New valentine?

A new beginning, and maybe a new valentine

It was a chilly night.

Jae Hee shivered as the cold wind brushed past her.

She was walking along the Han River, her mind void of perceptions and thoughts.

5 years ago, during this time, she couldn’t quite remember when, she had a crush on this certain guy. The guy that completely stole away her heart.

Park Jimin

And now, 5 years later, she was still in love with him. She didn’t dare to question who he ever liked, and whether he had ever had just a little crush on her. Because it opens up a fresh wound. The wound that hasn’t turn into a scar. Yet.

For the past 5 years, it was hard. Very hard. Although at a period of time, she had completely put away her crush for him. Totally. Literally. She didn’t even felt anything. She even rejected him. But now, when the feelings returned, it hurt.

Everything hurt.

The memories, the things that related to him, the wounds and bruises he had given her. Unconsciously.

She tried, maybe not hard enough, to forget his feelings for him. Because talking to him isn’t trying hard enough to forget those feelings. It’s almost impossible to forget those feelings when she talked to him every so often.

Jae Hee wrapped her scarf tighter. It was spring, but it still felt like winter.

Jae Hee walked towards a coffee shop, vintage-like, beautiful, filled with the smell of the olden days. Jae Hee smiled. She loves these kind of olden things. She loves vintage.

She walked towards it, her flats bouncing up and down the pavement. Her long hazel brown hair flew in the windy night. The moonlight shined on her face and her face reflected the calmness of the breezy night. A rubber band wrapped around her wrist. A habit of hers, bringing a rubber band everywhere.

From far, a guy, Jeon Jung Kook, was looking at her with curious eyes. He hadn’t seen anyone who was as beautiful as her in his entire lifetime. He saw how the moonlight reflected on her jawline.


Yet, he had a feeling she is going to snap at him if he approached her suddenly. He pouted, not knowing what to do. He wants to talk to her but didn’t know how to. She seems friendly. He had seen her around the school campus for a few times but didn’t actually pay attention to her features and how beautiful she actually was.

To think of it, he was paired up with her during Chemistry. He felt a pang of pity. If only he had tried to get closer to her then, everything would have been perfect now. But she was always too busy talking to another girl, who, hardly ever talks or smile. That other girl looks to cold. She always had an expressionless face and seriously hardly ever open . He shuddered at the thought of that girl, he would rather treat her like an invisible person like everyone did.

He strolled towards to the coffee shop he saw Jae Hee walked into. As his shoes brushed against the pavement, he thought of what to say when he approached her.

And without knowing, he had already reached the entrance of the coffee shop.

With sweaty palms and a messed up mind, he walked into the coffee shop with nervous steps.

He stealthily stole a glance at Jae Hee and his heart sank.

That cold girl, was there with her, again.

“Why does she always have to get between Jae Hee and I? She’s such a pain in the ,” Jung Kook shook his head and took a seat that wasn’t too far nor too near Jae Hee’s seat.

He ordered some garlic bread and a cup of cappuccino before finally settling down on his seat.

He kept glancing at Jae Hee and he was sure, that cold girl had already noticed his presence because he had felt her gaze on him. He felt her scrutinizing him and that surely sent shivers down his spine.

How can someone as warm and nice as Jae Hee be friends with such a cold and rude girl?

Jung Kook waited for that cold girl to leave her seat before he  decide to take actions.

And fortunately, she did, minutes after his orders arrived.

“Tsk, couldn’t she have left after I finish my orders?” Jung Kook rolled his eyes.

Oh well.

He stood up from his seat and approached Jae Hee slowly.

Jae Hee’s gaze was fixated on the passer-bys outside, not giving a care in the world as she mouthed the lyrics of the song that was being played in the coffee shop,


Jae Hee turned her head and saw Jung Kook, the guy she had once worked with on a chemistry project. She actually thought he was pretty cute. If only he wasn’t so attached to that stupid Park Jimin, she would have taken the move and got closer to him.

“Hi!” Jae Hee grinned at him.

Jae Hee’s smile was so breathtakingly beautiful that Jung Kook felt his heart skipped several beats.

“May I take a seat?”

“Sure, of course,”

“What are you doing here late in the night? It’s already 10pm,” Jung Kook asked, trying to stir up a conversation.

“Oh, I’m spending the last minutes of Valentine’s Day with my friend,” Jae Hee smiled at Jung Kook again.

It took Jung Kook every ounce of self control to stop himself from frowning.

What? Spending time with a friend? On Valentine’s Day? She should spend it with him!

“Oh I see. Would you mine spending it with me as well?”

JungKook wanted to slap himself square on his face.

Who on earth would ask such a stupid and irrational question?

Only Jeon Jung Kook would.

“Of course of course,” Jae Hee laughed lightly.

Her laughter travelled through his ears like music. So soothing, so melodious.

All of a sudden, Jung Kook felt a stare and someone scrutinizing him.

He knew who it was.

“Yah, stop with that cold stare and sit down!” Jae Hee stood up slightly and dragged the cold girl onto another seat.


She only continued staring at him.

“Just don’t care about her, she’s like this. You’ll get used to it if you spend time with her,” Jae Hee said as Jung kook only nodded, knowing for sure he didn’t ever want to spend time with such a cold person.

For the rest of the night, Jung Kook and Jae Hee conversed and talked about different things.

Jung Kook found that they both have a lot of common interests and he know this was going well, he was one step closer to making her his.

But for some reason, he felt as though she already have someone she loves.

That didn’t crush his hopes.

Because whatever Jeon Jung Kook wants, he gets.

When the clock strikes 12, the cold girl nudged Jae Hee and she informed him that they were leaving.

Jung Kook was absolutely pissed and annoyed at that girl but didn’t say anything.

He exchanged numbers with Jae Hee before Jae Hee was hastily dragged out of the coffee shop.

Jung Kook pumped his fist in the air.

At least he got her number.


“That is Jeon Jung Kook, no?”

“He is,”

“Well, I can see he has interests in you, and you really enjoy talking to him,”

“Yea, I do enjoy talking to him. He seems like someone that is funny and cute,”

“Then I hope he would be your valentine next year,”

Jae Hee slapped the girl in the arm and started chasing her back to their apartment.

Maybe, just maybe, this would be the start of a new beginning.

Maybe, she would end up as his.

Oh, yes, she would.


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