Lack of Variety Skills

Ideal Type

      Variety was still strange to Jiwon, even more than one year after his debut. He wasn’t sure how much he was supposed to say, what fans could take offense to or telling any stories of the past would get him in trouble with the company.
“So Jiwon, since we’re talking about ideal types, do you have an ideal type?” The MC asked with a big smile on his face.
“Ah… I really don’t have an ideal type,” he said as he waved his hands in front of his face, thinking of their company’s advice not to say any names to avoid infuriating the fans.
     However this was not what the MC was looking for as he scrunched his face, “Eiiii, there’s so many beautiful women, there must have been someone who has caught your eye recently, an idol or an actress, perhaps?”
     One of the visuals and the main dancer of the group and known for his y body waves, Jiwon was not talented in variety and floundered on what to say.
“He likes cute, innocent girls who he cannot date,” one of s snickered behind his back.
“What? What do you mean cute girls who he can’t date?” the MC quickly caught ’s words and sook out what he thought might be an interesting story.
Jiwon blushed at the memory and turned to glare at .
“Oh, why are you embarrassed? Jiwon, what happened?”
     He saw the producers perk up at finally getting interesting footage from the popular dancer who normally liked to stay quiet in the background while his crazy members took the spotlight, despite fangirl protests for more airtime.
He took a deep breath, “Well…

