps ignoring him.

"I just want to eat same lollipop with you..." Hangeng sadly said to himself while watching Heechul walking away from him.

Since then, Hangeng keeps looking Heechul from afar and eating his lollipop alone.

"Hannie, we'll have a dinner with Heechul's family. Isn't great? Fix yourself, we're going there." That was Hangeng's Mom said that made his day. He'll grab that opportunity to talk to Heechul again.

But when they came there, Hangeng saw Heechul on the garden with someone else. A little boy that he never met and he doesn't want to.

The little boy stretched his short hand to Heechul and gave something. A lollipop.

Heechul smiled sweetly to the little boy and said, "Thanks, Gunhee."

The smiled that Heechul gave to the little boy is the smile that Hangeng always wanted to have but he never had. And he thought that he will never ever have that kind of smile from Heechul.

Over the dinner, Hangeng just took his food silently and talk if it is needed. The little boy named Gunhee was also there, eating beside Heechul.

"He has someone already..." Hangeng sighed as he thought to himself while looking the night sky on their backyard. "But I bet my lollipop is very much better than that Gunhee boy." He tried to smile on his joke to lessen the heavy feeling on his chest.

"Hmp! Conceited." Heechul walked towards Hangeng who's currently stunned. Heechul followed him on their house after the dinner to make amend with him.

Hangeng gulped. "Heechul-ah... What... what are you doing here?" Hangeng said without blinking his eyes.

Heechul pouted his lips. "Why? You don't want me here? Ok. I gotta--"

Heechul was about to leave when Hangeng stood up and stopped him. "No! No! I mean, don't go... Please, stay."

Heechul just rolled his eyes and sat on the grass. Hangend did the same. "Uhmm... Are you still mad at me?" Hangeng nervously asked to Heechul.


Hangeng smiled thinly and stared on the grass. "I'm sorry..."

"You're forgiven."

Hangeng looked at him with wide eyes. "R-Really?"

"You don't want to?"

"Of course not! Well... Thank you..."


A moment of silence surrounds them. No one wants to break it and they just let the sound of the crickets covered their ears together the blinking of the stars flashes in their eyes while the cold wind embraced them.

"Who's that Gunhee, by the way?" Hangeng asked Heechul after awhile.

Heechul smiled before he answered his question. "A friend of mine."

"You seemed so happy to be his friend." Hangeng tried to hide the sadness on his voice. The way Heechul smiled because of Gunhee made Hangeng feels loser.

"Of course! I should be. I have my own hair stylist for free. Haha! And he's really funny. You should know him more."

No, thanks.

Hangeng wanted to say those words but he can't. "Ah... Ok..."

"Oh by the way!" Heechul gets something on his pocket. "You want this?" A lollipop. The lollipop that they used to share with. "But I just have only one of this."

Hangeng grinned soundly. "We can share, you know? Like what we used to do."

Heechul smiled, the smile that Hangeng always wished for, "Right. But this time, me first." Heechul puts the lollipop on his mouth while Hangeng just smiled and wait for his turn.

Once again, they shared the same lollipop but despite what Heechul said, he has still another lollipop he hid on his braided hair.

But being such a great observer, Hangeng knew what Heechul did.



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Omg....sooooooo CUTE:))))

Jealous Hangeng is sooooo cute<3333

I really do hope you'll write more Hanchul!!!

Thanks for update:)
Chapter 2: cutie Cutie hanchul ♥♥♥
my loves♥♥♥♥♥♥
I love your story ,so cute
where are you??? are you with yves???
afiercesong #4
This is so lovely ^^
Sapphirechan #5
Chapter 1: I also want sequel.... I've been looking for kid Hanchul
Chapter 1: do you want to build a snowmaaaan ~~ waaaa LSS ~~ :DDD
Chapter 1: Aaaaaaww cute cute cute >o< /squeals/
This is so cute aaaw Hannie you naughty boy you only want to taste Heechul from the lollipop kkk cute!
Chapter 1: omg... hahahaha sooooooo fluffy!!!!! LOLOLOL hangeng is so smart!!hahahaha chulla you're so epic.. overall CUTE