Special Sunday

Special Someone

There was a knock at the door that broke Soojung from her concentration. "Come in!" she called, not even looking up from her laptop screen.


Her assistant went in without making as much noise as possible and informed the CEO, "Miss Jung, Mr. President would like to speak to you. He's in the lobby."


"Yeah. Thanks Jinri." Soojung said, eyes not leaving the screen. At that moment, she just wanted to finish the damn document before snuggling on the sofa and sleep. Thanks to her father, who apparently wanted to talk to her, she would have to waste who-knows-how-many-minutes on talking. And for her, those who-knows-how-many-minutes were probably more than enough to finish the document.


Jinri bowed before exiting the room quietly, glancing at the tiny pink veins that had appeared on the younger's eyes. She wished that Soojung would just not overwork herself. She knew the other long enough to find out she was a perfectionist. The company was running well, Soojung could at least take a day off.


Back in the room, Soojung stood up and stretched her body, eyes looking at the bright view of Seoul. The sun shone brightly, there were no clouds today and she could see cars speeding from different directions forming blurs along the roads, and billboards with advertisements - one of them advertising the latest product from her brand. She also noticed families; groups of friends were happily hanging out, enjoying their Sunday.


It sure was a nice day to go out. Perhaps for an ice cream?


She shook her head before smoothening her office outfit. Ice cream? Even though that sounded really, really nice, she knew she couldn't. Not now at least. Maybe she could stop by at 7-eleven to buy some junk food since she'll pass by it on the way home. It was summer after all. She exited her office and walked past her workers who bowed respectfully at her. She held a very intimidating aura and according to the workers, she doesn't speak much. But when she does, it would always be business related.


After going down thirty floors using the lift along with her assistant Jinri behind, they had finally entered the luxurious lobby. Staffs rushed from different directions - of course, not forgetting to bow to the CEO - whilst carrying stacks of folders.


She walked towards the waiting room, and there, she saw her father sitting down in casual clothes with his bodyguard behind.


The said bodyguard bowed respectfully once he noticed Soojung's presence. "Soojung-ah..." Her father's husky voice called as he stood up. "How have you been?" he smiled gently before sending a smile to Jinri who bowed in return.


Her pink lips curled into a tiny, genuine smile. "I've been fine, dad. What brings you here?" she asked straightforwardly. If it was going to be the talk about finding him a son-in-law, then Soojung would not be happy at all. She still had to lead a meeting about their upcoming brand; she had to finish that forsaken document that was waiting patiently in her office so any topic that has to do with 'dating' was the last thing she wanted.


"Don't be too cold, Soojung-ah," her father chuckled lightly at his daughter's usual ice-princess attitude. "Since it's a Sunday, and you've been working pretty hard for the last..." he paused to think, tapping his chin thoughtfully "three months on your latest brand, why not grab some ice cream? You look like you could use some cooling down."


Soojung sighed, "I have work, dad. Don't you have yours too?"


Mr.Jung shook his head, "It's Sunday, dear. Sooyeon at home with the rest of the band, your mother took a break too. She's also at home preparing lunch."


Soojung was a little bit surprised that an idol as busy as Jessica of Girls' Generation didn't have a schedule for today. "Come on, it's not every day you get to see your sister, right?" Her father pressed on, noticing how hesitant his youngest daughter was.


After a few seconds, she looked at her black - definitely expensive - wristwatch noticing it was only eleven in the morning and nodded. "Okay, but at four, I have a meeting to attend. It's important."


A sly, victorious smile was formed on Mr. Jung's face when Soojung turned around to speak to Jinri. "Jin, today's a day off. Go take a rest, okay? Send my regards to Minho." she patted the taller girl's back.


Jinri nodded and bowed to the CEO not forgetting to send a 'Take care' before leaving.


"Well? Let's go then." Soojung smiled before walking hand-in-hand with her father as the bodyguard trailed behind. Murmurs went around at the pleasant sight of a father and daughter. "Should I take my car?" she asked when she noticed they were going to enter her father's black Mercedes Benz sedan instead of letting her go to her own vehicle.


"You said you were coming back, right? I'll take you back to the office at half-past three."


"Can you make it at three? I still have some last documents to finish." Soojung pleaded with her puppy eyes.






The car ride was filled with awkward silence - maybe only to Soojung. The driver in front drove in silence, giving his full concentration on the road. Her father beside her was looking out of the window, oblivious to the awkwardness in his car. The only thing she had with her was her phone and her card to her office room. The rest of her belongings were still in her office. She decided maybe the phone could distract her.


After checking messages from some important businessmen, she decided to check if there were any interesting rumors online. She may be cold and serious most of the time, but checking some of those teenage stuff wouldn't be a problem, right? Her teenage years had always been filled with her father training her to be a CEO. No friends, no partying, no girlfriend times and especially no dating.


To her luck, there was one on the main site, posted at six in the morning.


"EXO Kai spotted with a mysterious girl holding hands!"


It says on the top of the page written in big and bold writing. Under it, was a photo of what seemed to be EXO member Kai wearing a black cap holding hands with a girl whose face was blurred. She did admit that Kai of EXO was handsome but she didn't want to waste time researching too much about him even though she was curious. Soojung knew he didn't have time for dating too. She scrolled down to find lots of comments already made by fans. As expected, most of them were negative comments.


Soojung shook her head, about to go to another article when her father's sudden question startled her. "How are you doing on the next product?"


"Um..." she responded while stuffing her phone back in her blazer pocket. "It's going well. Still haven't been reviewed, but I'm feeling positive."


