Chicken Please?

Until the Sky Falls Down On Me


Chapter two: Chicken please?

Young Do and Hea Woo rushed to Young Do’s room, trying not to get noticed. Once they got inside, Young Do led Hea Woo to the couch and went to find a first aid kit.

            Hea Woo looked around the room. The floors looked waxy and polished. The couch she was sitting on was fluffy and comfortable, and was placed right in front of a huge flat screen TV. She got up and ran her hand along the edge. Never had she seen something so perfect. Hea Woo’s entire life, from the day she was born, was full of work. When she was 12, she had her first job to sell candies at a local candy store. Never had she had a moment of luxury.

            “I got it,” Young Do said, holding up a little white box with a red cross on it. He snapped it open and pulled out an antibiotic. He kneeled in front of Hea Woo who sat on the couch, and pushed her sleeve up. It was swelling. The skin had broken and it was dabbed with red blood.

            Hea Woo shrieked and clenched her eyes shut. Young Do chuckled.

            “You’re such a chicken, chicken delivery girl.”

            Hea Woo scoffed. “Am not.”

            “Yeah, you are. That’s why you deliver chicken, chicken.”

            “Look at that wound! It’s terrible! Anyone would scream at that.”

            “Then why didn’t I?” Young Do grinned mischievously.

            Hea Woo sighed. “Anyway, thanks.”

            “For what,” Young do muttered as he spread antibiotic on her arm with cotton. “Saving you, or this?”

            “Both,” she said, looking away again. “Thank you.”

            Young Do stopped. “What’d you say?”

            “I said thank you.”


            “Dammit I said THANK YOU!” she screamed in his ear.

            “So ungrateful,” Young Do muttered. He looked in the kit again, looking for the bandage. When he found them, he saw his little cut covered by Eun Sang’s band aid. He froze, and stared at the band aid.

            “Is something wrong?” Hea Woo asked innocently. Young Do shook his head and pasted the bandage on.

            “You know what’s weird?” Hea Woo asked. “I told you my name, but you didn’t tell me yours. And now I’m in your hotel room. What’s your name?”

            Young Do laughed. “You’re cute.”

            “I know,” she said cutely. “What’s your name?”

            “Choi Young Do.”

            “Choi…Young Do?”

            “Yes, why?”

            Hea Woo cocked her head. Choi…Young…Do? Yes! Choi Young Do! Hea Woo had seen his father on TV the night before. The newscaster said that he had been arrested.

            Hea Woo looked at Young Do tenderly. He had gotten up and filled a bag with ice. How hard it must have been for him to see his father get arrested, yet he was here stuck with her, taking care of her right after he had saved her life.

            “Press this to your arm,” he tossed her the bag and clicked on the TV.

“Breaking News,” the newscaster announced. “President Choi of Zeus hotel after pleading guilty has been ruled guilty and is under custody-”

Young Do clicked off the TV and got up. “I’m going somewhere. You can stay here if you want.” He tossed her the room key and stormed out of the room, leaving Hea Woo alone.

Hea Woo thought about where she would be right now. She’d probably be off of work, meeting up with her boyfriend Bae Jung Hee. They had been seeing each other for about a month, and she liked it. Jung Hee was nice and didn’t make fun of her for being poor. Although he was a bit under protective, she liked him.

Hea Woo lay down on the couch, and stared at the ceiling. It was blank, white. She stared at it, recalling the close-call with the car.

“Hey!” Hea Woo turned around.

Ugh, she thought. I’m late for work!

Hea Woo stared at the guy who called her name. He had hair that swept across his forehead, covering his eyebrows.

A second later Hea Woo felt something pierce her shoulder. Swiftly, she turned around, seeing a blood red car race down the street.

Hea Woo sighed, and fell asleep, the scene playing in her dreams, again, and again, and again.


Young Do drove towards jail, his heart racing even faster than his car went. When he finally got there, Young Do scrambled out the car and walked in.

Through the glass, Young Do stared into his father’s eyes; his father’s, cold and hard as steel. Young Do broke the silence.

“Father,” Young Do monotonly said. “What happened in court?”

Without breaking eye contact, his father replied, “We had no evidence while the other side had too much. It was an unanimous ruling.”   

Young Do looked down, and fiddled with his thumbs. “How long’s the sentence?”

“Three years.”

Young Do looked up at his father again. “For what?”

“Tax fraud.”

Young Do sighed. “Did you do it?”

His father shook his head. “The cooprates did it. They framed it on me.”

Young Do stood from his chair so abruptly it made the police guard look suspiciously at them.

“So you’re going to be here three years for something you didn’t do?”  Young Do hissed. “You’re just going to let them win?”

“We tried but there was no evidence!” his father bellowed.

Young Do’s voice dropped. “Then cheat. Cheat like you did in judo.”

“Get out,” he growled. “Get out!”

Young Do marched out the door, and got into his car.

Young Do raced to Zeus hotel, but in the anger forgot to refill the gas. The car stopped near the hotel, so Young Do strode back to Zeus hotel on foot, leaving his car.

“Young Do!” he heard a familiar voice yell. He turned around.

All of the anger washed off his face as soon as he saw her. No one had this kind of effect on him except her.

Young Do grinned. “Never have you called my name like that, Eun Sang.”


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Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I'm working on the next chapter. Please wait! Saranghae...


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Notegirl99 #1
Chapter 10: Wow very cute!!! Please upsate soon!!
OMG ILY <33333
was that on purpose
Chapter 8: omg how do you update so efficiently I can't update my fanfics for my life OTL ;_;
Julinda #4
Please update soon! I love your story :)