     Jiwon was exhausted from their three hour long dance practice, currently he was on break as their choreographer-hyung allowed him out earlier than the rest because he already mastered the difficult choreography and needed to use the restroom.
    He had just reentered the SM building after visiting the local convenience store down the street for snacks for himself and s when he heard someone else enter the lobby. Jiwon turned to see a beautiful girl with long straight hair and big eyes, she had a cute face and an innocent look. She seemed lost since she kept looking around and walked to the front desk with a messenger bag over one shoulder and a smaller bag in the opposite hand, Jiwon thought she looked his age or younger and she was slightly taller than normal girls and looked very slim despite the various layers of clothing she was wearing due to the winter weather outside.
     He considered talking to her, she was gorgeous, but then thought about his upcoming debut and the rules concerning trainees dating. Was she a new trainee? Although most trainees were thirteen or around that age, her visuals were incredible. It wouldn’t hurt if he just talked to her right? With that he began stopped walking to the elevator and instead approached the girl who was now left alone as the receptionist left her alone.
“Hi, I’m Jiwon. What’s your name? Are you new here?”
“Oh… I’m Naeun… wait are you Jiwon with the new boy group that’s going to debut soon?” She seemed uncomfortable talking to him at first as her eyes wouldn’t look at him but instead look around him as if looking for someone, but as recognition flooded her face she seemed to study him.
“You heard of me? Wow. I guess our debut isn’t that much of a secret-“
“Naeun-shii,” the receptionist called as she came back to her desk.
“Yes? Oh it was nice meeting you Jiwon-shii. I must go now. Good luck with your debut. Fighting!” she said as she raised her gloved fist not holding the bag as smiled at him.
“Yeah, I have to go back to practice too, my choreographer is going to kill me for taking too long. Hopefully we’ll run into each again other later?”Jiwon was telling the truth, the break was only supposed to last twenty minutes.
“Maybe,” Naeun said as she walked to the front desk without look back at him.
Jiwon smirked, he might not be able to date her, but he was certainly interested in her. He turned and started walking to the elevators, flashing his SM Trainee Pass to the security guards posted in front of them along the way. Inside the elevator, he pushed the button to the fifth floor and smiled to himself as he shifted the convenience store goods from one hand to the other.
“Yah, what took you so long? We’re starving and luckily the choreographer received a phone call five minutes ago or he would yell at you,” Byungchan, one of s, and his closest friend amongst the trainees, yelled at him as soon as the elevator doors opened.
“Did he leave?” they walked down the hall to the large practice room SM had housed them in to perfect their performance skills.
“Yes just a minute ago. Did you bring enough food for all of us?”
“Yes, here,” Jiwon handed the bag over, “want to know why I took so long?” Jiwon smiled smugly at .
“Why? What happened now?”
“I met a gorgeous girl named Naeun at the lobby a few minutes ago,” Jiwon said as they entered the spacious room.
“Yah! You know the rules, no dating Jiwon-ah!”their leader yelled at them after he heard Jiwon and saw the mischievous smile on his face.
“I know, I know. I just introduced myself to her. But hyung, you should have seen her. She’ll probably be the visual in the next group.”
“Okay, okay. Give us the food, choreographer hyung just left and who knows how much time we’ll have before he comes back.”
“Yeah, Jiwon-hyung I wish I could dance as well as you. Hyung isn’t as strict with you as he is with the rest of us,” their maknae whined.
     It was true, their choreographer was notorious for being so strict during practice amongst the groups, but otherwise he was a nice guy. Named ‘trainee-heartbreaker’ for his looks that enamored so many trainees only to break their hearts when they would learn that he was married, he told terrible jokes though, ugh. Jiwon shivered at his cheesiness.
“Agh, I came back here because I thought he was going to be angry, but he’s not even here! I could have talked more to her!” Jiwon complained; he began to think more about the pretty girl as he absent mindedly chewed on some chips. “You know what, I have to go to the bathroom again.”
“No Jiwon-shii. You’re not going to go and look for her again,” his leader said as he looked at him in the eyes.
“I said I’m going to the bathroom, I’ll be right back.”
“Fine, I’ll go with you then,” Byungchan said as he stood up and rubbed his hands together to clean them of the food crumbs.
     They walked out and heard laughter, Jiwon looked and saw their choreographer talking to Naeun. He stiffened but walked towards them, “Hello Naeun-shii. I told you that we would see each other again.” He didn’t like the way that Naeun and their choreographer were looking at each other, more importantly their hyung was holding the Naeun’s bag and outer jacket in his arms.
“Oh, hello Jiwon-shii,” Naeun bowed to him and looked at Byungchan and bowed again “hello.”
     Byungchan bowed again but Jiwon didn’t pay attention as he looked at his choreographer who was now looking at him strangely, “hyung your wife will get jealous if she knows your carrying other girls stuff around.”
     Taemin huffed out a smile in disbelief, “yah Jiwon-shi, Naeun-ah is my wife.”
“What!?” it was almost comical how both Jiwon’s and Byungchan’s head snapped to look at Naeun as she was taking her glove off her right hand to reveal a platinum band matching the one on his hyung’s hand.
Jiwon heard Byungchan laugh behind his back as he blushed and Taemin looked at him with one eyebrow raised.
“Oh, so then Naeun-shii or I mean noona is your wife then.”
“Yup, she wanted to pass by today to drop off lunch for me since I forgot to bring it this morning.”

Jiwon dropped his face into his hands after the MC and other guests joined together in shocked laughter.
“Wah! He must have been harsh with you afterwards.”
“Neh. Whereas before hyung was his favorite because of his dance skills, hyung afterwards started being tougher on him and says ‘because you are the best you must worker harder and keep improving your skills’”, their maknae answered a little too cheerfully.
“How about you send your choreographer hyung a video message then and apologize,” the MC proposed.
     His cheeks had cooled down, so Jiwon sat up straight and looked at the camera, “hyung I meant no harm when I first spoke to Noona, please accept my apologies and I sincerely wish that your and Noona’s love last forever. Taeun couple, fighting!” 

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Chapter 1: Hehe cute 🤭
Chapter 1: This is so cuteeeee! One of my favs. And byungchan reminds me of victon's byungchan
Ydvvfjkch #3
Chapter 1: Son naeun ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 1: Omoo cute <3
Chapter 1: more taeun one shots please
Chapter 1: oh my gosh!!!!! this is so hilarious hahahahhahahahaha
So cutee
Chapter 1: i love this fics..♥♥
Shiningpanda #9
Awwww, soo cute ^^
amuse_otaku #10
Chapter 1: This is cute ! I even reread it again and again.. LOL .