a new liking. ★

Bitter and Sweet

One glance at Taekwoon's awkward face had you frowning. "Do you not like cats? You're not allergic, are you?"
"No," he murmured softly, "I love animals." You had situated your small kitten back on the ground a moment later, traveling farther into the apartment. 
"For a second, you had me scared," you laughed, trailing across the living room and to a small hallway. Your apartment was small, clean, and homely. You had been living here for a few years, mostly alone. Your neighbors came and went, but you managed to stay. The apartment building was mostly used for people who needed a temporary stay, but it was an actual home for you. 
Both Leo's followed behind, one meowed for attention while the other remained stony faced. 
You slipped into the hall, leading them to the bathroom. You ushered Taekwoon inside, reaching into the cabinet above the toilet to fetch a towel. He stared, allowing you to shove the soft fabric into his arms. 
You smiled at him, cautiously stepping aside to let him move farther past you. The black kitten rubbed against your ankles, purring affectionately. Carefully, as you explained, you leaned down to pick up Leo. "I figured after all the stress, a shower might help relax you. It will also give me time to make us some dinner." You paused, shrugging slightly. 
Taekwoon mind filled with questions, but he remained silent, giving a soft nod and a feeble 'thank you' instead. You waved it off with a smile. "Just put your dirty clothes in the hamper and I'll wash them for you."
He nodded, watching you leave, clicking the door closed behind you. 

It took him a good twenty minutes to take the shower, not that you minded. It gave you more time to prep a meal. Really, you were use to feeding yourself. You weren't a big eater, so a normal portioned meal meant food for you and scraps for Leo. Although, now that Taekwoon was here for the night, you were going to really make a meal. 
Let's not forget cooking really isn't your strong point either. You rummaged through the small white fridge, searching for anything that could be suitable for guest. Sure, he had eaten only an hour ago, but you doubted he was full from that. He seemed like a guy with a big appetite. 
Finally, your eyes landed on some beef shoved in the back of the shelf, immediately grasping it. Shutting the door, you smiled in victory. You remember buying this beef for your friends visit, but the two of you were more on the town then at your dingy apartment. 
Leo meowed from the counter, no doubt having climbed there while you were searching. You cooed as you set the beef on the counter. "Is my little chef going to help me cook? Such a good kitty," you scrubbed the underside of his black chin with your finger, watching his eyes droop and loud purr rattle his body. Well, at least you had a little help.
You hummed a bit, turning to the sink to wash your hands when your eye caught something out the window. Smiling, you took a moment to stare at the falling white powder. 

