Agony, Whips and A Buried Innocence.



His eyes gaze expressionlessly at the many staring openly.

His body emanates a sense of regret.

He struggles with the emotions that cloud his senses

And he thrashes about trying to ward away the threat.

His eyes yearn for help,

But his wrongdoings far outweigh his good.

In the court of his mind, the judge of his life,

Crafts his destiny as he should.

He resists, he tries hard,

but his efforts seem all in vain

He refrains from shedding tears, he refrains from wavering

Although the truth proclaims he was born to inflict pain.

His humanism turns hazy

He s for his emotions that relate him to all things compassionate.

But, try as he might, the union fails to emerge.

His life remains isolated, his humanity plummets.

He cannot decline, he has no right to repudiate.

He lives to wrench away lives.

He survives unwillingly, he survives out of love.

The only human feeling in him that still thrives.

Beneath all the hatred, the cruelty and malignance,

He searches to redeem his human self.

He searches for sentiments that bond him with mortality.

He searches for altruism inside of himself.

He pleads not guilty.

He asks for justice, he seeks to reform his nature.

His empathy tries to resurface and he seems to say,

“I just need to find my innocence buried beneath my anger.”



A brilliant flash of light blinded those present. Taemin felt a sudden spasm of pain rush through his thin frame. He screamed in agony. He felt changes occurring throughout his body. Moments later, the transformation was complete. Taemin stared at his skin in disbelief. It was smooth and soft beyond words. “That will help you in your job.” The leader said, as he noticed Taemin glancing at his skin. “This way you won’t leave any finger prints when you go about doing your job.



Taemin lifted his gaze upwards and locked eyes with Minho. He stared unblinkingly into Minho’s hazel brown eyes. Minho escaped into the watery depths of Taemin’s moist, alluring eyes. “What’s the matter?” Taemin asked indifferently, as Minho continued to gape at him with an incomprehensible expression adorning his face. Minho struggled to tear his gaze away from those intense eyes and tried to focus his attention elsewhere. But now, his gaze fatefully stopped at Taemin’s inviting lips. Those luscious, pink lips seemed to lure him to try out its savory flavor. Minho gasped inwardly at the thoughts that flitted through his head and turned his focus away from those tempting, full lips.



              A sudden, uncontrollably painful jerk of agony rushed through his body, making him shudder violently.

A hard, cruel voice penetrated deep into his ears icily, “So, Taemin. We meet again.”



          Drops of blood gushed out of the slash he had nibbled on his lips. Minho looked at Taemin and saw him unblinkingly staring at his lips. Involuntarily, Minho blushed. Then, struck his self inwardly for letting down his manhood! But, try as he might, every gesture, every move, every instance when Taemin would glance at him, his manhood would fail him. His vanity and snobbery would vaporize and Taemin would leave him a love struck teenager. Although he vehemently opposed the simple reality that he was drawn infallibly towards Taemin, a fraction of him continued to hope; did Taemin feel the same way he did?

              But, the thoughts that ensued in Taemin’s mind couldn’t have been more contradictory.

“Blood, that blood…If only I part of his lips I could have him dead in no more than a few minutes.” Taemin thought dourly, looking intently at his lips. “I could kill him right here…right now…I could just kill him…”




                Okay, so I spent hours trying to think of a good title for this fic and guess what? I think the title's completely inappropriate...-_- But, those are just minor issues. Here's my second fanfic! (I'm disregarding the one I wrote for the AFF Summer Fanfic contest thingy) So, I'm still a novice! I need help! I beg for criticism! And mostly, I NEED COMMENTS! Please? o:)

                 Anyway, my exams just got over today so I celebrate by posting a story! :P So, please read if you will. I'll try to keep it interesting...^_^" No promises though. And, no fixed time period between the updates. If I'm happy, I'll update in the next hour, but if I'm irritated, like I'm going to be for the next few days as the results are coming out, you're gonna have to wait a while...:P

                Happy reading! (Sorry, I couldn't think of a better way to end it...xD)

Oh, and there's obviously going to be 2min in this! Definitely! And, I'm going to add JongKey in as well. Poor Onew, I really should stop sidelining him...Sorry. :3

Rated for future .

Okay, well here's the result of my insatiable craving for reviews. I sort of expected a better review and I'm pretty sure I could retort satisfactorily to most of the comments made on my story, but I'm keeping my mouth closed. 
Review from some Lemon something shop, I forget. I'll probably start ranting if I don't stop typing soon so. FULL STOP!

I know I'm awesome so I need no reviews! :D (This review sort of scared me into hiding. I'm never gonna request a review from anywhere again!)
Oh, and a question, is my foreword messy? Not that I'm gonna make it any less messy even if you say it is, just asking. (:


Alright, lovely readers who never comment on my story, you see that beautiful poster that's put up? And of course not to forget, the lovely black 2min background that's just screaming for attention? Well, I got it from...

                                    Ahjussi & Chicken Graphic Shop

You know you want a poster as magical as this, don't you? Well, rush there and go get one! They're amazing! T^T


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i really like this~~
Update soon please~
Chapter 10: Minho must have spazzed and ed so hard over what Taemin just said. Aslsdkfjhjksla?:dklfjhjkl
Chapter 10: Oh mer gewdness ;OOO; what goodness have I been deprived of for so long?! I love this, and you, too much, I swear. How could I ever have forgotten about this? T.T
I love how Taemin's so desperate to get attention, and, eventually, a kiss. It's rather... y, I suppose XD
And then! ;A; Minho's character is so perfect, too. Like how he's so confuddled over his feelings for Taemin, and just the way he's so protective.

God, this has to be continued. If not, I'll bash my head against a wall because this fic will eventually be the death of me, anyway YnY it's such a gem... <3
Chapter 8: (btw, I'm fudgebox. Fudgebox with an awkward username.)

It appears something must have happened because i didnt get the update notificatioin from this fic. ;~; WAEYO, AFF?! WHY DO YOU DO THIS?!
And then I saw your note on chapter 8. Sdjhfdjklsaghfdjklsghfjdkhfj yes, how could I have done that T~T I will go around to reread this entire fic! Just you wait!

/begins reading
so awesome!!!
“Making myself look more…alluring.” Taemin said softly, almost a purr.
Such a little XD

“Now, I’m definitely not leaving you. I shall rip apart every person that even tries to get close to you, you get that?” Minho said wildly, his fist in ball while his veins throbbed and pressed against his white skin.
Aww I love protective Minho T^T

Great update;_;
aoiworld #9
update please...
...still don't have time to read this just yet. T.T But I wanted to let you know that I will read it soon and leave you another nice comment when I do. <3<br />
<br />
In the meantime, have some Christmas cookies: