Rules/ Warnings / Blacklist

Once upon a fairytale time Fb roleplay! NOW OPEN!


001. Respect everyone. Please no bashing of other artists, roleplayers, or admins. 


002. This is a third person roleplay. When roleplaying in a group (except for confessions), please write in third person format. 


003. Drama is allowed in the roleplay, but keep it low. Absolutely none of it is allowed OOC.  


004.  and Yuri is allowed and highly encouraged, but please remember the straight people out there too. 


005.  is allowed everywhere, but please remember that anything violent or triggering such as or abuse is not. 


006. Using PM to roleplay is not allowed. Talk on each other's walls or in the groups. That's what they're there for. If the admins see someone hasn't roleplayed on someone's wall or hasn't started a post in the groups for two weeks, you're out. We would like to keep the roleplay active.  


007. Do not add people outside of this roleplay. It's a good way to get us all security checked. Admins will randomlly check your friends list. If we see you have someone outside the roleplay as your friend, we'll ask you to remove them. If you haven't by time we check again, you'll be given a warning. 


008. Be sociable. Please don't leave anyone out.  


009. Be online often, a few times every week at the least. Not only does it keep the roleplay active, but it also decreases your chances of being security or activity checked.  


010. Inform an admin if you are going on hiatus, your account is locked, or if you're leaving. We also have a document in the 'Main Office' where you can write the information down.  


011. When talking in OOC, please use brackets. () [] {}


012. This is an AU roleplay. You aren't idols here, so please don't introduce yourself as such.  


013. Pregnancy/mpreg is not allowed, but we are allowing you to AU roleplay it or 'adopt' kids (fictional or other roleplayers, being a parent figure for them).   is not allowed under any circumstances, if you wish to rp that KEEP IT IN PM - this is the one time rping in pm is allowed. People find it offensive and it will not be tolerated.


014. If you'd like a second or third account, or if you'd like to change your character, check with an admin first.


015. If an admin asks you to do something, please do so as soon as possible. 016.Please do not argue excessively with any admin. You can defend yourself when you think you've wrongly been given a warning, yes, but please do so at your own risk. And don't get snippy. Be as polite as you can, because we don't want to do this any more than you do. We aren't trying to be the bad guys. 


017. We go by a three-strike system here. If you break one of these rules, you'll get a warning or a strike, depending on the severity of the situation. If you get three strikes, then we kick you out. There's a two month waiting period for those who are kicked out and not blacklisted to have the opportunity to join again. This is a privelage, not a right, so please remember we can turn you down.


018. After 4 months of perfect behavior, 1 strike will be removed. However, if in that time you earn more strikes, the clock starts over.


019. When you have been accepted; please add Ouaft (insert character name here) as your alternative name so we can tell you apart.
(e.x Goo Hara; (Ouaft Anna )


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