
From a Distance

First chapter of this fanfic!! Thank you to all who commented, I hope you like this chapter! Like I said before, I'm not great at writing stories so it's reached this point already, sorry if I rushed to this already, I didn't really have much to say bout this far into the story. >< Things start getting kinda dramatic after this though... SPOILERS!! Anyway, here's the first part! Hope you enjoy! ^w^


Kim Junsu -a high school student of 15 years- has basically everything anyone could ask for: a good family and crazy, fun friends. His grades were not great, but they were not too terrible either. Junsu has just started his sophomore year, grade 10, in high school. He would spend his days going to school then coming back home to talk to online friends that he has; he doesn’t like to socialize in real life to people much. Junsu is a pretty shy boy and when he’s around anyone in person, he becomes extremely quiet and things become awkward. Because of this, he has come to prefer talking to people online.

Though it may not be the best thing for his social life around him, he has come to learn much about other places around the world. This, in his future, becomes an important part of his life.

After meeting Yoochun in that skype call, he added him and began talking to him on a daily bases. Yoochun was a lot like him, but he was also very bad. Yoochun had been dealing with depression for a couple years now, not even bothering to attend school or go out as much either. Yoochun would play computer games a lot and rarely ever talk in group calls. Still, Yoochun was a fun person and Junsu really liked talking to him. Junsu had come to really like Yoochun and they would talk almost 24/7. Because of Yoochun, Junsu started playing computer games. Though Yoochun, to Junsu’s surprise, was a K-Pop fan, he didn’t really listen to Junsu’s favorite group. Because of this, Junsu would show Yoochun new videos of his favorite group to Yoochun. Eventually, Yoochun became a fan as well.

Junsu began to become even more excited to go home and get online, just because he would be talking to Yoochun once again. Junsu learned that Yoochun was from Sweden and that he was just a year younger than him. For a couple of weeks, all Junsu did was talk to Yoochun on skype. Yoochun wasn’t one to talk much so whenever they’d be on calls, Junsu would talk while Yoochun just typed his replies. Junsu didn’t mind, he had fun being weird and crazy on cam for Yoochun. After a couple of weeks, Junsu couldn’t help but start feeling weird whenever he talked to Yoochun. He would get extremely happy just by seeing Yoochun’s name and he felt nervous sometimes when they skyped as well.

Slowly, Junsu started to talk more and more to Yoochun and less to anyone else. Eventually, Junsu would talk to no one but Yoochun. Whenever others would try to talk to him, he would ignore them in the end and just focus on Yoochun. His whole world seemed to revolve around Yoochun alone; no one else ever mattered to him. Everything seemed to be going perfectly fine, they were both happy talking together and they were just getting closer and closer every day.

One day, something unexpected happened; something that will change both of their lives.

Yoochun decided to confess his love to Junsu.


That's all for now! Hope you like it >w< Please leave a comment to see if I should continue! I know things are pretty boring atm... Sorry Dx Thanks for reading though! If anyone read it ><

-YS_LoV3 <3

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Chapter 2: Awww .....the confession. On top of that, it's Yoochun who started it first.
uknown123 #2
Chapter 1: Dang! To be honest this seems to parallel my life a bit. LOL. Though I met my friend through an online game, he's also from Sweden, and we Skype a lot as well. No love confessions though, haha! Keen to read the rest!
silvergalleon #3
Chapter 1: aaahhh...ur clifhanger
soo??what happen next????
btw,in ur story yoochun is 1 year younger than junsu rite??

uknown123 #4
Continue please! Such an interesting plot! Continue!
silvergalleon #5
pliss continuee
ladylady18 #6