Open Up - Sunggyu

Open Up - Sunggyu

Your computer screen lit up as you opened your ‘usual’ tabs and checked in on the world around you. Turning on some music you got to work answering fan mail and comments on your videos, checking in on your favorite bands as you multi tasked. Once all of your urgent business was finished, you went to your YouTube channel as you decided to interact with your subscribers a little.

Ok Subscribers, you have about fifteen minutes before I answer all of your questions before I answer them on video chat :D

Posting it on your wall, you put your laptop down on your bed as you slid off of the sheets, changing into a large shirt and some comfortable shorts, you put your hair into a loos braid that hung over one of your shoulders. Moving into your kitchen you grabbed some cereal as you poured the milk and headed back to your room. Folding your legs under you, you once again multi tasked as you waited for the time to pass. Watching the requests pile on your wall as you smiled widely at all of the unique questions.

Once you finished your breakfast and your time was up, you smiled at all of the questions.

Thank you all for sending in questions, I look forward to making this video :D

Getting to work you looked at all of the questions as you got your web cam ready. Turning it on your began to film yourself.

"Hello Everyone! I have received a lot of questions and I would love to answer them now." You said into your camera as you found the first question.

"How long have you loved Kpop?" You paused thinking as you counted back to the numerous years. "Just about three years".

"What is your favorite group?" You paused again but you already knew your answer, "Infinite!"

"What other groups do you like?" You paused as this was a loaded question. Naming off a few of your top boy and girl groups, you smiled as you looked at the next question.

"What was your first Infinite song?" Clicking your tongue on the top of your mouth, you didn’t remember the first song although you remember that it was around a few years ago. "I think it was The Chaser."

"What color of eyes would your dream guy have?" Smiling brightly you replied, "Brown" without a second thought.

"What would be your favorite date?" You paused as you bit your bottom lip, "I would love for a guy to cuddle with me and we watch movies the whole night, even if we both fell asleep on each other." You giggled looking at the next question.

"What is your favorite flower?" Not really thinking about this, you sort of just said a flower that you thought was pretty. "Lilly"

"Who is your ultimate bias?" Another question asked as you blushed, "Kim Sunggyu from Infinite."

"Why is he your ultimate bias?" Was the follow up question as you thought for a little while. "I think it is because we both appreciate music for the beauty and emotion that songs hold, I have been through a lot and music has always been there to comfort me, so it is like music is my boyfriend." You giggled as you knew that Sunggyu had said the same thing in This Is Infinite.

"If you could have anyone in the world to be your boyfriend/husband who would you choose?" You sat there for a while as you scratched your head. "If I had to choose someone right now, I would choose Sunggyu but if another guy came along, I would still choose Sunggyu."

Going through a few more questions, you finished up by thanking your subscribers as you waved to them with a smile and turned off your recording.

For the next few hours you edited it to the best of your abilities as you smiled at your hard work. Uploading it onto YouTube you checked in on your other sites that you were apart of as comments began to pour in. Watching a few music videos a sound came from your phone as it was one of your friends who happened to be one of your biggest fans.

Hey, did you see that Sunggyu responded to your video with a video of his own?!

Wait! Sunggyu? Kim Sunggyu?

Go check it out!

Opening up YouTube you saw the second from the top comment, it was Kim Sunggyu, you read the Korean instantly recognizing his name as your eyes got wide and your cheeks began to feel hot as your mouse hovered over the linked video.

Clicking on it brought you to a new tab as you turned up your volume and enlarged the screen, putting it in the highest quality. His angelic face filled the screen as he smiled and waved.

"Annyeong ________-nim! I just wanted to drop by and tell you that it was really sweet of you for liking me and for choosing me out of the hundreds of idols to be your ultimate bias. I just wanted to thank you and to tell you that you are really pretty and amazingly sweet! I watched your whole video and was blown away. I am very proud to have a fan like you, and I am proud to call myself your fan! Hwaiting!" Sunggyu said as he smiled throughout the whole video, it was perfect, then at the end Dongwoo and Hoya invaded the picture as Myungsoo and Sungyeol were playing in the back as Sungjong was playing with his hair.

"Hyung really likes you, _______!" Dongwoo said as he smiled and waved as well, Sunggyu covered his face and leaned out of the shot.

”______ and Sunggyu forever!” Hoya said as Sunggyu turned off the camera and you were in a fit of giggles.

Watching the video over and over, the sun had gone through its phases in the sky as you still sat in front of your computer, the light from the screen was bouncing off of your face highlighting all of the curvatures and valleys of your face.

A knock on your door interrupted your song as you paused it and slid off of your bed. Trotting up to your front door, you opened it to a man in a delivery uniform.

"These are for you Miss." He said with a charming voice as he handed you over a bouquet of Lilly’s. "Have a wonderful rest of your day Miss" He bowed to you as you bowed and took the flowers as you closed the door not taking your eyes off of the breathtaking flowers.

Spying a note within the flowers, you pulled it from the greenery as you flipped open the note.

I saw that these were your favorite flowers, thank you once again for the beautiful message. It really made me smile. - Your number one fan, Sunggyu <3

Rereading the note over a hundred times, you still couldn’t believe that he sent you these, flipping over the card there was a number. Furrowing your brow together you grabbed your phone as you typed in the number into the messaging app as you typed a small yet sweet message. Setting your phone aside a buzzing came through almost immediately. Pulling up the message you began to smile.

Ah ______ it’s you! I was getting so worried that I didn’t send it to the right place… - S

You sent the beautiful flowers to the right place! They were beautiful by the way :D

They aren’t as pretty as you - S

Did Woohyun say that? ㅋㅋㅋ

No! That was me! - S


You got me!!! - S

Sorry he stole my phone. This is the real me now - S

Ok, well thank you for the flowers and the message and everything, this is just a dream come true.

Talking away the rest of the night, both of you smiled and laughed at the conversation as you two instantly clicked and became great friends. Just a little opening up can go a long way, you never know who you could influence.

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Chapter 1: Awwww and they weren't friends or lovers from the beginning! New idea! I loved it ❤️❤️
So I'll make a video for Woohyun until he recognizes me hahaha.. that part though "did woohyun wrote that?" Hahaha we all know he's cheesy ;)

Making her video looked so real as if you were a youtuber or such
Thank u for the very cute feelings haha ❤️❤️
far_hin #2
Wowwwww. So sweetttt...
I love this story....
Chapter 1: Omg after what stuff with infinite and listening to their music i havecome to realize that sunggyu is my bias in the group
psungjae1122 #4
Chapter 1: awww gyuuu so sweet
Woo002 #5
Chapter 1: Aw omg this is so so illegal sweet I am dying <3 <3
Chapter 1: Awww!!! ^////^ I was giggling and smiling like and idiot the whole time lol that was super cute and sweet. Thank you for the cute story!!! GOOD JOB!!!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: ♥♥♥♥♥ I'm not a bias but you made me love it :3
Chapter 1: My Gyu feeelssss. They're overflowing. ;ω; I love your Sunggyu oneshots the most but it's probably because I'm biased. But then again... I love all your oneshots. They're so fluffy and t hey just make me melt into a puddle. Aigoo. >ω< I look forward to eve more fluffiness.
Chapter 1: KYAH ~ it's so good ^^
Makes me smile
Chapter 1: Video message from sunggyu to me please~ that was so cute XD