
Song of broken promises

Song of broken promise 


Daehyun sat silently in his room, knee to his chest and rocking slowly to the music. He tried to embraced himself in his own warmth, trying to keep his heart from freezing up. 

He remembered the first time he saw Yongguk, during his first year in high school. He was so handsome, and Daehyun couldn't help but let the tiny blush adorned his cheeks when the other met with his stare. The taller man flashed him a smile, and Daehyun thought it was the most beautiful. 

He remembered when he first learnt his name. He was a third year, but looked a little more mature than his age. He had a little authoritative aura around him, but he was very friendly. Daehyun loved how he would smile and say hello to everyone, even the kids who were ignored. He loved how Yongguk wouldn't mind spending his time helping other, and always, a smile was on his face. That was when Daehyun realized he was developing a little crush on the older man. 

He remembered Yongguk's confession to him. He was surprised, but at the same time, he felt like he was going to burst with happiness. He blushed furiously, and the other smiled at his cute reaction. Daehyun could felt his heart thumping loudly in his chest as the older man leaned closer to him. They shared a kiss that day, sweeter than candy and softer than marshmallow. 

It was Valentine day. 

He remembered their first date to the amusement park. It was crowd that day, and Yongguk made sure he held his hand so that they wouldn't loose each other. Daehyun thought it was very sweet of him. They stayed until 10, and enjoyed the firework show in the amusement park together. Hand in hand, they shared a kiss. And at that moment, Daehyun thought everything was perfect. 

He remembered final exam week, when everything was hectic and crazy. He was having a hard time memorizing all the material he was supposed to, and Yongguk was there, helping him through it. He would help him revised. And he had taken Daehyun out for celebration because he did well on the test. Daehyun knew it was all because of Yongguk. He was there for him. 

He remembered Yongguk and him walking hand in hand. They enjoyed strolling down the street, like they were in their own world. Nothing matter, because they has each other. He liked the way Yongguk's elegant and beautiful hand wrapped around his. It was simple, but he was the happiest. 

He remembered Yongguk's final year in high school. He was busy, but he would always find time to spend with Daehyun, and Daehyun was much happy with that. He had cheered for the older man when he took his college entrance exam, and screamed with joy when his boyfriend got accepted to the college of his dream. Nothing could be more perfect. 

He remembered Yongguk's graduation ceremony. He watched Yongguk proudly as the older man walked on stage to deliver his speech. His eyes beamed with joys, and heart filled with happiness. When Yongguk finished, he had clapped the loudest. Yongguk turned to find him in the crowd, and when he did, he gave Daehyun the brightest smile. 

He remembered the last day before Yongguk left for college. They sat by each other, sharing warmth and kisses. Yongguk Daehyun's hair lightly, and the younger snuggled closely to him. Daehyun loved Yongguk more than anything, and Yongguk's love for him was more than the world. 

That night, Yongguk made lots of promise. He promised he will waited for Daehyun to graduate. He promised he will be the first one Daehyun met in college. He promised they would rent and apartment and live with each other. He promised they would get married. 

Yongguk had promised to stay and love him forever. 

But life was unexpected. Yongguk left, and will never come back. 

It was sudden, and it came so hard it broke Daehyun into pieces. 

He remembered being by Yongguk's side in the last moment of his life. The older man was lying on bed, weak and fragile, and Daehyun had wanted nothing more but for him to stay alive. He told Yongguk that he was going to be alright, and that they would go to college together, and that they would get married and live forever with each other. Yongguk's hold on Daehyun's hand tighten a little. A tear slipped down the older man's cheek, and he smiled. 

I love you, Daehyun. He said. 

Daehyun's heart had broke, along with the promises that were made. 

The promises were to never be completed. 

Daehyun let a tear slipped down his cheeks. Quickly, streams formed on his cheeks. His body shook lightly, and sobs filled the painfully quiet room.

The eerie music made everything more depressed, but it eased Daehyun's bleeding heart a little. 

Music danced around the room, like the mourn of an angel to the old happy time. 

He played in once again. 

The song of broken promises. 


A/n: forgive me for updating something sad 2 days after Valentine. On the bright side, our B.A.P babies won 3 times this week. Holy ing . 

I'll see if I can do a fluff bangdae to make up for this. 


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aryadrottning #2
Chapter 1: :'( :'( nooooooo
bdz357998 #3
Chapter 1: Omg this was soo sad T T
That was very beautiful! I loved every word of it!
Chapter 1: You made my heart bleeding like a violent river. Sad, but very very very good.
Chapter 1: Oh god! I cried so hard shed yongguk said the last I love you..
it was something I needed, I wanted to read something sad and cry, thank you! :')
Chapter 1: Whyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! ;A;
XaraKAI #8
Chapter 1: ah.... i teared up a bit. i knew it... that yongguk is such a nice guy that he won't break their promises intentionally.