You're Beautiful


Annyeong! This is my first time writing a fanfic; hope you enjoy it! I'm not korean and neither do I learn korean; so if there are any mistakes in korean, please do tell me by leaving a comment below!  Enjoy ~ - Ashley

Italics -> This is used for the 'your' thoughts.

.*...* This is used for the author's notes. (me ^^) 

"..." This is used for concversation between characters in the story.


You are a schoolgirl studying in Seica High. You are well-known for being a nerd and you are looked down upon because of your fashion sense. You always top the class and level in each test or exam. You used to have 'friends', but they dumped and dropped you because of you were 'uncool'. One day, a someone enters your life and your life took a turn - for the better or for the worse?

*I'm sorry for this short foreword! I have tests coming up soon and I have to study! So sorry! But once they're over I'll be able to write more! Please subscribe and comment! I would love to hear from you all!*

Kamsahamnida! C:


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Plmokn #1
Update soon
yuxuan #2
Update soon
GlamorousXOXO #3
update soon I love it
yuxuan #4
this story is very intersting
Update soon, I can't wait to see where this story goes! ^^
handyhint #6
update soon :D
Ashazeki #7
Update soon i love it