would you wanna run away too?

cuz this deadbeat town's only here just to keep us down

Jonghyun had listened to her. He’d gotten out like she’d asked.

                And he regretted it for every second since he watched the car carry her further and further away from him.

                He almost turned around every five minutes that he continued on the road. But what good would that do for either of them? They’d just be stuck where they had been before. She’d be trapped in the big house of hers and he’d be hiding away from a father too drunk to recognize his own kid.

                Convincing himself it was better this was painful and it took all of the next six hours until he’d reached the city. He’d still live the life they had planned, but it wouldn’t be the same without Minah. He just had to wait until everything was prepared.

                He’d go back for her if it was the last thing he did.

                A year passed, and then another, and soon enough Minah found herself grown up. What spirit she’d had as young girl, foolishly running off to the unknown, had been crush, disintegrated. Gone.

                She worked for her father now, running a business she honestly didn’t know much about. But it kept her from really having a dream for her life, something she’d promised to never have again. The camera that held all the footage from her attempt at freedom had been carried away with Jonghyun, almost as if to signify a life she could never have. She’d come to terms with it, although she spent most of her nights gazing up at her ceiling and wondering what would be different. Wishing for a difference.

                She was the ideal child now. She spoke when she was allowed to, moved when her parents told her to, obeyed every order without a single complaint. She was a replica of a china doll, fragile in every way. Her eyes held no glimmer of hope, her lips hadn’t truly smiled in ages, her voice had become flat with oppression. She had become the daughter her parents had wanted her to be.

                She had become empty.

                When the time came, Minah would allow her mind to wander on the anniversary of “that day” as her parents called it. She thought of Jonghyun and what he might be up to. She thought of the warm sun on her skin, the comfort had never come to her again no matter how much she searched for it. She mostly thought of what could have been.

                If her parents hadn’t found them, where would they be right now? If she had fought harder, would her parents have given in?

                It was a day like that day when her secretary came to her office door, announcing that there was a guy outside waiting to see Minah.

                “He says he’s here to take you on an adventure? Security won’t let him in because, well, he sounds a little insane.” She mumbled, reading off of the sticky note she had scribbled on. “He said to give you this. Security checked it and it’s totally safe, but I have no idea what it means.” She placed a box on Minah’s desk and stepped back as Minah lifted the lid up and off.

                Inside was a camera. A camera that Minah thought she’d never see again. There was also an envelope with a note on the front.

                                Watch this.


                Heart racing, Minah slipped the DVD that was inside the envelope into her laptop. The video that played instantly made her gasp out loud. It was her documentary. Or at least what had been filmed in that one day.

                It started off with the clips Minah remembered filming, the scenery, Jonghyun, passing cars, lots of laughter and singing. Then it shifted to some she couldn’t recall, all of herself. Driving, walking into the motel, sprawled out on the bed fast asleep. Jonghyun had filmed those. Minah was shocked at how happy she looked.

                “What is this?” her secretary mumbled, leaning over her shoulder.

                Before Minah could answer, however, a new clip began.

                It was Jonghyun.

                Only it wasn’t.

                He was older, much more mature, almost rugged in his looks. He was seated in front of the camera in a room that was unfamiliar to Minah, but at the same time she knew it. Wherever he’d ended up, he’d made himself a good home out of it.

                “Minah, it’s me. I’m sorry this is so late. But better late than never right? I promised myself I’d come back for you and I had hoped it would be sooner than this. But I wanted to make sure that I had something for you to come to. I got a job as a choreographer here, and I’ve raised enough money to support myself. I can support you too until you find what you want to do. Or forever. I’m fine with forever. I want to be with you now and for now on. I just hope you still feel the same way.”

                She forgot how to breathe for a moment, the shake too consuming.

                “That’s the guy that dropped this off.” Her secretary mumbled, gazing at the computer screen in awe. “Are you going to—“

                Minah didn’t hesitate to jump out of her seat and run down the hall towards the elevator. She pressed the button a good amount of times, but the slow thing was just taking far too long for her liking, so instead she took the stairs. She regretted it almost instantly, as her office was on the highest floor, but she couldn’t stop now. Security was surprised to see her crash through the door, but their questions went unanswered as she passed by them and straight out the front door.

                There he was. Standing by himself with the aura of having no cares in the world. He seemed so at ease when he spotted Minah coming to a stop a short distance away from her, even flashing her a small smile, and Minah couldn’t understand just how much she had changed when he seemed just the same as she had remembered.

                “Jonghyun?” she whispered, still unable to wrap her mind around the fact that he was standing there in front of her.

                “Sorry I’m so late.” He turned fully around to face her, his expression becoming solemn. “How are things?”

                “Terrible, my parents control my life.” Minah whispered, stepping closer to him. “Take me away, Jonghyun.”

                “I didn’t think you’d want to come with me. That’s why I couldn’t face you. I thought you’d hate me for leaving—“

                “I told you to go.” Minah shook her head in disbelief. “You thought I’d hate you for listening to me? That’s the first time anyone has done that! I couldn’t hate you ever.” She wrapped her arms gently around his neck, getting on her toes to fully reach around.

                He’d grown quite a lot in the years they’d been apart.

                At first, Jonghyun was hesitant to hug her back, still slightly surprised she seemed to have forgiven him, but then he abandoned all thoughts of the past and decided to just live in the moment. So he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, lifting her up in the air a bit, reveling in the embrace.

                “Let’s get out of here.” He murmured.

                “Let’s finish that documentary, hm?”

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Chapter 2: I've been looking around for a good Changjo story to read and dammit I honestly have to say this has been the best one I've read so far. I took it personally T^T Your story reached me in so many ways. I sincerely loved this! It's so different and unique from others. MORE PEOPLE SHOULD APPRECIATE THIS FANFIC DAMMIT! xD
Chapter 2: ohmaigosh! it's such a good story. and 5 seconds of summer!!
falalalvV #3
Chapter 2: Oh my gat. Ohhh myyy gattt. Is it possible for you to make a sequel to this omg like. ASDFGHJKL I LOVE THIS!! sigh why cant there be more awesome stories like this on aff sigh
Chapter 2: this was really good and cute wowee -
i can't believe there aren't any comments tbh, like dang. ;v;
very simple, much cute. u w u