I Am Sorry


annyeong, meet (?) again >< fanfiction again~ fanfiction again.  this time malay fanfic ok >< lol just for fun yeah. btw I'm Kissme. You? ahahah ok do read my fanfiction nicely. Thankyou :)


kevin woo, yourself

/berjalan-jalan seorg diri di Gangnam Street/ "whoaa cantik siot barang-barang dekat sini. Ahaha rugi Eyka tak ikut aku. Membuta je minah tu tau" membebellah kau seorang diri

/paakkk/ "Aduh! Woi buta ke?! Tak nampak org tengah jalan?!" kau terlanggar seorang mamat Korea yg hensemlah jugak

"Mianheyo. Gwenchanayo?" maka keluarlah ayat korea dari mulut si mamat korea lagi korea

/ko dalam hati/ "Huk aloh mamat ni ckp korea lah pulak. Aku mane reti siot* *Err err you didn't see that I'm walking? Are you blind? GRRR" nah hamek ko kluar omputeh

"I'm sorry miss I didn't see you. I'm in hurry. I'm sorry again" explain mamat itu sambil melangkah pergi meninggalkan kau seorang diri

"Hey sir, you leave me just like that?" kau panggil mamat tu tapi sayang dia tak dengar dek kerana dia dah jauh

"Kuanghajo. Dia langgar aku pastu boleh pulak dia tinggal macam tu je. Habis putus sandal aku. Aduh mane aku nk cari kedai jual selipar ke kasut ke." kau membebel lagi

"Hey miss, are you ok?" tanya seorang lelaki yg baik hati /puihh/ datang tanya kau ok ke tak

"I'm sorry. That is my friend who's hit you just now. I don't know who's calling him but he run after he pick up the phone" explain ler mamat tu panjang lebar

"Oh jadi tadi kawan kau lah ye. Eh /dia bukan org melayu ler/ err so that guy who hit me is your friend?" kau bertanya

"Yes. errmm are you okay?" tanya lagi

"No I'm not okay. You see my sandal what happen" bebel kau

"Omo come follow me. I'll buy you new one" ajak mamat tu

"ey wait. Who hit me? You or your friend? Why must you buy me a new one? Ask him lah" 

"No it's okay. I'll apologise for my friend. I don't mind. Anyway, why a pretty girl like you walk alone here? It's dangerous you know. Luckily you meet me" dengan bangganya mamat poyo ni bercakap sambil jalan tepi aku menuju ke kedai jual kasut

dalam hati/ ceh gatal molek mamat ni. sekali aku terajang kang. nasib baik dia nk belanja aku selipar/ "I'm bored 24 hours staying in hotel. I did ask my friend to out but she said she's tired and sleeping like crazily in the room" explain aku panjang lebar

"Oh I see. Eh we're here. Sandal's shop. Choose which one you want. I'll pay" katanya sambil senyum

lepas 5minit pilih selipar "Here! go pay" amboi bekengnya

lepas bayar kt kaunter "Ok done. Btw, may I ask you to drink coffee with me?" tanya mamat tu

"No I'm sorry I have to go" kata kau sambil berjalan keluar dari kedai

"Please please please? Just once. Don't worry I don't have a girlfriend so no one will mad. Or you have a boyfriend?" kata mamat tu sambil kenyit mata

dalam hati /oh mak ai hensem keyh mamat ni kenyit mata/ " I...I...can't. I...." kau tergagap-gagap

"What are you scared about? I'm eat rice not human. I'm vegetarian ok. Hahahaha" gelak sakan mamat tuh

"Ok since here many peoples and you're not dare to hurt me so YES. But beware, I know taekwando, okay. THIS IS WARNING!" bangga kau kejap

"Wooooo I'm scared" mamat tu buat muka poyo ajet-ajet muka takut

-Dalam kedai kopi yg bernama *Coffee Prince*-

*Oh sorry I've forgot to ask your name. btw what is your name?* tanya mamat tu

*Did you need to know?* aku ajet-ajet sombong

*Oh c'mon I'm just want to know your name.* pujuk mamat tuh

*Ok my name is (your name). Satisfied?* 

*Whoaa your name is beautiful. btw my name is Kevin Woo.* kata mamat tuh sambil senyum

*Ouh ok, Mr Kevin* kata aku selamba

/handphone kau berbunyi/ "Hello. Beb kau dekat mana? Asal kau tinggal aku sorang-sorang?!" kawan kau call

"Hello beb nanti kat bilik aku explain. Kbye" kau tutup phone and terus mintak diri nk balik bilik



