To My Once Epic Love


First love.


First heartbreak.


First kiss.


First date.


First dance.


You were my first epic love.



To My Once Epic Love


I know for a fact that I didn’t just met you for kicks. You were once in my life because you were supposed to be there. I was supposed to love you and you were supposed to love me then too. Once upon a time, we were each others’ world. Of course it saddens me that we had to break apart. But something also tells me that perhaps this is just a detour and somewhere down the road we shall meet again

You are my first in almost everything - the first who really touched my heart so deeply; the first who taught me several significant lessons about relationships; the first, who broke my silence and being a goody one; the first, whom I gave my kiss with pure love; the first, who I hugged so tight and I couldn't let go of; the first whom I shared my love with; and the first whom I almost gave my ''all''




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