
School of EXO 2013
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[CONTENTID1] Luhan put his head down in his arms. His math teacher was droning on and on about some sort of functions and inverses or converses or something, (why were they even talking about shoes in math?) though he wasn’t really paying attention so he couldn’t say for sure. Closing his eyes, he dozed off for a bit before a loud yell made him jolt up from his seat.

“Yah! Luhan!” Mrs. Jung slammed the ruler she was holding down on the table. “Wake up!”

“Huh?!” Luhan widened his already big, deer eyes even more. “THE ANSWER IS X.”The class burst out in laughter. Confused, Luhan looked around the room.

“What?” he asked his classmate, Kai, who was sitting beside him.

Snickering as well, Kai whispered to him what had happened. Upon hearing so, he winced inwardly before looking up at Mrs. Jung again. Smiling sheepishly, he grinned up at her angelically. Mrs. Jung sighed loudly before telling him to see her after class.


           “Is everything alright?” Mrs. Jung asked Luhan. “No problems at home? Any particular reason you’ve been sleeping so much in class?”

           Luhan shook his head slowly, before bowing his head. “No, Ma’am.”

           Mrs. Jung looked at Luhan studiously. “….Alright, then. Just stop sleeping in class, okay? You’re dismissed.”

           “Yes, Ma’am.” Luhan bowed his head again before leaving.


           Walking down the hallway, Luhan took no notice of what was going on around him. Suddenly, a hand reached out and grabbed his arm. He looked up to see Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and D.O. staring down at him.

           “Come with us.” Baekhyun all but dragged Luhan to the courtyard.

           The three boys surrounded him, before pushing him to the ground.

           “Yah! Want a cigarette?” Baekhyun stood over him, his purple hair reflecting the sunlight shining down on them. He held one out, dangling it between his fingers. Luhan, being Luhan, looked at Baekhyun pointedly.

           “No.” He replied slowly.  

           “Come on, just one.” Baekhyun placed the unlit cigarette in Luhan’s mouth.

           Luhan just scoffed before walking away.


           Luhan, indifferent as always, was staring out the window when his English teacher walked in. Mumbling a here when attendance was called, he put his head back down to take a nap.                 

           Ms. Ahn was just about to start class when the door burst open and Baekhyun walked in the Chanyeol and D.O. behind him.

    “Byun Baekhyun!” Ms. Ahn yelled out. “Why are you late?”

    Baekhyun blinked at her before ignoring her and walking to his seat.

    “Byun Baekhyun!” Ms. Ahn yelled out once again. “Spit out your gum. And see me after class. Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo, you guys too.”

    Baekhyun rolled his eyes before spitting out his wad of gum and sticking it under his desk.

    Ms. Ahn could do nothing but start her lesson.

    It wasn’t long before she was interrupted again. This time, though, it wasn’t a late student. It was, in fact, the principal standing there.

    “Everyone, put your hands on your desk.” she ordered the class. Despite being a rowdy class, they listened to her immediately. Beginning to individual search the students bags, she went around the classroom.

    Baekhyun shot a glare at Luhan before taking the pack of cigarettes from his pocket and sticking it under his desk, on the wad of gum that he had stuck there previously.

    When Principal Kim reached Baekhyun, she called out to Luhan. “Search his desk.”

    Abiding her, Luhan got up to search it. “There’s nothing here.”

    “Shake it some more.”

    He did so, and the pack of cigarettes fell to the floor.

    “Xi Luhan. Byun Baekhyun. Come with me.”

Getting up to leave, Baekhyun kicked his desk aside before walking out of the room. Following behind him, Luhan bowed slightly before making his way out, walking behind Baekhyun.

    They reached the office, and Principal Kim told them to sit. Holding out a picture, Principal Kim looked at the two boys. “Is this you guys?” Despite the blurring of the picture, an outline of the two could be seen. It had been taken earlier that day, when Baekhyun had offered (rather, forced upon) a cigarette to Luhan.

    “No.” the two’s apparent reply came immediately.

    “What do you mean, it’s not you? Clearly--” Principal Kim took a deep breath. "Don't lie. You'll get in less trouble now."

    "No." The two replied again.

    Principal Kim could do nothing but let the two go back to class.

    "What are you trying to do? Get us in trouble?" Baekhyun  threw a punch down at him, hitting him right in the gut. Luhan coughed a bit, before replying.

           “Of course not.”

           Chanyeol scoffed. Ever the loyal friend he was, he kicked Luhan once. Luhan doubled over again, holding his stomach from the pain. D.O., too, despite his calm nature, spat words and insults. As Luhan staggered back, Chanyeol pushed him forward again, into Baekhyun, who held Lugan up by the collar, pushing him up against the wall.

    "Just don't get in my way." he dropped Luhan to the floor, walking away, leaving him gasping for breath. Chanyeol and D.O. each gave him one last kick and look of discern before following Baekhyun out.

    Luhan, as usual, was napping in  homeroom when his name was called once agaIn.

    "Xi Luhan! Xi Luhan!" The class was calling out.

    "What?" He blinked at his classmates.

    Mr. Roh, the homeroom teacher laughed. "They voted  you to be class president. "

    "Oh." He was about to put his head down when he jostled up. "WAIT CLASS PRESIDENT?!"

     "It's too late!" Kim Hyorin giggled. "Hullo, Prez!"

    Luhan could do nothing but groan at the pile of work that awaited him.

    It was during homeroom the next day when an announcement came that surprised Luhan.

    "We have a new transfer student." Mr. Roh announced. "Everyone welcome Oh Sehun!" The door slid open and there stood someone Luhan never thought he would see again.

    Luhan grabbed Sehun's bag as he walked out of the classroom, and held out a cup of bubble tea. "Here, I'll hold your bag. About your leg..."

    Sehun gave a look of disgust at him. "Forget it." Grabbing his bag back and neglecting the bubble tea Luhan held out. Pushing Luhan aside, Sehun left Luhan with his hand still outreached.

    "Yah! Don't leave me!" Luhan ran up to catch up to him. "Yahhhhhhhhhh!"

     Sehun, seeing Luhan chasing after him, quickened his stride, his long legs were no match for Luhan.

    "Oh Sehuuuuuuuuuuun..! "

    Sehun broke into a run.

    Baekhyun backed himself into a corner, calculating the men circling around him with careful eyes. There were about... 20 of them, so against him alone.... He looked around for escape routes. The way to get out with the least injuries...

    He ran forward, propelling himself towards the guy in the center. Throwing a punch at him, he ducked as the surrounding men came at him, hitting him from all sides. He fell to the ground writhing in pain. The men stood over him, shadow looming over him.

    “$500. We want it back by the end of the week.”

    That was all they said before they left a bleeding, wincing Baekhyun in the dark.

    “Byun Baekhyun is absent again?” Mr. Roh asked the class.

    “Yes.” the class chorused.

    He frowned. But Chanyeol and D.O. were. Where could Baekhyun be? “Chanyeol? D.O.? Do you guys know?”

    The two boys looked at each other and back at their teacher, shaking their heads no.

    “Alright, then. I’ll call them later, then. Class dismissed.”

    Upon hearing this Luhan stood. “Attention! Stand. Bow.”

    “Thank you, Mr. Roh!” the class bowed before taking their seat.

    “Thank you, class.” he exited.

    Luhan looked over at Sehun, who was staring out the window intently.

    “Sehun-ah--” Luhan started to make his way over to Sehun, who instantly stood up and left the classroom. Luhan could only stand and sigh as he watched Sehun’s retreating figure.

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