"That's my girl." her father softly said as he patted her head before turning his gaze back outside.


In no time, the car arrived in front of a big, white mansion. Soojung spotted several cars parked in front of the gate. Must be Girls' Generation's vans as well as her mother's car.


She felt different after not coming here for three months. She has a luxurious house of her own and her busy work had made it difficult to visit. Entering the mansion, she could already recognize the voices chattering belong to none other than Girls' Generation as well as her mother's from the dining room. It send warmth throughout her; the feeling that she missed. Somehow, her work was completely forgotten. Here she was, all giddy and excited to meet her family after few months of not seeing each other but talking on the phone.


Without wasting time, she skipped happily into the dining room where everyone stopped their chattering to look at the intruder. In moments, she was attacked in a group hug.


"I've missed you so much!" Sooyeon beamed after everyone sent their 'I've missed you' and 'How have you been?' to Soojung.


"It's good to see you, Soojungie." Mrs. Jung hugged her youngest daughter gently after all the other girls had gone back to the table. "Sit, sit. We have lots to catch up on since it's not every day I get to see my ten daughters." the old lady winked at the group of idols causing them to laugh.


The dinner went well. Soojung had told her parents how the company was running well added with Mrs. Jung scolding her youngest daughter to stop overworking herself. Sooyeon said that it's been really fun yet tiring to promote their newest album. Indeed, Mr. and Mrs. Jung were very proud for their two daughters.


Of course it was all ruined when Mrs. Jung's big mouth (according to Soojung) decided to blurt out, "I sure do wish I had a son-in-law already."


Soojung groaned. Of course, that topic was going to come sooner or later. She silently cursed Sooyeon for starting with the 'dating' topic.


But other than that, the visit to the Jungs' mansion went well. Chatters and laughter filled the room. They had even played board games or card games just like any other family would on a Sunday. That day, Soojung kept her genuine smile across her face.


But before she knew it, it was already three o'clock, calling Soojung to go back to her work. Her father escorted his daughter back to the office. "Take care of your health, okay Soojung?" He patted her cheek softly through the car window once Soojung was outside.


She nodded before the window rolled up and the car drove away. Once the car was out of sight, she straightened her posture and walked back to the office, her mind switched back to business mode. The whole building was busy just like the time she left. Staffs rushed here and there, trying to get home as soon as possible. Entering into her office, she looked at stacks of folders and papers piled up on the desk and some even on the black leather sofa. She sighed before sitting down on the high back office chair and began typing on her laptop once again.


Well, at least she refreshed up at her parents' house earlier. It definitely helped her.




"Right, that's all for today." Soojung announced as she checked her wristwatch. A round of relieved sighs from the staffs filled the room as they stretched and packed their belongings after the full three hours of meeting. She inwardly sighed, also relieved to finally go home at seven. To be honest, today wasn't as busy as the weekdays. One by one, the staffs bowed to the young CEO before exiting the meeting room.


After her things are settled in her bag, she walked out noticing that the hallways were starting to get quiet. She hummed ever so quietly in her soft voice enjoying the silence; something difficult to find in her every days.


When entering the car park, there were only five expensive cars parked. It seemed like everyone was too excited for home time. She shook her head, before entering her own BMW sedan and drove home - not forgetting to buy some junk food. Her mind drifted to the work that awaits her the next day. It will be Monday - the most unpleasant and busiest day of the week for everyone. Those who are unemployed that wanted to work at the Jung corp. will come for an interview, more meetings to attend, and lots more. She took a deep breath so that her stress would at least decrease.


Entering her lonely and quiet house, she went straight to have a shower - like her everyday routine. After she finished a left-over dinner, she headed straight to bed planning to watch TV on bed with the junk food she bought. The TV showed nothing but boring shows and advertisement that she had seen more than enough times. She pulled out her drawing pad from the nightstand drawer and looked at her soon-to-be product.


Since it was summer, she decided that her brand; 'Krystalized' will bring fresh and colorful looks that the teenagers will definitely like. She mixed a bit of galactic and bright colors to make a new trend and hopefully, the review will come out nicely. Her hands worked on polishing the details in the drawing when something caught her attention.


She looked at the flat-screen TV and she saw the scandal about EXO's Kai from this morning being the main topic of discussion. Apparently, SM Entertainment announced that it was his sister whose hand he was holding and that they were on their way to visit their parents' house. Unconsciously putting her drawing pad aside, she kept watching the show intensely until she fell into deep slumber.

So this is all about Soojung's daily life. As you know, she's a workoholic and a perfectionist. Yeah.  
PS. In case you didn't know, Soojung is a fashion designer as well as the CEO of the fashion brand. The company is called Jung Corp. and the brand is called 'Krystalized'. 

Yeah. forgive me if there are grammar or spelling mistakes >_<

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Chapter 2: make kaistal meet up plsss....hehehehheeeee fast updateeee^^ thank youu
Chapter 2: just to make sure, girls generation here is under SM too?
Chapter 1: interesting..update more soon cant wait^^
estherrrlin #4
Chapter 1: oooohhh this is pretty interesting! Please update soon~ can't wait!
Chapter 1: The main couple is kaistal right?wow workaholic soojungie~
faithandpray #6
Chapter 1: This is great story, new character for krystal. Update soon ^^
Parkseyoung #7
Chapter 1: Wow, that's interesting! Update soon author-nim! ^^
Ooh, Kaistal!! Looking forward to it :) Fighting!