

'Smile... You're on camera.'

Jessica pov

Smile. That's what you're meant to do infront of the camera right? But why can't I do that here? Oh yeah, that's because the people I used to call me family are dead. Slowly we're all dying it's inevitable. Either that or we kill. A smile of insanity itched itself on to my lips... Should I kill someone?

Made the poster myself! Woo first successful poster /creys

Anyway this is going to be a psycological, mystery, horror story. It's going to be pretty grim so if you can't handle thart kind of stuff i advise you not to read. It won't be rated because it isn't going to be gory.

Anyway hope you enjoy it! o/


A silhouette sat happily infront of what seems to be a security room. The figure laughed as cries of pain, sadness and fear sang from a few of the televisions. The others were blank. Dead. They weren't of any use anymore seeing as how the owners... Expired?

An eerie cackle rang through the ears of all the remaining prisoners, reminding them that no matter how hard they try there is only one escape. One shameful escape. Be the last one alive.

'Smtown's a wonderful family right? ' A voice breathed through the broadcasting  system. 'Wrong.' It scoffed.

'Who would've thought that trapping them in the place they once loved would slowly lead them to kill.' Another added. 'Woops, I did.'  Together the laughed a painfully disturbing chuckle.

A/N; I won't add woolim into it because that's way too many characters. This already has too many characters... So it will be the main smtown artists. Sorry. {By main i mean mainstream kind of most well known artists..}


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Please please update soon!!!
I'm really looking forward for your Update!!
I can't waaaiit <3
blackfrost #2
finally found my cup of tea!
please update as soon as possible!
are Kim Jun Su , Park Yu Chun & Kim Jae Joong of TVXQ(JYJ),HanKyung of Super Junior featured in your story?I'm actually a cassiopeia & i'm just curious about it.
fuzzymonkey #3

cool... scary poster though, heehee... by mainstream you mean dbsk to exo right?

update soon
exostal #4
Update soon ^^