When I was.. When You were..

When I was.. When You were..

They saw each other again. She smiled at him. He smiled back. Soojung and Myungsoo.


"How are you?" He started the conversation. It's been a year.


"I have been really fine." She smiled. She was still the same.


He just nodded. He knew she was lying. 


She missed him. But it's been a year so it's alright now.


"Honestly, I missed you." He did. 


She looked up at him.


"What did you miss the most?" She smiled again.


The thought of it made him chuckled. She has been doing it all along.


"The way you smile."


His answer made her eyes went o.o "Really?"


He chuckled again. "I never tell you this, but i always liked the way you smile and talk."


"Well, you always smile at me but it always seems like you are a little annoyed." She said. Can't help but recalled the memories. It made her smile. It was funny how he, who seemed cold can make her heart flutter whenever she saw him.


"What about you? What did you miss the most about me?" She found that question strange so she laughed. Even to Myungsoo himself, it was strange. Myungsoo was never the type to ask such question. That's why he laughed along with her.


"I will speak honestly, because you has brace up yourself yo crash that ego of yours." Soojung continued to laugh. Myungsoo just smiled. But he really wanted to know though, what she missed the most about him.


"It's been a year but the thing i can't forget is the sound of your laugh, whenever i talk, whatever i say." It was his turn to be surprised. She smiled seeing his surprised face.


"Really? I didn't know because you were always frustrated with me." Soojung always whine over Myungsoo who always have that expressionless face. It made him seem cold. But she knew he wasn't.


"Am i?" 


He nodded. "You were always pouting and mad, it was so cute."


They looked at each other and laughed again. Their sudden confessions were really shocking to themselves. Secretly, Both of them wished that they could be this honest, telling how they felt about each other, when they were still together.


Myungsoo still felt that it was a waste that they didn't know what each other had been doing for a year. While Soojung thought it was good how they used to care for each other.


But it's been a year.....so it's alright...


hello...! myungstal shippers~

i was looking at Krystal & Chen - When I was.. When You were translation lyrics and thought about making a myungstal story. (listen to it if you haven't! krystal's voice is really nice, sweet, i love it  TT) it's a bit angsty and no happy ending but yeah, i like it

i'm forever sorry about the grammatical errors, lol

i don't really write story here, just when i feel like it. and i was a hardcore myungstal shipper and i am a HUGE fan of Krystal Jung.  well, that's just some random saying.

so for now.. okay bye.... #AnnaStyle

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asyilasa #1
Chapter 1: Ok this is so sweet! But this is too short i want more! Hahaha

I like this song alot, chen and krystal voice are amazing huwaaaaa

Sequel pls?
exo-noona #2
Chapter 1: omg.... so sweet ;_;
Chapter 1: Okay, I haven't heard the song krystal & chen but I've fallen in love with the lyrics because your story! Good job author ^ ^ I'll try hear their song~
tarquin #4
Chapter 1: o gosh finally i reas something like this, i love my krystal and this song for me is really good i love her voice, i dont undertand whay the people say that krystal its not good but for me she is just perfec!!
an_nachan #5
Chapter 1: i agree with u..
the combination of krystal and chen voice is amazing.. their voice is so sweet.. I don't know why the other always say that "why is krystal? why isn't Luna?".. But I think this song more suit to krystal than Luna.. And I always imagine how is if D.O who sing this song with Krystal.. I'm fall in love with his voice after I heard goobye summer... D.O's voice,Krystal's voice and. that song really suit each other..
Myungiejungie #6
Chapter 1: Thats cool...make a story from the song lyric...love it ♥♥