Pool Party


Minho's POV

Finally!! I didn't think we'd ever get to the pool. I was starting to get annoyed. Taemin and Key were really close to Fo and since we weren't getting to the pool party, they had plenty of time to get closer . Why is it that when I try to have a conversation with me she jumps down my throat, but Taemin is sitting on her LAP? Even Key, who she just got acquainted with today, is sitting close to her side with his arm thrown around her shoulder. She's talking and laughing with the both of them. Arg!! I dislike that girl!! I bet if Jonghyun had walked over there she'd talk to him too. Us boys headed out to the pool area since we already had our swim trunks on. We stripped off our shirts and began swimming . The girls joined us a few minutes later in their swimsuits. Fo was wearing a lime green tank top with purple and white swirled shorts. Avy was wearing a purple tank top with green polka dotted black shorts. They came over to the pool getting ready to get in. Avy walked down the ladder into the water, while Fo walked outside the pool over to where Taemin and Key were sitting. "Are you getting in?" Taemin asked Fo. Is she swimming? She just standing there looking at the boys with a smile on her face. Suddenly she ran and jumped into the pool near Taemin and Key. They yelled and moved back in the water. What a bunch of wimps. She didn't jump close enough to them for them to be worried. What was that?!?! A wave  of water had hit me from behind. I turned around to find Avy smiling at me from next to Onew. Onew looked at me with wide eyes and moved away from Avy. Avy looked at him in confusion and then began to slowly back away from me when she saw the look in my eyes. Hahaha!!  She's actually trying to escape? 


Avy's POV

Oh no ..... I have a bad feeling about this. The look on Minnyho's face is creepy. Maybe I shouldn't have flung that water at him. I started slowly backing away from him as he began to move towards me. That creepy smile  never once faltered and in panic I squeaked, "Fo!!" She snapped her head around and saw me moving away from Minnyho. In a flash she made her way over to us and threw herself on him. His eyes grew wide in shock and then he began moving around, trying to shake Fo off. Wow... this is actually quite amusing to watch. He isn't succeeding in removing Fo from his back. It almost seems like he's making it worse for himself 'cause every time he tries to throw her off, she tightens her grip. "Umm... Is she trying to kill him?" Taeminny asked worryingly as he made his way over to me and Onew. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to watch the spectacle. I wonder if we should stop them at some point .....


Regular POV

Stupid Minny! He thinks he can try to attack my friend and get away with it?! He's going down !!! I jumped onto the giant's back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I had to hold back my laughter at his gasp of shock. Every time he moved to throw me off, I clung tighter to his neck. I slowly worked my legs around his and placed my feet on his calves. At the perfect moment I pushed my feet into his calves and he fell back into the water. I released him under the water and pushed myself to the surface of the pool. Just as I took a breath I felt arms around my waist. The stupid giant picked me up and threw me back into the water. I popped back up sputtering to find him laughing  his head off. Thats it, he's DEAD!!! I threw myself at him and we began to struggle around in the pool, each trying to unbalance the other but neither succeeding. "Okay that's enough!" I heard Key yell and then I felt myself being pulled away from Minho. We were forcefully separated and brought to opposite sides of the pool. I kept my distance 'cause I didn't want to upset Tae Tae and Key but I occasionally threw glares in his direction. After about an hour more of swimming, we got out to eat 'cause it was getting late. My hands look so pruny!!! I look like I aged 30 years in a couple hours . Oh the amusement of water.... Supper was pretty uneventful. Everyone talked about nonsense stuff that I just tuned out since it wasn't worth listening to. After food the boys decided to hop along back to their cabin. I gave hugs to Tae Tae and Key while promising that I'd go and see them soon. As we were waving people out the door Minho stopped next to me and bent down. When he was a couple inches from my face and eye level he whispered to me, "this isn't over." I stuck my tongue out at him  and pushed him out the door. I admit it was a childish move but I couldn't resist. The glare he sent to me afterwards was priceless. A can't miss experience. Man I'm tired. Totally time for bed! "Night Avy!!" 

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Posted the first two chapters ^_^ Comment please!!!


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Woooohpeasants342 #1
Can't wait to read this it is just the type of book I was looking for!!