Painfully Beautiful

Painfully Beautiful

I always see you walking down 168th street heading to somewhere I don't know of. But you always stop in my shop to get what you need for the long day a head of you. I don't know your name but i know you always smie and say "Thanks Kibum" when I hand you, your caramel iced coffee. I watch as you leave while the sun shines on youjust the right way to make me feel as if you were an angel sent from heaven.The smile you send to others can just brighten up the darkest days here in New York. Every little thing you do makes my heart ache so much that I cant even look a way cause I feel that if I look away I will miss out on something so special.

I want to be part of your world someday, not just looking from the sidelines. To wake up to your face sleeping soundly on the pillow. Hair all over the place but still looking perfect.

" You know instead of Daydreaming you should make a move." I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to face my coworker and roomate, Aiden.

I leand against the counter and sighed, " If only it was that easy den. I mean you have seen him, he is god like, he is too perfect for me. A guy who is working in a cafe, and not to mention a not so atracctive one at that."

" Hey come on your a real pretty fellow, and that's coming from a straight man who has had a girlfriend for two years now. Which reminds me! Can you close tonight, me and Quinn are going out for dinner. Please Please Please do this for me?"

"I wont do it for you, I'll do it for Quinn since I love her oh so much. And stop showing me that ugly mug of yours. Bad enough I have to see it here and at home god!"

"Wah Kibum your the best ever!!!!" He hugged me tight.

"Ewww I dont want your straightness to rub on me. Vigina scares me!"

" I know it does. But since Mister wonderful over ther has a dont be to scared to reach out and grab him." He gestured with his as if he was reaching for a apple and picking it.

"Ew your gross please just sit in a corner." I pointed to a corner which I had labled Kibum's ew corner.

" But Bummie I don't Wanna." He used his baby voice; Which he thought worked.

" Sit Mister you're in time out for five minutes." I turned my back on him and went to go clean the now empty tables. I thought back to what Aiden said, maybe he was right all I need to do is take a chance and go for it. Maybe just maybe those dreams can become my reality. I smiled at the thought and looked down at the now shining table below me. My reflection was shown and my smile faded. In it i saw a korean boy about the age of 21 with thick black rimmed glasses, hair a mess. Who was I kidding I am nothing but an ordinary asian boy trying to make it through his days working on minimum wage and eating nothing but ramen his whole life. Where as Mr. Wonderful over there probably lives in a nice penthouse uptown, knows all the big names, has a beautiful walk in closet the size of my bedroom filled with suits, deisigner shoes and Tiffany watches.

We are two worlds apart. " Hey Aiden?"

I heard a muffled "Yeah" coming from the corner.

" Do you belive in the cinderella story?" My voice was low and shy. As if I was asking the stupidest question known to man kind.

"No I dont." He replied and my last little bit of hope fell. "But Kibum, I do believe in Mulan. Follow your heart Kibum, not your head." I looked back in shock, Aiden's face was serious as if he was trying to tell me something. I smiled at him and gave him a nod.

"You're Right."

" Damn right I am. I am The great Aiden."

"Okay mister dont go too far. But you do know its like five shoudn't you be home getting ready?" His face changed dramatically. And I swear to you I have never seen that boy move so fast before in my life.

" Thanks Kibum and Good luck tonight?!" He ran out the door as if he was late to his own wedding.

Such a silly boy. I continued to clean tables until I recalled what he said. " What's happening tonight?!"

10PM- Closing time

9:50 is the time that was blinking on the coffee cup clock. I was cleaning behind the counter when i heard the door open.

"Welcome!" I turned around smiling 'Yes last costumer for the day!' I thought as I finally saw who was standing there.

" Aiden's not working tonight?" I was shocked, it was him Mr. Wonderful...

"N-N-No he switched shifts with me. He has a date tonight." I tried to compose myself as he went to go take a seat at a table.' You can do this Kibum!'

"Hmm well I guess he was right then." He looked dead at me as I brought over his favorite coffee.

"You talk with Aiden often?" I placed his coffee down on the table and stood there awkwardly. He looked up and gave me a questioning look and did the worst thing in the world. He smiled and asked me to sit down. I did as he asked sitting down but my eyes never left his.

" So Kibum I hear you are into fashion." He took a sip of his iced coffee, his eyes staring at me.

" Yeah I may not look like it but im a fashion major." Cheeks were red no doubt about that.

" I think your style is cute Kibum." Again that smile.

" You know my name and my major but what about you?"

"I'm Jinki, or in your case Mr. Wonderful. I'm a music major" My mouth fell. Aiden told him about my feelings and thoughts! He is now a dead man.

" He told you?"

"No I over heard you guys talking the other day." I couldnt believe anything that was happening in this moment. Here was the man of my dreams talking to me and he knows about me. He knows I exsist.

So lost in my thoughts I didnt hear Jinki speak. "Kibum.." I turned to you and you reached over and took my glasses off. " Do you know That I couldn't look away from you when I first saw you. How I kept coming in here to see you and only you. Do you know how Painfully Beautiful you are?" His eyes were gazing into my soul. And I cried and laughed.

"You too." He smiled at me. "

Tu sei così dolorosamente bella ma io ti amo."


Jinki said "You're so painfully beautiful but I love you."


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wow I loved the plot, mr. wonderful hahaha a good description of onew xDD the last sentence was my favorite *0* amazing work
That was so sweet!!!
Kibum is painfully beautiful, and jinki is the Mr.wonderful.. Jinki keep coming to the coffee shop just to saw Kibum...auwwwwwwwwwwwww.... so sweet... ♥OnKey♥
this story is awesome
KaneMochi #5
haha true!!!<br />
Kibum is painfully beautiful *ouch it hurts to look at him* XD<br />
I am glad that Jinki loved Kibum hehehe XD<br />
Grinning like a fool while reading lol XD<br />
great fic!!!!<br />
write more Onkey, man! XD