General Information


Facultas. A world dominated by beings you’ve only ever heard stories about as a child. You are not celebrities here, oh no, you are the very dreams and nightmares that clouded our minds growing up. So, you can tread lightly or stomp your way along... but no matter what you do, choose a path and stick to it. Will you make friends or foes here? That’s up to you. But remember. The saddest thing about betrayal is, that it never comes from your enemies....

I · II · II · IV · V · VI

Going into further detail


As soon as a member joins the roleplay, they begin at the first level of which ever race they choose to become. For example, an Omega if the character is a werewolf or New-Blood if the person is a vampire. Characters can go up in levels with points they collect by making posts and being active. The higher you go in your race the more power and abilities you have, so naturally things will become even more interesting.


Werewolves, or those who walk among nature, are the strongest when the moon is full. With the process of transformation (going wolf to human or vise versa) clothes are shed in the transition. Both male and female wolves do go into heat every two-three months, just make sure to inform one of the admins when you choose to do so.

» --- Omega: All wolves start out as omegas.
» --- Alppha: In charge of everyone in the pack. 


Demons consume and devour souls to sustain them. A soul, in short, are the memories of any living thing. Yet, this can be risky. In taking the memories, the demons will feel whatever it was that the being was feeling in that particular memory. Demons eyes are a constant dark red that glow purple when hungry. When feeling intense emotions.

» --- Fledgling: Are demons that have been stripped of their horns and wings (left only with a tail) and left on Earth.
» --- Fiend: Are granted back their horns.
» --- ghost: Can see and communicate with the dead.
» --- Necro: Can raise up to 3 corpses to aid them for a limited time. Any time they draw on their power to bring back the dead they shave a little of their own lifespan each time. Grow their wings back and can go to and from hell.


Humans, too, have a part here. They are the basic foundation that makes up the whole of Facultas. From working in the fields, to heading the politics, and all that goes on behind the scenes make no mistake in thinking little of the humans. After all, they made it this far on will alone.

» --- Paesant: Everyone starts off a peasant.
» --- Knight: Once knighted you gain more respect, you still have to listen to your lords and ladies but many doors open up for you.
» --- Lord/Lady: Are the second most influential power besides the King/Queen. Can own big plots of lands. » --- King/Queen: Rulers of the land.


The elementals take only one of the aspects of the world and use them as powers in the form of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. No matter which element is used they can live as long as the earth does, as in, they can’t die from disease or illnesses.

» --- Plantae: Have to draw on the Sun as well as food for energy. Become weakened at night or cloudy days.
» --- Shaman: Element becomes second nature to these able to cloak themselves in it like armor.
» --- Oracle: As they become closer. with the elements around them they begin to see visions of the future.
» --- Sage: Is an empowered state that can be entered by blending natural energy with ones own energy.


Mirrors are a reflection of the body and soul. So as such, since vampires lose a little bit of their soul the stronger they get, they have no reflection. Vampires can be in sunlight but after going a week without consuming blood, the sun can make them weak and even ill. Their eyes can, though not always, act as mood rings. Turning red when angry or hungry and turning blue when sad or scared.

» --- New-blood: All vampires start out as new-bloods. This is the period in their life where they are most sensitive to the sun and their thirst is the greatest to make up for the fact that they still have a soul.
» --- Subsiders: As Subsiders vampires gain the ability to start sheathing and hiding their fangs from view. Direct sunlight is no longer an issue to those who feed.
» --- Clava: The Clava can fully transform/shapeshift into a bat for a limited amount of time. Their bat form, though small, gives them the edge in finding and singling out their victims in the dead of the night.
» --- Supreme: A supreme can do everything a Clava and Subsider can do as well as being able to emit a pheromone that they can use to put others under their control for but an extremely limited time.



Facebook Based Roleplay


09/15: Opened

Looking for new members!





Facultas is a facebook based, fantasy themed roleplay established on September 26th, 2015

♀ 02

♂ 17




ReOpened 9/26/15


Come join

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Is this still a thing?
I can't believe this rp reopened again. Waah.. sorry this isn't an application yet. I'm just checking cuz I saw this in my notification. It's been a year already since I joined. Btw, are the admins still the same?
Seo Inguk

His fingers curled into the woman's hair as he drew her closer, aching for any sort of feminine touch that would bring him back home. He reminded himself that he was paying her for these services, but a dull ache throbbed in his heart when he thought about ruining her life the same way his father brought ruin to his. He loosened his grip on her hair and pulled himself away, fighting the vivid image of a broken family inside his mind. Her dainty hand grasped for his shirt, but he stopped her midway. All he could see was the look on his mother's face when his father left to his castle, disowning his bastard son for the second time.

GMT - 5

Minor question: because this is fantasy based, is it based in medieval times or is it meant to be modern? ; w ; I assume medieval because of the hierarchy system you've put in place.
go sanggil

it's been centuries since the beginning of man. too long since the beginning of everything worth anything and in its solitude humans have poluted it all. physically and metaphorically earth is lost. the dark thoughts that seep into the poisoned earth from the finger tipes of unworthy creatures has poluted the pure and created a new generation.

sanggil stared up at the sky holding his breath as he felt the first few drops fall from the sky and upon contact with pale ehite skin it steamed up and dissapeared.

fire sleeps.

he sat up from the grass, as an elemental he could not harness the power of fire yet but he could feel it lay dormant.

password = est
_nuguu #5
Chapter 2: Name: Krystal Jung
Group: F(x)
Race: Human.
Kingdom: Alliance
Here she sat. It was all a show. People were intrigued by the elegance this young lady held as she basically breathed, her beauty awed those around her. The werewolves, vampires alike were thirsty for her- every day of her life, she lived in fear. For her beauty, for her just to gaze in their direction – These monsters would do anything but right now, she was a in feud. She hated every monster living in their kingdoms, they played around with humans and looked down on them- without the human mind, without the human’s will- they wouldn’t be here.
These monsters ought to know that.
But the obviously don’t.
And that’s what angered her.

i promise on your soul i'll write something better.
Password: GMT+0.
(new I thinks o.o)

Name: Son GaIn (Baby-G)
Group: Brown eyed Girls
Kingdom: Distortions
"As the demon woman slumbered for over 100 years. Her power slowly slept within her. Causing her body to frail. The lack of food and water, any body will weaken. Demons in constant good too keept at full patential. But in most case, demon are only put into.slumber by a seal. Human or any other being that arent a demon, cast that spell upon strong demons. In fear of their own lives and their childrens.."
Password:GMT-east =_=
Hello admins, will you be interested in listing your roleplay thread into our roleplay directory 'Lost & Found' for a free 24 hour promotion? We are a database to help roleplayers find active roleplay threads faster and easier without having to hassle through pages of tags for hours. Hope you consider the offer!

Name: Edwin Lou
Group: Youtuber
Race: Elemental
Kingdom: Hostile
Writing: In replies
Password: GMT+2