Where the problem begins..

Wanted Girl

As promised, Mark arrived at the Moonlight Bar exactly at 11.30 pm. Luckily, there's no school tomorrow or else his mum would go insane by the fact that he is coming home late.

As soon as he enters the bar, his eyes scanned around to search for the familiar figure that called him exactly 6 hours ago. He is conscious of the stares that came from ladies around him.

He can never get used to the attention he got since 2 years ago after he change his style for the better. He used to be a nerd before.

Studying day and night so that he can have good grades and repay his parents. That’s why he doesn’t really know the latest trend nor fashion.

He’s too busy studying. He would always show up to school with his baggy dull shirt and pants. His hair was long enough to reach just above his eyes and he rarely took care of them so they were messy and dry.

He also wore thick glasses and had few pimples here and there. Back then, there’s not a single girl that would look at him twice. Some of them tried to be nice to him just so that they can get close to his best friend.

After much persuasion from Jeongmin, he finally agreed to change his appearance. Jeongmin had told him that he was actually very handsome and that he shouldn’t waste the precious gift from god.

And so here he is now, being the centre of attention with his soft red hair---properly styled. Wearing the latest jacket, skinny jeans and a pair of sneakers to complete the look.

Though he had changed his appearance, his personality hasn’t changed. He’s still the same old Mark who became cautious around girls. That explains why he’s still single.

His eyes lit up when he saw the familiar back of his best friend, downing the alcohol beverage in one go. His hair was styled with good amounts of hairspray to create that spiky look.

“Hey Jeongmin, what happened to you man? From what I remembered, you don’t really like to drink much. I thought you don’t like to get drunk.”

Mark mentally counted the amount of beer bottle on the table. There were at least 5 empty bottles. Jeongmin never really drank this much unless he had a really serious problem going on in his life.

His best friend doesn’t really like the idea of having to puke everything that he had consumed out and had to deal with a headache the next morning. That’s why he always restrained himself from drinking too much.

“She left meee…….That cruel girl l-left meee…” Jeongmin’s slurred voice made Mark snapped out of his thought.

‘He’s definitely drunk’ Mark mentally said.

“Why are you so depressed over some random girl leaving you? Doesn’t you have like hundreds more girls that you can have fun with?”

Mark knew his best friend is a playboy, he would flirt with every girl he met. That’s why he doesn’t understand why Jeongmin is overreacting now like it’s the end of the world. He had so many girls wrapped around his finger.

Jeongmin’s depressed face suddenly turned furious.

“She’s not just some random girl! SHE’S MY GIRLFRIEND!!”

Jeongmin suddenly raised his voice attracting unwanted attention.

Mark’s eyes widened at the sudden cry from his friend. One, it’s because he’s  purely shocked due to the latter raised voice. And two, it’s because he had spilled out that he had a girlfriend.


And Mark didn’t even know that.

“Alright dude, calm the down, there’s no need to shout whatsoever. Tell me about her, how dare you keep it a secret. I’m your best friend you know.”

“She won’t let me tell anyone about us.” Jeongmin’s lie started.

“One day, I figured out the reason why, she secretly played with a lot of guy behind my back. I gave her a lot of chances because I love her and I even tried to change myself. I don’t really meet up with my side chicks anymore. I don’t want to hurt her, but she did this to me. She won’t ever change and today she dumped me.”

 It’s ironic because Jeongmin is basically describing Sera based on his own self. For some reason, he doesn’t want Mark to know the truth. He knew his best friend would be really mad at him if he tells the truth.

Mark is fuming with anger, how dare that girl do that to his best friend. Who does she think she is? From what he remember, Jeongmin had never fall in love with anyone before. And when he finally had a sincere love, that just had to ruin everything.

Mark looks at his best friend with pity.

 ‘He must have been hurt so badly.’

His hand started patting Jeongmin’s back when he noticed his best friend is crying with his head down. He doesn’t care about the judging look people were giving around them.

“It’s gonna be okay Jeongmin. I know what to do with her. Just wait, I’m gonna make her life a living hell.” Mark said with determination in his voice.



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CubeLoverNaeun #1
Chapter 2: Do update soon~
I'm curious to know what happen next