Hyunseung's Decision

Don't Ever Leave Me (hiatus)

[Doojoon's P.O.V]

For the next few days, I sat in my room and stared at my ceiling and thought about Yoseob. He was very afraid when that man came to get him and was even begging me to stop him. But what was I supposed to do? It's not like I could keep the kid! And besides it may be horrible of me but he has his own home to  get to.

But that wasn't the only thing that was bothering me...it was also Hyunseung. What was he thinking?  Randomly changing in front of me?! He has to be more careful because any other person would've turned him in because only a handful people know about creatures like him, at least Junhyung is in the dark about it.

[Junhyung's P.O.V]

Ever since Hyunseung came into my life, I've been alot more cheerful and I've been losing my cold expression. Hyunseung talked more an dit didn't freak me out...but now whenever I hear his voice....he reminds me of Young Woo. (Doojoon's fake cousin who is Hyunseung if you forgot) The voices are the same but the personalities are different. Here I have cute Hyunseung and pretty boy boy Young Woo who I don't even know.

~Sometime that afternoon~

I went upstairs to my room to take a quick nap...although I didn't realize it was a 2 hour nap because when I woke up it was 2:30 pm and Hyunseung was nowhere in the house.

[Hyunseung's P.O.V]

I decided to take a quick stroll around Seoul seeing as how Junhyung was sleeping and I didn't want to bother him. What I didn't know was that he was out searching franctically for me. It only occured to me when I heard his voice calling my name. I turned my head to see where he was and I found him...he had this worried look and was asking people if they saw me.

I really wanted to call out to him and tell him that I'm fine and not to worry. But I know I can't because he doesn't know the real me and even Young Woo tells him, he still wouldn't believe it. So I have to make the decision to tell him the next time I get the chance. I waited until Junhyung had no energy left to continue and went home.

10 minutes after he went inside I changed back into the puppy he knows and tapped on the door followed by a little loud whimpering that he could hear. Within moments, the door sprang open and Junhyung dropped down to the ground and begun to cry. I approached him slowly and his cheek, he didn't stop crying at all. Junhyung bear-hugged me and started talkig between sobs.

"Y-You have n-no idea how worried I was."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry."

"As long as your safe, it's okay."

* I didn't know how much I meant to him.*

Junhyung finally stopped crying and he took me up to his room to give me something. He opened the door and right next to his bed was a medium sized basket with blankets and small pillows. He set me down and I walked over to it and laid on it, feeling oh so very comfortable.

"Looks like  you like no LOVE your new bed." Junhyung said as he sat on his bed.

"Yeah, I do! It's so soft!" I said and rolled around.

[Junhyung's P.O.V]

"Hey Hyunseung want to know something?" I asked.

"What?" He asked as he stopped rolling around.

"Whenever you talk...you remind me of that pretty boy Young Woo."

"How is that?"

"Well, you both have the same voice."

"OMO! Really?" He asked in excitement.


"Cool...so do you like him?"

"W-What? NO! I barely even know him." I said feeling flustered.

"You don't have to know someone to like them and besides I can see the blood rushing to your face." He said in a teasing voice.

"Whatever." I said and left the room with a smile on my face.

[Yoseob's P.O.V]

After returning to the place I tried escaping from, my master has become even more agressive towards me. The beatings became more dangerous, enough that I nearly died. But for the past few days, I didn't get punished, my master was too busy focusing on something else to hurt me. I was glad he didn't beat me and also that he allowed me to leave the house every so often But I had to make sure that I return or else he'll get angry.

I put on clothes that ere able to hide the bruises and made my way into town. I took the oppurtunity to go to an ice cream shop and buy an ice cream sundae to take my mind off of things. I wasn't halfway done when the man who took care of me came inside and saw me.

"Hey Yoseob how are you feeling?" He asked as he sat in front of me.

"I'm fine." I lied. " My dad hasn't been beating me as much and he's even let me out of the house."

"That's good to hear."

"Yeah." I said as I picked at my sundae.

"Say, do you want to hang out for a bit?" He asked all of a sudden.


"Great! Finish your sundae so we can go."

"Okay." I said and continued eating.

[Hyunseung's P.O.V]

-That Night-

While Junhyung passed out on the kitchen floor trying to make food, I went up to his room. I changed into my human form and studied myself in his mirror...So I look pretty to him and he likes me? I softly smiled to myself and went back to the kitchen and carried Junhyung back upstairs.

I set him down on his bed gently then put the covers over him. Then I got into his bed with him and snuggled close to him. He really smells nice...If only I can be in this form always.

Right then, I made up my mind. Next chance I get...I'm going to show Junhyung who I am.

*O.o Hyunseung is fianlly going to show Junhyung who he is! Poor seobie! I feel bad that I made him this way TT^TT Who thinks they know who his master is? Comment on the comment section below XD




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im sorry I haven't been updating. just been super lazy and I don't have a computer to.update from but I will get back to it, I promise you all.


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goosecaryoseob #1
Chapter 24: At least you didnt delete this fic. I have faith in you and your work. Dont stress yourself up too much ^^ we will bw waitting
Chapter 23: i'm so happy when i found good aand interesting fics : )) thank you for wrighting something so interesting : )). waiting for next chapter, hope will be soon : ))
Dongwoonie you idiot ;-; i love you but DON'T DO THAT!
i don't want him to end with Kiki, Kiki is so mean ;-;
Anyways i love this!
vanilLaJae04 #4
Chapter 23: the power of junseung love! kekeke XDDD
Chapter 23: omo what happened?!
YOSEOBIEEEEEE!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!! Doojoon hurry and save him... TT.TT
I can't wait for the next chapter!!!
goosecaryoseob #8
Glad you are off of your haitus but sad that i wont be able to read that muh fanfics anymore because of school .... Update soon