
Painting Pictures

Shade /SHād/ noun:
1. pure color plus black pigment creating a neutralized version of a color.

“Jeon…Jung… Kook…” The tall nurse recited out loud as she jotted it down on a piece of paper. The nervous boy sat on the cot, his hands balled in a tight fist and his legs bouncing up and down from nerves. Maybe if he thought hard enough, he’d believe that he was in fact sick. This was his only chance of getting out of class today. He’d worry about the rest another time… All that mattered was what was happening right now.

“Alright Jeon Jung Kook, what brought you here to the infirmary?” She asked in a monotone voice, her attitude was as if she’s heard it all before. This was going to be a bit difficult for sure.

“I threw up in the bathroom upstairs. I need to be sent home.” He blurted a little too quickly. The nurse stared at him for a moment, was she onto him…? After a few seconds of intense silence, she looked back down to her clipboard and jotted something down.

“You do look a little pale…” She sighed, “I probably have to call the janitor then…” she tried to whisper to herself. Gee, he wondered why. “Alright, remove the hair from your forehead.” Jung Kook gave her a confused stare instead; “I need to take your temperature, what if you’re really sick?” She laughed and held up an electronic thermometer.

“Temperature…?” He muttered. Crap! He was going to be caught red handed… How did he not think farther ahead than getting here!? It was all that stupid girls fault! She startled him so badly he couldn’t think straight! “C-Can’t you just take my word for it…?” He laughed nervously, placing a hand over his stomach like he was in pain. “I really threw up, a-all over the floor upstairs in the boys bathroom…!” Tone is down a bit Jeon Jung Kook…

“Alright Jung Kook…” She sighed as she set her clipboard down nicely, did it work? A big smile crept onto his face, “Go back to class if you’re going to fool around.” Slowly the smile faded from his face, “Don’t give me those deer eyes. I’ll send you to the teachers lounge for a lecture if you don’t move it right now.”

“I-I’m going…!” He squeaked and quickly rushed out before he got more punishment than a harsh tongue.


“Ah, Jung Kook. You came back just in time!” The teacher smiled, “Please, take your seat.” Immediately his shoulders dropped, he was hoping he’d miss introductions… The small girls eyes quickly looked to him, her eyes felt like they were burning through straight through him. She couldn’t remember him, could she? The girl did seem pretty angry that day, how could she forget something like that if she reacted that bad? Quickly he shuffled his way to his seat and sat down stiffly, a bad feeling was brewing in his stomach…

“Alright class.” The teacher cleared his throat, “We have a new transfer student all the way from Japan! Please, introduce yourself.” The hard expression on her face immediately softened and she even smiled nicely with slightly crooked teeth… The girl was clearly sugar coating it.

“Hello, my name is Sato Sayuri.” Her Korean was pretty good for a girl over seas… “I’m from Hiroshima, Japan. This is actually my third time here in South Korea, I hope we get along well.” Th-Third time here? So was she actually Korean? Yah, who actually moved that much…? It seemed that this information confused the rest of the class just as it did Jung Kook because quiet whispers broke out about her bloodline or something. Who actually used that kind of terminology? Bloodlines… What the hell?

“Before rumors spread I’m full Japanese, I just move often.” Her sugar sweet smile began captivating a few of the boys in class and drawing unwanted attention from the females. These kids were so blind! Could they not see the demon that walked in her shadow? A few girls started commenting on her appearance. Her lips were too big. Her makeup was so sloppy. Her hair was too frizzy; didn’t she take care of it when dying it? Those stilettos are so tacky! Who’d actually wear those? Oh my god, what are those things in her ears? Are those huge things pierced all the way through? Her ears are stretched!?

“I see, so that’s how you can speak so well.” The teacher laughed, “Does anyone have any questions for her right away?”

Immediately someone’s hand shot up in the air. Looking over it was some boy who was obviously already smitten for her… The way he looked at the thing in front of the class made Jung Kook sick to his stomach, “Say something in Japanese!” the boy gushed. Bleh, if Jung Kook didn’t throw up earlier he certainly would now. Could the other boy make it anymore obvious? The Sato Sayuri girl did a good job faking, acting all embarrassed and whisking away stray hairs from her face… She was a good at it it seemed.

Since you can’t understand me, you all look like a bunch of fools. Wipe the drool off your chins, little piggies.” She giggled, the whole class oo’ed and ah’d at her fluent tongue. Of course it would be flawless if it were her native language idiots…! The whole class was under her spell, but Jung Kook certainly wouldn’t be…

“As you can see Ms. Sato, this is a pretty small class, there’s plenty of seats to choose from… So please feel free to pick your own seat.” The teacher smiled and grabbed his papers on the podium preparing to start class.

