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Exo Pairings- Poster Request Shop-Not taking any requests!



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sad i cant see the graphics anymore :(
Areumda #2
Chapter 9: can I request??^^
HI there! I'm back (lol). I can see from the title that you're not taking any requests right now, but I srsly loved the poster you did for me for 'Sandglass' so I was wondering if you know, just maybe... ; u; it's okay if you're not taking any reqs tho. :)
Chapter 1: Hi, Are you not taking request's at the moment?
Author name:  kris-owns-ikarin96

Story title: Without Doubts

Story link:

Characters: Kris, Chanyeol, Kai, Suho

Theme:  Its kinda angsty so a sad theme it is ^^

Picture link- Ah i cant give you any pict since im using my phone so its up to you really. im sorry!!

Additional: Quote: You dont know me, nor my life, but i have no doubts in you, at all.