The Playbook

The Game Plan




- The Next Morning -


“Is there a ballet school close by?” MinNa asks as soon Minho wakes up from the couch


“Do you know how to fix a ballerina bun?” she asks more in her ballerina tutu


“Do I look like I know how to fix a ballerina bun?” Minho groans while pop his knuckles


“My mom says we're not supposed to pop our knuckles.” she's afraid of the sound of pops


“Well, your mom didn't sleep on a hard sofa instead of her specially designed

$ 10,000 orthopedic bed made by Dr. Johan Gustavo, of Switzerland.” Minho state while glares at MinNa


“What's... What's with the Beethoven?” Minho annoyed with the morning serene


“It's Tchaikovsky.”


“ Do you listen to this every morning?”


“ No.”


“Sometimes I listen to Bach, or Rachmaninoff...” MinNa start to list her favourite pianist


and Minho signal her to stop



“Do you have an iPod?”

MinNa shook her head

“Because I'm going to buy you one. Immediately. Like right now.”


“I'm going to buy you an iPod.” Minho said and stretch his knucles again and goes to the bathroom


after Minho had his refreshing shower, they head to the kitchen to make breakfast


Minho starts to put those weird things again in the blender ughhhh


“And that's why I use tuna for protein and flavor.”


“Mmm.” he said deliciously looking at the colour of the odd juice


“ Gross.” MinNa groans



“Yeah, that's my favorite.” he put the brocolli in the blender as the last ingredient



“Minho's juice.” he pour one glass to himself and one to MinNa's


“Okay. That's enough.”

“I'm gonna need you to drink up.”

“You'll be running the in under 4.5 in no time.”


“That smells worse than school food.” MinNa feels gross around the juice.


“You know, speaking of school, why aren't you in it?” Minho asks while drinking his juice


“ I'm on break.”


“In January? No you're not.”


“Yes, I am. I go to a magnet school, so I have January off.” MinNa starts to twirl around the kitchen with her pink tutu



“Really? Well, guess what? I'm not on break.”

“As a matter of fact, I'm on the opposite of break.”

“So I'm gonna need you to come over here,” he tried to stop his daughter


“put some hustle in it, and drink your breakfast.”

“MinNa, stop messing around.” he feels annoyed now



“What?” MinNa didnt hear Minho





as MinNa twirl around, she hit the on button onthe blender and the kitchen goes mess.. the whole of it


“No!” she shout



“That's real nice.” Minho sarcasm his daughter



Minho carrie MinNa and put her on the countertop and grab her bedazzled notebook that she use to draw


“ You know what a playbook is?”


“I'm guessing it's a book with plays?” she try to guess



Minho draws the house plan roughly and put an X's and O's to the plan



“Oh, I get it. The Xs are for kisses and the Os for hugs.” she tried to be positive



“Wrong! The X's mean "stay out of these areas of the house. "

"The O's mean "open access. " ”

“For example, you want to go to the kitchen, straight to the penalty box.”

“But now you go to the kitchen, big X.”

“Off limits. Foul. No access.”

“Can't go there, because you made a mess in the kitchen.”


Minho start to babble as his kitchen is the victim and he's the one who need to clean it up


“Do you understand?”

“No trick plays, no flea-flickers. Got it?”


“Got it. No flea-flickers.” she said understanding Minho's command


“This is your game plan.”

“Learn it. Live it. Love it.” Minho state and give back the crayon to MinNa and leave her alone at the kitchen

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Chapter 6: very nice chapter please update soon!!!
Chapter 5: is cute update soon!!! <3
Chapter 4: very good... please update soon!!!
Seems like you gotta update ;) nice plot though =D
Chapter 1: nice beginning... haha cute weh kalau dia ckp cemni "minho appa.." awwww haha kbye xD