Chap 2 - My Little Diary

Our Never Ending Fairytale
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Soonkyu was back from her school, she threw herself to her bed, to regained her energy after those tiring final exams, gladly, it was her last day. She looked at her desk, found the princess still sat nicely on her piano. Well, she never had brought the princess to her school, nor showed it off to her friends who made fun of her once. She found it's too precious, she wanted to keep the princess for herself. It has been 6 years that the princess has accompanied her, she would talk to the princess everyday, like a friend, chatting about her school. She could talk about everything to the princess that she couldn't to her school-friends. The princess, is just like a diary. She felt the princess was her long lost friend, or was her ?

" J-Princess, today is my last day of exam! I believe that I've told you yesterday right? I'm going to make up for not talking to you much these past few weeks, we're going to talk all night, is it okay for you?" She got up, took the princess from her chair, and back to laid on her bed.

" J-princess, don't tell anybody okay? " soonkyu stared at the princess seriously, pretending that she's alive.

"Promise ? " she held up her pinky, it was too big for the princess to hold tough, but she assumed the promise was made when she touched the princess' hand.

" Well, ehem, there's a boy, I-I think I like him, he's really good-looking you know, he sits in front of me in the class, not really a good student, because he dozed off frequently, but still, his grade, is above mine, I don't know how, so I decided to ask him, he said that it's the problem in here," she pointed at her head , " I know that he only said that for joke, so I took it lightly, we started to talk much from there, we're closer now,  plus, during the exams, he's willing to help me study. You realized that I woke up earlier recently, don't you? Hehe, I have him to teach me before exams, well, I studied really hard, so he wouldn't struggle too much to teach me...."

The talk was going for another couple of minutes, before soonkyu slowly drifted to her sleep, leaving the princess on her heaving chest.

"you must be tired, sleep well" an unnoticed voice spoke.







-Few weeks later-

The same talk happened again for tonight, " J-Princess! We are graduated from our elementary school! Finally! Yay! and you know what?!" she suddenly jolted up from her laying into sitting, looked at the princess who didn't move , " he's going to the same junior high school like mine!"




-First entrance day of junior high school-

" J-Princess! I meet a lot of cool friends today, and him of course! I was so happy to find him in the same class like mine, he sits in front of me again, I hope we'll be closer this time! "




-A couple days later-

" J-Princess! I have a new nickname! My new friends said that my name sounds so old, so they decided to change it, my name becomes Sunny now! Do you like it? I like it very much! and he likes it too!  He keeps calling my name this entire day! "




" J-princess, we had a sudden test this morning, I only got 70 for it, but that pig! who always sleep in the math class, got 90! ahk! I'm so jealous of him, wonder what did he eat to become that smart! "




" J-Princess! I sang in art class, and he said, he likes my voice,  he kept telling me to sing for him yesterday, I had my sore throat because of it. And today! I found that he secretly recorded it in his phone! Could I assume that he likes me too? not only my voice?"




" J-Princess, he had his hair cut today! he looked... totally handsome! <3 But I kept teasing him that it didn't suit him, our playfulness starts to make it's harder to express my true feelings, what should I do?"




" J-Princess, I think I'm falling in love, Tiffany said we'll have stomachache if we fall in love, and I felt it when I was with him. Is it truly a love? Have you ever feel it, Princess? "




"J-Princess! He asked me out to the amusement park! I said yes, of course, if you're asking. I think it's the perfect time, should I confess to him?"




" I hate him, J-princess! I hate him! And her!"

and sunny didn't talk for days after that.




Another typical day of school, what made it different was the blanket that has been covered Sunny's body for hours since she was back. She immediately rushed to her room after her mother unlocked the car, she didn't want her mom to see her so

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Chapter 3: Oh god.... Your story make my day T.T
If only it continue more... I was jumping when I reading it :D
nelly515 #2
Chapter 3: My new fav sunsica story ^.^
Chapter 3: Cute, really, really cute and sweet!!
Omg!! Prince Sunny :D and Princess J !!!
Love this story pretty cool :D
svnnyknight #5
Chapter 3: hmm.. shouldn't it be wife and wife? don't hate me because i feel Sunny's look and manner are very feminine even more than Jessica does. and i love her femininity a lot! but its your story so yeah. well.. this is a cute story. i like it ^^
LoveSoshi999 #6
Chapter 3: I love your writing please write more sunsica stories :)
Chapter 3: please share more
prynzexhane #8
Chapter 3: Wow that was nice..feel the magic of love..wink3