Waiting For You


Soolie goes back to their old house. 

It's been 6 years.

She remembers everything. 

The smiles, the laughters, the kisses.

The goodbye.

She misses Kyungsoo.

But it's impossible to be together now.

Or is it?


For all you OC people. 

I am sorry this is a very self-indulgent fic. 

Written for my feels. 

I love you.

And you, too. Do Kyungsoo.


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intann_jkl #1
Chapter 1: aigoooo >< i can't. its soooooooooooo sweet author-nim<3
Chapter 2: asdfghjkl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DAMN~~~i love it very muchhhhh....ahhh,you made me cry~~~ma bias fellzzzzzzzzzzzz.....so sweet
Yummoz #3
Chapter 1: gaijgskhjgshagahjshjwqva MY KYUNGSOO FEEELLLSS UGH.
Chapter 1: It really make me cry. I love this story so much. Good job, author-nim ^^
Chapter 2: WHAT IS THIS BEUTIFUL PIECE ㅠㅠ I LOVE IT!!! so sweet and cute and teary author-nim made me cry and smile in the end. this is so beautiful :')
ellexoxobtob #6
Chapter 2: If someone'll say this is dumb, inna strangle them. This is just perfect.my ship is sailing. KYUNGSOO-SOOLIE couple has that toe-curling, fluffy-butterflies-in-my-tummy feel just like chanbaek. ♥♥ this ship is sailing in turbo speed.♥♥

You do owe me my sanity back though, so pay up. ^_^ you almost give me a major heartattack.I was like: "if these two won't end up together, I will throw my phone and cry" so imagine my happiness when they both did. ;) ♥♥

I'm glad you finally wrote this. About time you gave youself a chance and let jongin/kai envy you instead. ^__^ he'll get over it. ;)
Chapter 1: ikaw si soolie???ahaha
Chapter 1: Auwwww what a beautiful story from you :)
elibelii #9