-Seminggu kemudian di Namsan Tower- 

"Wahhh cantiknya Namsan Tower. Bestnya kalau datang ngan family" kau teruja then snap pic dgn kawan kau

"(your name) shhi ! (your name) shhi !" seorang lelaki memanggil kau

"Macam ade orang panggil aku" toleh belakang "Kevin?" kau terkejut

"Whoaa we meet again (your name) shhi." kata Kevin sambil senyum

"Err yup hehe" entah kenapa kau gagap

-masa kawan kau tgh gi beli aiskrim, Kevin ajak kau jalan-jalan-

"(your name) shhi. I wanna say something to you. Seriously I can't keep it anymore. I hope you can hear it with full of your heart" explain Kevin. aku dah berdebar-debar ni.

"What is it, Kevin. Just tell me. What is it?" tanya aku dengan hati yg penuh curious, cehwah

"I....I....I....." /gagap/

"I what?" aku bertanya. dalam hati dh marah dh ni. sabor jela


"WHAT?! BUT WHY ME?!" aku terkejut

"I don't know. I'm fall in love with you when I first time saw you. Do you remember when my friend hit you last week and I buy you new shoes? That time my heart were pounding. My heart never lie to me and please trust me that I love you so much. Be my girlfriend?" luah Kevin

"I'm sorry Kevin I can't be your girlfriend" aku berterus terang


"But why?" tanya Kevin

-kau dan Kevin duduk di atas bangku sambil kau bercerita tentang masa silam keluarga kau-

"When I was 4 years old, my father's friend, a Korean named Yeo Hoon Min were killed him. He were jealous with my father just because my father always got big tender from overseas." explain aku panjang lebar

"But he is not me. Not my father and not my relatives. Why can't you accept me?" Kevin sedih

"Yes he is not you, he is not your father neither not your relatives but my mother hate Korean. My mother were shocked and he said to her childrens that *DO NOT CLOSE WITH KOREAN. KOREAN'S BLOOD WERE KILL YOUR FATHER. KOREAN CAN'T BE IN OUR FAMILY. IF YOU LOVE MOTHER YOU MUST LISTEN TO ME*. Look Kevin, I love you too" Kevin kaget

"Yes I'm admit it that I love too but I love my mother more. She's suffering after my father passed away. Pity her. I wanna be a good daughter to her" luah aku sambil nangis

"But-but we can still be good friends right? Please be my best friend please" rayu Kevin

"Of course, Kevin. I will be a good good friend to you" kataku 

"I'm sorry if I had made mistake to you along we know each other. If I die, I can't ask apologise to you anymore" tetiba Kevin cakap pasal mati

"Hey why are you talking like that?" aku marah

"Who knows" Kevin senyum

-kawan kau datang bawa aiskrim-

"Amboi rancaknya korang berbual. Aku tak datang bawak aiskrim pun takpe ni." kawan kau bergurau

"Hiisshh diamlah" kata kau dalam nada bergurau

"Errmm I'm sorry I have to go. I have something to do. See ya. Nice to meet you guys" pamit Kevin


-sedang kau dengan kawan kau tengah syok menikmati aiskrim tiba-tiba-

/paaannnggggg/ semua orang terkejut

"Weh ade orang accident weh. Jom jom pegi tengok" ajak kau

"Beb ni bukan kawan kau Kevin ke?" kata kawan kau

"Kau jangan main-main beb." kata kau tak percaya. kau pergi dekat mangsa yg dilanggar tadi

"KEVIN !" aku menjerit terus menangis

"(your name) shhi. I have to go. Go away from this world. But don't worry, I'll always loving you wherever I go" ucap Kevin dalam keadaan darah berlumuran dikepala

"No Kevin. I will take you to hospital. ANYBODY HELP ME CARY HIM" aku menjerit. air mata makin laju

-tiba-tiba mata Kevin terpejam-

"Kevin! Kevin! Hey Kevin! Wake up! Wake up!" jeritku sambil tampar muka Kevin. tapi sayang, Kevin tetap tak buka mata dia

"I'm sorry miss. Your friend were passed away" kata seorang pengunjung. aku ternganga. Kevin meninggal di tempat kejadian

"NO! KEVIN NO! WAKE UP!" aku memanggil lagi. kawanku beberapa kali suruh aku bersabar

-orang ramai membawa Kevin ke hospital. aku masih lagi menangis-




~Mohon kutuk yg baik-baik je k lols~


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Looking forward to updates ! :)
citer sedih lagi tapi takpe sebab best! >o<
selamat tak meleleh air mataku...
I don't wanna say bye bye, woohoowoo~