A Kiss to Remember

Banana Kiss

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Taking a deep breath and inhaling the sweet smell of hot chocolate in the air was so relaxing. To make the atmosphere even more relaxing, the lights were dimmed and there was music playing at a low volume.

You wrapped your fingertips around your coffee mug that held hot chocolate with extra marshmallows instead of coffee. You smiled because the cup was warm and it was one of the couple mugs you shared with your boyfriend, Yoseob. His cup was next to you with steam rising from the hotness.

Yoseob came into the room with a boat-like bowl in his hands and placed it in the middle of you and himself. He smiled at your sparkling eyes and took a seat next to you. "Doesn't this feel so relaxing now?"

You nodded, "I love hot chocolate so much and this view is great. It almost feels like a dream..." The view was on a mountain side with the table against the large window.

"Well, it's real yeobo. Sorry to disappoint you."

"Yah, how is that disppointing?" You giggled and playfully slapped his arm. "I'm glad that this isn't a dream. Drinking hot chocolate and eating a banana split to share with you with this type of view is amazing..."

He smirked and gave you a spoon, "Here, let's start on this banana split before it melts from the heat in here."

You nodded and took the spoon, "This looks so yummy! I'll feed you first."

"Ahh~" He opened his mouth wide as you stuck the spoonful of vanilla ice cream into his mouth. "Mmmh, delicious...you want some?"

"Nah, I'll just have some more of my hot chocolate for now." A minute or two later, you heard a chuckle and turned your head to Yoseob. "What is it?"

He didn't respond. Instead, he shyly stared at the ice cream and your eyes happened to follow his. The spoon he was holding was in the same spot he was gazing at so you turned your head to see what was so funny.

Once you noticed what it was, you gasped, "Yah! What the heck?! ert!!"

"I'm sorry! It just happened to look like..." You pinched his arm and he yelped. You instantly took your spoon and moved both of the cherries away from the banana so that it wouldn't look like a guy's dingaling.

You folded your arms and pouted. Yoseob giggled at the cuteness and pinched your cheek, "Yeobo, mianhae~"

"Your erted joke ruined the moment!"

"But I couldn't help it!" You turned your back to him. "Yeobo-ah, I'm sorry. Can you forgive me, love?"

"Hmm," You thought then stuck your tongue out. "Mehrong !~"

"Baby, don't be like this~"

You smirked and turned back his way. He pulled your arm and threw you into his arms for a hug. You blinked from shock. "Y-Yoseob--"

"Shh," He cut you off then raised your chin up to look you into the eyes. "I'm sorry. I mean it.."

"Yeobo, gwenchana...it's okay."

"Huh?" He blinked.

You smiled at his baby face, "I still love you a lot." He blushed as you wiggled out of his arms. "Heh, now let's eat this banana split before it melts!"

"Hm, arasseo~" You and Yoseob began sharing the banana split he put together. You both fed each other, bite by bite until you were convinced that you was full. He poked your cheek with his spoon but you wafted it away with your hand. He giggled. "Come on, just one more bite!"

"Aniyo! I'm full!"

"Fine, I'll eat it." He poked at the ice cream and shook his head in shame. "Really, you should have accepted this last bit. There was a nice chunk of banana with vanilla ice cream and fudge in that one scoop~"

"Describing it won't make me want it." You mumbled as you watched him eat the last bit of the frozen treat. "Wow...pig."

"Yah~ it was good and you missed out on it. What a shame."

You rolled your eyes, "Actually you're wrong. I'm smart because I saved room for my hot chocolate--Oh, my marshmallows melted!!" You pouted disappointedly and frowned into your coffee cup. "What a waste..."

"Tsk, who's smarter now..." Yoseob smiled. You ignored him and drunk your hot chocolate.

You pulled away quickly and whined. "Ow! Ow! It burns!!"

"Yeobo-ah, gwaenchana? Are you okay? Aish, why would you drink it like that? It's H-O-T chocolate!"

"Ah! I forgot~" You bounced up and down in your seat until the burn started to cool off. Yoseob stared at you for a second or two and started to laugh. "Y-yah...what's so funny, eh?"

He continued to laugh, "Baby, since when were you a fan of 'Secret Garden'?"


"You have a little...mustache; it's probably from the melted marshmallow."

You wiped your lip. "Did...did I get it?"

He shook his head, "You didn't watch 'Secret Garden'? That's not how you take it off."

You blinked, "Eh...?"

"Come here. This is how it's done," All of a sudden, he raised your chin up again and planted his lips onto yours gently. It caught you off guard but you closed your eyes, expecting a passionate kiss. Yoseob closed his eyes as he kissed your warm, chocolatey lips. You smiled and opened your mouth, allowing his tongue in for entrance. His tongue roamed around, making sure he got every inch of your mouth before both of your tongues wrestled each other.

He made sure he ran over your burn before pulling away. "Now, does that feel better?"

You nodded, blushing like crazy. "Were you doing that because I burned my tongue or for the fun of a parody?"

"Both." He flashed his gorgeous smile. "I guess if I wanted to taste something chocolatey...I'd just have to kiss you."

"Oh please. All I tasted was banana."

"Do you want another taste then?"

You thought about it then broke into a smile. "Yes." He smirked and leaned in for the second time to capture your lips again.


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Wow, my first one-shot ^.^ I got bored and had writer's block on my other fics so I came up with this. It isn't really random though. This actually came from a dream that I had, only that this is just a bit...different than the dream.

Yoseob isn't my bias in Beast, although I love him a lot, I was shocked to have this dream with him but I'm very glad that it was him.

I will post the original when I get the chance!(:

Thanks for reading!!<3

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Aww, I loved the Secret Garden parody part!! xDD Wish that would happen to me LOL D;
So sweet x3 make another story please, lol, awesome
faerie2010 #3
Cute ^^
cute <3
awwh!! so cute! <3 >.<
Cute ! ;3
kagamin29 #7
Its beautiful =)<br />
Especially since its YoSeob talking to the reader. <br />
Makes it more personal. <br />
Thank you so much. :)
-Pandy- #8
Thank you ^.^
cakelover22 #9
D'awww! ;) this story is sooo cute! plzz update soon!