Leo, once dressed from the shower in the sweatpants and sweatshirt he had crammed in his back, dried his hair slowly. He could smell something delicious, something that smelled filling and appetizing. Back at the dorms, all of the members were put on extreme diets to keep them thin and at a target body weight...
He'd worry about that when he went back. For now, he would enjoy your hospitality and all the food that came with it. 
He unlocked the door, stepping out of the steamy bathroom and into the cool hallway. He could hear you giggling, talking to Leo. 
Slowly, he entered the kitchen, standing awkwardly as you continued to talk to your cat, ignorant of his presence. 
It was kinda cute; you babied your kitten with such adoring eyes. Your hair was messy from who knows what and your eyes were sparkling. Your kissable pink lips were softly pulled back in a smile-
Wait. He tore his eyes from you, suddenly feeling his face heat up. What was he thinking?! He had only just met you, he shouldn't be noticing these things...!
"Oh, hey Taekwoon," you greeted, meeting his gaze once again. He nodded shyly, succeeding in hiding his blush from your eyes. "Dinner is ready, so if your hungry, have a seat," you motioned to the small table against the wall, with two seats opposite to each other. 
He silently moved to the seat farthest from you, watching you once more as you dug out two plates. You set them on the table, smiling at him before going back to retrieve utensils and the food. Once all of that was set on the table, Taekwoon found himself trying to hold in his drool. It was perfect. 
You sat across from him, smiling. "Don't eat too much, okay? You won't be able to sleep then."
He only swallowed. You snorted in amusement, humored by the small sparkle in his eyes as he stared at the cooked beef and rice. Honestly, it was a simple meal so you were confused on how he was so glad to see it. Even the coffee shops food was better then this...
You were torn from your thoughts as a sound echoed through the apartment. You sighed, excusing yourself to quickly walk to the door. Who on earth decided to come visit? It was about the time people would be settling in for the evening and watching their dramas. Without you noticing, Taekwoon followed behind, curious why the doorbell was rang. You huffed, unlocking it and opening up to the person on the other side. 
Instantly, a small body ran past you, a coat flying onto the ground. You blinked, looking over your shoulder to see little Ji Hun shouting for the small black kitten, ignoring the confused Taekwoon who watched the small boy turn your apartment upside down. 
"Oh, [y/n], I'm so sorry!" Mrs. Lee apologized, trying to frantically shove her coat on, "I just got a call from the hospital! Apparently Woo Jun h-has been going in and out of consciousness! I need to get down there so-"
You placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, a worried frown on your face. Woo Jun was her husband and for the past two years, he had been in severe condition and they had moved to your apartment building to save money. "I'll watch Ji as long as you need me too. Just give Woo Jun my regards."
She smiled at you, truly grateful. "Thank you so much." She was racing down the hallway, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. 
You sighed, closing the door once she was out of sight, locking it. Turning around, you managed to see Ji sliding under your couch in a vain attempt to find the frightened kitten. Leo had a tendency to hide when Ji Hun was over. Not that you blamed the kitten - Ji could get a little wild. 
"Ji!" You yelled, scowling him, "where are your manners? What did I tell you to do when you came over to play?"
He shimmied out from under the couch, an adorable pout thrown on his cheeks. He stomped past you to the door, where he had thrown his coat off. You folded your arms in amusement as he shot you a angry look. Ji then struggled to pull his shoes off. 
Leaving him be to struggle by himself, you turned to Taekwoon, who had been watching the ordeal. You noticed him questioning stare, shrugging softly. He didn't need to know what the deal was. "I hope you don't mind, but we're going to watch Ji for a little while. His mom has some stuff to do."
"I heard," he answered quietly. Huh, so he did hear her talking to you, "I just find it weird Ji Hun is so..."
"Comfortable?" You replied with a soft smile. Taekwoon nodded. Both of you looked over to see the little boy wiggling his right snow boot off. "He spends a lot of time with me. He has always loved being at my apartment."
Taekwoon hummed softly, watching Ji finally get his snow boots off, the boy then bouncing over to you. You instantly bent at the knees, smiling at him. "Did mom feed you dinner yet?"
Ji shook his head, puffing his cheeks. "Nope," he popped the 'p' at the end of the word, "but you will, right? I smell food!"
You laughed, standing up and ushering him to follow you. Taekwoon hid his small smile, following the duo into the kitchen. 
He liked you. A lot. And he wasn't talking about Ji liking you. 

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This is so beautiful, I might cry. omfg. I hope your mum is okay!

hehee, this story is beautiful~
LuckyCharmz #2
Chapter 8: The poster is cute!
Chapter 8: This is so awesome!!!
I love it!!!
Update again soon~~
Chapter 8: Awww love is in the air.
Awesome poster, and i had your mom is okay. =)
Chapter 8: Woohoo Taekwoon with cat in the poster XDD
Chapter 7: Aww soo lovely^o^ ♡♥♡
chunjoe1004 #7
nice story!
Chapter 7: Omo! Taekwoon and animals~~ :3
I can't wait for the next chapter! This is such an awesome story!!!! <3
Update again soon~~~
Chapter 7: Puppies !!!!! I guess Taekwoon will can't stop smiling that time XDD
Chapter 6: Omo! This I really good! I love it!
Update again quickly~~