Sooyoung's Anorexia


No wonder Sooyoung has the body of a 11 year old boy. Girl need's meat. Don't worry, Jessica's here to save the day.


Sooyoung's Anorexia



"Sooyoung! It's dinner time." I called from down the stairs. We had just ordered take out because not one of us felt like cooking. Well, I offered to cook. As you could already imagine, they declined. ing es.


"It's okay! I'm not hungry." She called back from her room. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. I've done got over the shock of Sooyoung not wanting to eat. God! The girl's skinny as it is. She NEED'S to eat. ASAP.


"Whatever." It's been a week since she's been declining to eat anything. I know she doesn't want to gain belly fat. Since she's naturally super skinny, she can gain weight on her belly while still staying very thin. But still, she is gonna lose a lot of unessessery weight. Her skin is also much more oily than usual. Her hair is not as fluffy or shiny either. Stupid SM for not doing anything. Well, they don't know she decided to go on a anorexic 2 week diet plan with only drinking tons of water and eating nothing. But still, everyone blames SM for everything, so why not me. Anyway, if they were smart, they would have noticed by know.


While I was to busy grumbling to myself, I failed to notice Sooyoung stick her head out of her bedroom door for a second, before quietly closing the door and going back to her own buisness.




"She still doesn't want to eat?" Questioned Tiffany when I entered the dinning room. I looked at her and shook my head no.


"Nope. She actually think's everything's gonna turn out okay. Tch. Can you believe it?" I said sitting down.


"Ehh." was Yoona's response before everybody went back to chatting with eachother.


It may not seem like it, but I was really concerned for Sooyoung. It really pisses me off how everyone seem's to not care. I mean yeah, me and Sooyoung argue alot, but come on. She's turned anorexic. ANOREXIC. Not healthy. AT ALL. Ugh! Some friend's right? Anyway, I love Sooyoung. She's like my sister. No. All of Soshi are like my sister. It's just that me and Sooyoung get on eachother's nerves. And that's how real sister's act together. You know, fighting and arguing all the time. Maybe that's why I feel so much more connected to Sooyoung that the other members. Not that I'll ever admit that out loud, of course. Can't have the girl's all fighting for my attention.


I sighed, suddenly not hungry.


"Hey guy's, I'm gonna go check on Sooyoung, okay?" I got up and quickly walked upstairs, not bothering to here the responses. When I was in front of Sooyoung's door, I knocked.


"Sooyoung can I come in?" the door opened and Sooyoung moved aside to let me walk in. I then sat on her bed and patted the spot next to me. She sadly sighed and sat down.


"You're here to ask me about what why I haven't been eating, huh?" Sooyoung said with a depressed tone.


"I already know why you're not eating, but why? Why put yourself through this. You gained a little belly fat. Wow. Your whole world must be crashing down around you right?" Jessica said sarcasticly.


"You don't understand. I want a body like Yuri. Healthy and fit. But it's hard. It's so hard." she covered her head with her hands.


"I hate my body. More than anything. I'm just a walking stick." she sobbed in her hands.


"Oh Sooyoung." Jessica put her arms around Sooyoung. Thank god Sooyoung was hunched over. And, that night, Jessica stayed with Sooyoung in her room. Consulting her like any big sister will do. Whispering sweet word's to her. Word's that would hopefully give Sooyoung more confidence in her body.


Week's later, Sooyoung was more healthier than ever. She wasn't as sickly looking as she looked week's ago.




~The End~


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summerwinter #1
Awwwwwwwwwwww :3
Short and sweet ^-^ Now I will feel happy for the rest of the night!