

Taekwoon was sitting idly in the studio, nervous but hopeful to get over the recording without embarrassing himself too much… Well why would that happen?

They immediately brought up the incident again and Taekwoon felt the rush of shame in his cheeks, his head lowering automatically as he avoided all gazes that were suddenly directed at him.

And he especially didn’t dare to glance at Jaehwan, he could feel his grin already and there was no need to feed his amusement further. It was more than enough that he could still hear the taunt of his voice whenever someone talked about the incident of his ped fly.

The smug prat.

‘I just undid it for you… didn’t know I distracted you this much.’ Jaehwan told him after that fansign with the of his lips, the image still having the effect to deepen Taekwoon’s blush further.

Well right, maybe he should have paid more attention… or not let Jaehwan crawl under his skin and unwind him the way he did, barely a few minutes away from their fan meeting… But really, Jaehwan was way too persuasive when he kissed him into oblivion in a secluded corner, the danger of getting caught fueling him on rather than stopping him.

Not to mention when his fingers found their way into his pants or when his mouth followed the path…

Then just whispered a tease into his ear with a low chuckle and left him there in a mess of his emotions and the aftershock of pleasure, his breathing just barely more erratic then his heart.

It was really no wonder he didn’t pay attention to anything, just barely making himself presentable in time…

Taekwoon shook himself then, halting the invading images and answered the question as politely as the jabs and his own embarrassment let him and sighed in relief when the topic was finally diverted from him.

Only then did he dare a glance at Jaehwan, it was impossible not to when he still felt the gaze of the younger on himself.

He just sent him a wink and mouthed a single word to him that left him thoroughly breathless again from the hidden promise of it.


Thanks for reading~

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Chapter 1: y and adorable (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ**.,' *Throws confetti
ishipyunjae #2
Chapter 1: Naughty Ken is such a teaseee..
Chapter 1: oh, nice! I like it :P
VixxKeo6988 #4
Chapter 1: I love this!! Lol Leo's ped fly super cute!!!
I loved how it's mature in a fluffy way if that even makes sense lol!!!<3