Alien Crash Landing!!

School Love Affairs

On Monday it was my first day of school, I didn’t know what to do about the school uniform so I just wore my uniform from SM without a blazer. It was cold but I didn’t have a choice. Instead I layered a v neck sweater of my dad’s in the hopes it would look uniform. At least if BigHit was as bad as I had heard uniform may not be as strictly enforced.

The school didn’t look terrible at first glance although as I looked at it longer I noticed the faded graffiti (layered over with fresh scribbling’s) the scratches dug deep into every wooden surface and the cracked glass in almost half of the windows.

Walking inside I made her way to what I presumed was he office, a window in the dingy entrance hall. I stood in front of the dark glass window, bewildered. At my old school the school administrator came in half an hour before the students. I jumped when I felt  a tap on my shoulder and turned around abruptly to come face to face with a woman much shorter than me wearing extravagant false eyelashes and brandishing an imitation designer handbag in her glamorous acrylic nails. “Are you looking for me honey?”

As the woman to unlocked the office door and sat down behind the desk I nodded I think so. “I’m a new student, is there a schedule for be to pick up or … “I trailed off uncertainly. The woman behind the window smiled, fuchsia lipstick stretching with .

“Okay I’ll just find your schedule; the teachers already know we have a new student so they’re expecting you.”

I waited for the secretary to claw her way through the piles of paperwork for her schedule. As the hallway began to steadily fill with students I saw that the story about BigHit being almost all boys was true, I saw at most three girls go past with the sea of male students.

Eventually the overly made up woman handed over my schedule and after thanking her I wandered through the floods of unfamiliar students. It was embarrassing, walking slowly down the noisy corridors, dodging scuffles or a rare locker side make out session, checking the classroom numbers as I went. It seemed like the older students had the west side of the building so I headed towards that side.When I reached my new classroom there were sounds of a fight coming from the inside and loud chants which made me tense up in fear.

But then I remembered the two faced false pity from the people at my old school and their snide suppositions about my life and straightened my shoulders. After the traumatic events of the past week a classroom scuffle was nothing to be afraid of.

However I was proved wrong almost immediately when I walked into the classroom and was slammed into the wall by a heavy body which flew out of the fight in the middle of the room.

I couldn’t help a whimper of pain as I slid to the floor, staring at the person who was just thrown into me. He was very handsome, with auburn hair and big pretty eyes which were- looking straight at me!

“Um…” Would it be a worse start to shove this strangely staring boy off me because I really did not need the extra stress right now? My problem was solved when three more boys came running over followed by some of their classmates and yanked him off me.

“You crazy alien! Why are you just staring at - uh….” Getting a proper look at me the boy who was speaking trailed off and flushed a delicate pink. I wasn’t really sure why but I suppose he was shocked to see a girl in the classroom, it didn’t seem like this school had many at all and none my age.

The boys were all sort of staring at me. Maybe before this would have bothered me but it didn’t seem to matter as much as it did before my life changed completely. Using my own strength to stand I gave the tiniest glare to the dumb looking one with red hair who was still staring at me and- making weird faces?

“We’re very sorry for him, it was an accident.” This came from a boy with bleached hair and some sort of band shirt poorly hidden underneath his school uniform.

“Er- that’s alright.” Now that I was standing up I couldn’t help but notice that actually all four of the trouble makers now standing in front of me were handsome in a wild and scruffy sort of way.

“Are you new? We haven’t had any girls in our class for a while.” It seemed like the blonde one was doing the talking for the group while the rest of the class pretended not to listen in as they began cleaning up the fallen furniture from the fight.

“Yes, I just transferred actually.”

“Oh really? Did you move or something?”

“Yes.” True, the rooftop room was nothing like my old house and definitely not in the same neighbourhood. “My father’s work changed” True, it had gone from successful to terribly wrong and some sort of disaster involving the mob.

“Oh…” Before the conversation became even more awkward because that ‘alien’ kid was still staring at me the teacher entered the room and yelled for everyone to get to their seats. After that incredibly loud shout he slouched down and said in a lazy drawl “I hear we have some fresh meat, come up to the front Ms Song.”

Finally moving from the location of my full body slam into the classroom wall I repeated the carefully worded story I told the blonde kid. The teacher looked like he hoped I would talk longer to reduce his teaching hours but just sighed and assigned her a seat close to the front next to the boy who had body-checked me into the wall.

