Freshman Year

Paradise Of Happiness


                         Three best friends have just started their first year of high school. They been waiting for this moment since they were in middle school. Ha Kyung was the oldest of the group and Hee-Young was the second and Eun Jae was the youngest. They've been best friends since kindergarten. Since Ha Kyung was the oldest, she was in charge of the group which made her serious but she was always happy. She was always there for them no matter what. But she was very mischievous, she always camed out with pranks.  




                             Hee-Young was very shy, and quiet girl. She barely talked but when she met Eun Jae and Ha Kyung she let her inner self out. Sometimes Hee-young came up with the good plans like for good and for the bad. She had an a mischeavous side to her as well. Hee-Young also loved cooking and reading the most.            




                            Eun Jae was the youngest, she was always cheerful and sweet, but there was one side that they didn't like which was her sarcasm. Either way Eun Jae always made someones day. She loved to eat her unni's food but she loved to sleep as well. if she sat anywhere comfy she would fall asleep quickly. So Hee-Young and Han Kyung always had to watch over her.

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                                 Ha Kyung and Hee-Young was always at Eun Jae's house to wake her up in the mornings. Usually by pranking her or putting her favorite song on blast. Eun Jae would get very annoyed and start throwing pillows at Ha Kyung. Hee-Young usually would go to Eun Jae's kitchen and make them breakfast. After the girls ate, they got ready to start their newyear in high school. They got their schedules and started to compare but none of them had classes together except the language course which was korean. They were so excited to learn more about korean.

                       When they arrived in school, they walked around the school and saw how weird and crazy it was compared to korean and japanese schools. They kept wondering around and found their lockers. The bell rung so they departed their own ways.



Authors Note: Well umm.. i kinda changed alot of the story line -_- but dont worry, ill keep updating soon!!^^  These pictures are the last you will see so remember the girls face lol xD well im Off to eat!!!!! :D

ChangminEatingJoy.gif  <<<<<<< Ok very adorable hubby of mine hehehe^^





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I like it! Keep up the good work!
Miss_Tery_Ous #2
Chapter 1: hahaha nice characters you have there lol but I loved Eun Jae's character the most coz we both love sleeping hehehehe....oh i also loved the bonus gif of your hubby tht you put there haha XD. Update ASAP!!!!
Miss_Tery_Ous #3
OMG sounds interesting already!!!! Can't wait for the rest!!!