“There.” She stated. Her arm stretched straight out just like her finger, pointing straight at the empty seat just behind… Jung Kook. His heart sank into the pit of his stomach immediately, “The seat behind Jung Kook-teme*. Pardon my honorifics, it’s a part of my culture.” She smiled sweetly, a blush even coloring her cheeks a soft pink. Any body looking at her saw a smitten new girl but Jung Kook saw the wicked film that washed over her eyes. This Sato Sayuri recognized him, and she was coming after him…

“Alright, I’ll put you on the roster behind him.” The teacher smiled and made gestures for her to take her seat. Don’t look at her; Jung Kook’s eyes stared straight at the notebook sitting on his desk, his vision never straying anywhere else. He could hear her getting closer, the dreadful clicking of those damn pink heels got louder and louder. In his peripheral vision he could see her slightly tanned legs passing by. Nothing had happened… Nothing happened? Maybe she didn’t recognize him? Slowly he sat back comfortably in his chair, did he overreact? Yeah, that had to be it. Nothing to worry about! He freaked out over nothing.

“Teme means bastard.” A whisper came from behind him.

Immediately a paralyzing sting spiraled down his back and made him break out into a cold sweat. He could feel those dark Indian ink eyes on him, burrowing through the back of his skull. Being honest with himself, this girl scared him less.


“You gotta be kidding me! She’s seriously in your class!?” Jimin laughed so hard he nearly fell off the brick ledge they sat on; did he honestly think this was some joke? “Ohh, you sure are a lucky boy, Kookie!” He clapped his hands as he laughed like a child. Couldn’t he offer some encouraging words?

“This isn’t funny, hyung!” Jung Kook whined, “Not only that, but she chose the empty seat right behind me… Her names Sato Sayuri, I think the Sato is her surname...” Remembering those words she whispered to him sent shivers down his spine. Why was she calling him a bastard? All he did was try to help her, why was she making such a big deal out of it!? Acting like he was the one who bullied her or something… “I don’t get why she’s holding a grudge against me… I didn’t do anything!”

“Sounds foreign. I dunno, sometimes girls are just weird, man. You’ll get through it.” Jimin patted his back lightly and throwing his arm around him lovingly, “Yah, wanna go to my place? We can play some video games and battle out your frustration!”

“She's japanese I guess. Yeah okay… I wanna get off this ledge anyways.” Sitting on this ledge felt ominous, it was the one they relaxed on the day he ran into the demon in flesh. His hands pushed his body off the ledge and waited for his senior to get down as well, “Hyung, let’s go! It was your idea and now you’re taking forever!”

“Aigoo… Such a cutie...” Jimin laughed through a clenched jaw and threw himself off as well, "Off we go." He sighed and threw his arm over his juniors shoulders. What was with this guy and always touching people...? The streets were full of kids walking home from school or rushing off to tutoring, maybe even work. 

Jimin continued talking Jung Kook's ear off about useless things as they made their way in the overwhelming heat. Working out, visiting the hyungs at university, YoonGi hyung's gorgeous 'eye candy' that he was so jealous of, some fun video games that he borrowed from one of his classmates. Was he ever going to be quiet...? Jung Kook didn't think anyone could ever talk more than Taehyunggie... It was a rare thing.

Amongst the brown and black haired classmates passing by from other schools, that damn red hair stuck out like a sore thumb...! She was hanging around here too!? "That's her..." Jung Kook grumbled in the middle of Jimin's sentence, pointing at her with a scowl on his face. Sayuri stood in front of an old bike shop looking rather upset, a tall girl with long straight black hair standing in front of her. Compared to Sayuri, the taller girl looked rather plain and boring but she didn't wear a uniform... Was she a uni student? She was definitely older. Her hands and fingers were frantically throwing hand gestures around, and every now and then the taller girl would as well... Like she was responding or something.

"Huh? Oh yeah... Guess that's her." Jimin agreed, "What's she doing with that girl...?" 

"I dunno... Something weird, just like her." He scoffed and stomped off in the direction of Jimin's home nearly leaving him behind.


*Teme: a rude way of saying ‘you’ or ‘bastard’ in japanese

Anything you see written in red is Japanese dialoge. 

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Chapter 2: okay what is wrong with her? poor jeongguk otl
This is literally everything I ask for. From the song you used, the girl you characterized as and aaahhhh.
Chapter 1: Jeongguk is so embarrassed, it's almost painful to read.
Chapter 1: wow good characters sassy girl and shy boy keep up the good wors looking forward to next update^
Man, i wish i have your vocabulary.