friends? ☆

Bitter and Sweet

Leo stared at your back as you took your exit from the car, moving to lock it. He was already standing outside your door, hands shoved in his pockets, breath fogging in the air. It was now a little past three in the afternoon and the weather was starting to get colder. 
You hummed, satisfied with the cool air. It cleared your sinuses well. You turned around, smiling at the stranger. "Alright, follow me. Also, I'm [y/n]." He hesitated, watching as you outstretched your hand to him. 
"T-Taekwoon," he whispered, loosely taking your hand in a shake. He would have told you his stage name, but he quickly decided on his real name in fear of you recognizing his performing alias. You smiled, testing his name out on your tongue a few times. You failed to notice his face getting red in embarrassment for you were already walking up the steps of your apartment building. 
He followed behind and was greeted by a blast of warm air as he stepped through the door. He let out an inaudible sigh of gratitude. The warm air was quite welcoming. 
"Ah, a new friend?" A loud voice chimed, causing him to jump slightly. You laughed at his reaction, smiling at him. He apologized softly, looking from your back to over your shoulder. A woman was peering out of the elevator, holding it for you. In her arm was a grocery bag. A child, a little boy roughly four years old, was peering out also. "I thought you said you were a loner, [y/n]," the lady teased. 
You bowed in respect to the woman, thanking her for holding the elevator with a laugh, Leo doing the same. "Mrs. Lee, good to see you! Uh, this is... my friend, Taekwoon. Taekwoon," you turned to him, eyes meeting his with an encouraging smile, "this is my neighbor, Mrs. Lee. She lives two doors from me."
"Hello," he mumbled, bowing at the waist. Standing back to his normal towering height, he saw Mrs. Lee grow flustered, looking away to press the sixth floor button. The elevators door closed with a soft 'ding.' "Don't bow to me, young man. You're making me flustered! Please, you're making me feel old-"
"Yah! You're not old!" You interrupted, making her pout. 
Mrs. Lee retorted quickly, "Says the twenty-three year old! I'm getting closer to my thirties... I'm so old~"
You laughed. Leo quietly observed the two woman playfully bicker, oblivious to the little boy staring up at him. He only noticed the small boy when his bag was tugged from his hand. He peered down, watching the small child struggle to hold the bag up. 
"What are you doing?" He asked softly, careful not to draw you and his mothers attention. 
The boy met his gaze for a moment before huffing and slinging his arms through the bags straps. "I'm going to carry this."
The little boy, once situated with the backpack on, took Leo's much larger hand. "You have dark bags," he gestured to the area under his childishly round eyes with his free hand, "so you're tired. [y/n] told me to help tired people."
Squeezing the small boys hand in gratitude, he thanked him softly. The elevator finally jolted to a stop. Both you and Mrs. Lee were snapped from your conversation, watching as the door opened. 
You first noticed Ji Hun, the little boy, holding Taekwoon's hand. You cooed a bit, watching the tall Taekwoon turn his head to look at you. Mrs. Lee noticed also. "Ah!" She exclaimed, "Ji Hun! Don't bother the nice man!"
Taekwoon let the small boy drag him from the elevator, seeing as the were closer to the door, while Ji Hun sent his mother a playful raspberry. 
"Ji," you laughed, following after, watching as he scrambled to pull the dark haired Taekwoon faster down the hall. "Ji! Taekwoon needs to come with me! We're going to miss my door!" 
Taekwoon walked a bit slower, slowly dragging Ji Hun to a stop. The boy pouted, allowing his mother to scold him as Taekwoon helped him shrug off the heavy bag. "Ji Hun! You don't take people's things and pull them like that! Apologize to him!"
"It's fine," Taekwoon murmured, "he was helping me because I was tired." 
Mrs. Lee sighed, ruffling Ji Hun's dark hair. "Well, at least he didn't cause too much damage." Mrs. Lee smiled brightly as you made your way to Taekwoon's side. "You two have fun. It was nice meeting you, Taekwoon. Rest well. Goodbye [y/n]," she waved, walking a bit further down the hall. Ji Hun waved goodbye to him as you turned to your left, making your way to a fading white door. 
He closed his eyes momentarily, trying to push down the grin that threatened to surface. He loved kids, which is strange, considering his chic appearance and cold disposition.
Unlocking the door, you turned to Taekwoon, ready to usher him inside. You paused though, seeing as he was quietly standing there with his eyes shut. 
Given the moment, you observed him. He was tall, maybe a good head taller then you, with pale, beautiful skin. He was flawless. Dark black hair was thickly grown on his head, it's heavy strands looking hard to tame, but extremely soft to the touch. Even though his eyes were closed, you knew they hid deep chocolate colored irises.
He had a broad set of shoulders and a perfectly sculpted, thicker neck. His face was angular and fit nicely with the rest of his physique. His hips were thin,  giving him a slender shape. 
Really, he was attractive beyond belief. If he wasn't so dead and tired looking, you don't know how you could look at him without blushing or stuttering. 
"Wake up," you chided, watching those tired eyes slid open. You smiled at him, stepping aside to let him in. "Make yourself at home."
He cautiously entered, studying everything. It was small, but not too small. Sure, the living room was slightly cramped and he could see the kitchen from the entrance, but it was... cozy for lack of better words. 
You clicked the door shut behind the two of you, locking it before slipping out of your shoes. "Leo!" Taekwoon jumped, suddenly growing panicked. Leo?! Why were you calling his-?
A small meow brought him from his panic. A small black kitten had jumped off the couch, running to you full speed. You cooed, bending down to scoop it up. It meowed and purred louder. 
"Taekwoon, this is Leo. He's my little baby, picked up off the streets."
Oh, the irony. 

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This is so beautiful, I might cry. omfg. I hope your mum is okay!

hehee, this story is beautiful~
LuckyCharmz #2
Chapter 8: The poster is cute!
Chapter 8: This is so awesome!!!
I love it!!!
Update again soon~~
Chapter 8: Awww love is in the air.
Awesome poster, and i had your mom is okay. =)
Chapter 8: Woohoo Taekwoon with cat in the poster XDD
Chapter 7: Aww soo lovely^o^ ♡♥♡
chunjoe1004 #7
nice story!
Chapter 7: Omo! Taekwoon and animals~~ :3
I can't wait for the next chapter! This is such an awesome story!!!! <3
Update again soon~~~
Chapter 7: Puppies !!!!! I guess Taekwoon will can't stop smiling that time XDD
Chapter 6: Omo! This I really good! I love it!
Update again quickly~~