Walking down the aisle I tried to avoid limping due to the pain and sat down next to my seat partner, and ignored him as our homeroom teacher began to take attendance.  “Kim Taehyung?”

The red head raised his hand and the teacher checked him in without even looking up.

Even though I knew his name I didn’t talk to him over the next hour, although he glanced my way a few times when I winced or shifterd uncomfortably from the pain of being slammed into the wall.

As the second hour of history began and I began to lose my concentration on the teachers constant drone and the constant chatter from the students who were whispering to each other in the back.

I felt a tap on my bare wrist and looked down to see a notepad Taehyung had slid over to me. I’m sorry about earlier. He had very nice handwriting I noticed before replying.

It’s alright, it was an accident right? He replied quickly

But still… did you get hurt? Girls get hurt more easily right??

It’s nothing that won’t fee better after a stretch and a good night’s sleep. And I’m tougher than you think.

Badass. If you feel worse though I’ll – like- carry you to the nurses office or something it’ll be like that drama!

Oh? Do you mean Hana Kimi?

Yes!!! Do you watch Japanese drama too?

I love them! Did you see the remake they made of it?

I did, it was awful…

I agree! I couldn’t watch it without cringing to death!!

We exchanged thoughts on our favourite dramas for the rest of the morning, which gradually developed into finding out that Taehyung liked people to call him V, was learning Japanese (through drama and anime) and liked to make funny faces in an attempt to make me laugh in the middle of class. He found out that I was being raised by a single dad, had been in the dance and drama clubs and my old school and liked old school Kung Fu films.

I was enjoying myself; the unpretentious conversation was so different from the vapid ramblings about wealth and luxury goods at my old school, as well as distracting me from the horrible feeling of being the ‘new girl’.

Eventually the bell rang and our teacher slouched off without so much as a goodbye, not that the boys in the class seemed to care as they stampeded to wherever the food was being sold.

“Would you like to have lunch together?” I looked at him in surprise before smiling and saying yes.

V was momentarily dumbstruck at how pretty she looked before shaking it off. Damn, been in a class with only boys for wa~~y too long.

Suddenly we were surrounded by the three boys who had followed him earlier. “Hey man! Saw you getting busy with the note making!” speaking to me now he perched on the edge of the desk and smiled cheekily “So have you fallen for V yet?”

“No.” In response to my immediate rejection V mimed ugly sobbing, really ugly sobbing.

“Trying so hard Jimin – cute!” A boy with big puppy eyes ruffled the hair of the one perched on the desk as if he found the shorter boy incredibly cute.

“Yah! Jeon Jung kook!! I am a year older than you!” screeched Jimin(was that his name?) as he flailed around trying to hit him.

“A year younger?” I asked, confused as to why he was in our class then.

Jung kook ignored the still fuming Jimin and smiled an adorable but slightly evil smile at me, “I skipped a grade, I’m this classes ‘Golden Maknae’”


V sighed at the bragging “I invited Danah to come eat with us, can we go get some food now?”

Realising they were the last ones in the class room they all walked down to the cafeteria in the middle of the school, while I trailed awkwardly behind them. I bought an instant ramen for 40 cents since I was highly aware that I could only just scrape by with the diner pay (and I haven't even started there yet) and I needed dads money to pay rent on my rooftop room.

All five of us settled at a table with eight chairs and started inhaling their food almost immediately, including me. It was bad manners but I had skipped breakfast to save some money so I slurped my noodles just like the boys.

Suddenly another three boys yanked out the chairs and threw their food down onto the table. Looking up at the person sitting next to me I nearly choked but instead quickly swallowed the noodles and stared down at the table in complete and utter shock. I knew this person!!

A/N: DUN DUN DUNNNNN!!!! who could it be?? put your guess in the comments below and we'll see how many guess it right ;)


10 subscribers !! *ugly sobbing* wow I can't even describe how happy I am that 10 people would subscribe to this little story of mine *throws greasy fanservice hearts at u* thank you for the love, I will do my best!!

p.s. there will be a surprise guest in the next chapter... 


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cvang067 #1
can't wait for the update.

Little suggestion; stick with one point of view. You went from using "I" to "her" which was distracting.. and maybe reread before you post, or have someone reread just to check grammatical errors. otherwise good work, I'm enjoy your other stories also ♥♥♥
Updateee sooon!!
WonZiGyuMin #3
Chapter 1: I hope you update this story soon~~~