You used to know me better than myself.

You used to know me better than myself.

Dani smiled as she wrapped the bouquet of flowers for her customer who had ordered through the phone. It was a bouquet which consisted of some of her favorite flowers which were calla lilies, carnations and stargazer lilies so it sorta brightened up her mood seeing how someone else liked the same type of flowers as her. As she was done wrapping it, a bell's ringing was heard as the front door open and in stepped her customer. 

"Welcome to Nature's Beauty." She greeted without looking up and when she did, she had hoped she hadn't because standing in front of her was her boyfriend and his ex with their arms linked together. 

"Hello Dani~" The girl dared to greet with a slur and a smirk. "Jinyoung-ah~ You said that you had ordered me a bouquet of flowers." The girl purposely said. "And you said it consisted of stargazer lilies, carnations and calla lilies, right? So this must be it." The girl continued as Dani's hands clenched into fists, her grip almost crushing the flowers' stems. 

"Lee Geumhee, Jung Jinyoung. The both of you sure have some nerves." Dani said through gritted teeth. 

"Get.Out." She said angrily without looking at the pair who stood before her. 

"Oh, you're kicking out your customers? Ugh! How rude." The girl, otherwise known as Geumhee faked innocence as she covered with her hands, feigning shock. She had purposely said it out loud so that the other customers in the store would hear what she had said causing them to shake their heads, muttering some unpleasent things before leaving the floral boutique as Dani silently watched with teary eyes.

Jinyoung who had looked completely uncomfortable from the beginning immediately shoved Geumhee's arms off his before stepping over the counter and towards Dani who was still glaring at the place he had been standing earlier with tear-filled eyes.

"Dani-ah..I can explain." He said, slowly growing worried as he gave the heart-broken girl a warm embrace while looking at Geumhee with a glare. "Lee Geumhee, I didn't know you would go through such wretched ways just to seperate me from Dani. Just..leave us alone." He sighed causing Geumhee to just glare at them before leaving the pair alone. 

"Dani-ah..I-" He got cut off by her pushing him off her. 

"Why? You knew that I'm already traumatized by my ex-boyfriend cheating on me with his ex, so why did you have to bring her into the florist store with her arms around yours?" Dani asked tearfully. 

"I thought you had understood me more than anyone else did but.. I guess I was wrong" She continued, looking away from him.

"Just...get out of my store." She sighed as she pushed him out the door.

"Goodbye, Jinyoung." She said without even glancing at him a second time as she shut the door.



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