Yeolie! - Baekyeol Bonus Chapter

My Sweet Addiction

“Yeolie!” Chanyeol heard his boyfriend scream from the bathroom.

“Yes, Baekie?” Chanyeol asked as he peeked his head into the bathroom.

“I’m out of eyeliner! What am I going to do,” Baekhyun starts whining as he shakes the small container, trying to make some ink come out.

“Calm down Baekie, we’ll just go to the mall today ok? I’ll buy you new ones,” Chanyeol explained, as he tries to calm his panicking boyfriend.

“Really?” Baekhyun stops immediately as he hears Chanyeol mentioning the words, ‘Eyeliner’ and ‘Buy’.

Chanyeol nods.

“YAY! CHANYEOL IS THE BEST BOYFRIEND EVER!” Baekhyun exclaimed happily as he hugged the giant tightly.

“I know,” Chanyeol replies as he ruffles Baekhyun’s hair, which earned a pout from the latter.

“Don’t touch my hair, it took me an hour to style it!” Baekhyun started whining again.

Chanyeol left the bathroom as quickly as possible, not wanting to hear his anno-I mean lovely boyfriend start panicking, or screaming again.

“YEOLIE COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!” Baekhyun shouts as he tries to fix his now ‘messed up’ hair.

Chanyeol was already too far gone to hear.



Chanyeol sighs as he took out a can of coke from the fridge.

They just came home from shopping ALL DAY long, and he was exhausted, physically and mentally. Baekhyun kept dragging him into different shops, and claiming that he needed all of them or he would die.

Being the person Chanyeol is, he couldn’t say no, so he ended up spending all the money in his wallet (which was almost one million won, which was around a thousand dollar).

Once they reached home, he expected three things.

—> Watching a movie with Baekhyun

—> Cuddling with Baekhyun

—> Goofing around with Baekhyun

He laughed at the last thought.

But his expectations weren’t fulfilled.

Baekhyun ran upstairs right when they reached the house, and locked himself in their shared bathroom. He’s probably trying all the makeup and skin care products he bought.

‘Don’t forget the new shirts and pants he bought,’ Chanyeol reminded himself.

He plopped down on the couch and turned the T.V on. He found a pretty decent movie and started watching it.

The Spectacular Now

It was about an eighteen year old boy living with a single mother, with a sister who lives with her husband. He goes through all of these events and choices, which leads up to regret in the end. (Go watch it, its pretty fun)

He was tearing up on the last scene when the boy was hugging his mother and started repeating ‘nobody loves me’. He was so in to it he didn’t notice a certain person who walked into the living and took a seat next to him.

“Yeolie, come to bed its already midnight,” Baekhyun says as he rubs his eye cutely.

“Huh? What? Its already midnight?” Chanyeol asked confusedly. He thought it was still eight or nine.

Baekhyun gives a small nod in return.

“Well, I guess I got to carried away,” The taller rubs his neck sheepishly. “Ok let’s go to sleep. Do you want me to carry you Baekie? You seem sleepy,” He offers.

Baekhyun nods again.

Chanyeol laughs a bit at his adorable boyfriend. He wipes his remaining tears, and bends down so the elder can get on his back.

Baekhyun wraps his arms around his neck immediately, even though he was too tired to comprehend anything.

As he place his delicate boyfriend on the bed, he immediately took the empty space next to him. Not bothering to change, Baekhyun never minded anyway.

Baekhyun wrapped his arms across Chanyeol waist as soon as he got on the bed and pulled him closer. He nuzzled his noise into his giant’s chest and took a deep breath.

“You smell good Yeolie,” Baekhyun murmured.

Chanyeol only giggled a little and nuzzled his nose into his lover’s hair.



“Yeolie, Are you mad at me?” Baekhyun asks.

His eyes now looking directly up into the younger’s eyes.

“What? Why would I be?” Chanyeol asked, completely puzzled.

“W-well you seemed tired when we came back, and you looked really irritated and unamused when we we’re shopping today,” He said, nuzzling back into the taller’s chest.

“W-what? Baekhyun, just because I’m tired doesn’t mean I’m mad at you. And I would never be mad at you just because you dragged me around all day buying makeup and clothes, I love spending time with you, so don’t you ever think you irritate me,” Chanyeol told Baekhyun seriously, rubbing smoothing circles on his back. "I was tired, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it," Chanyeol gave Baekhyun his goofy smile.

“Really? You're not mad at me? You don’t find me annoying?” Baekhyun asks again. You can hear his voice turning chirpier with each word.

“Of course not! I would never be mad at you Baekie, I love you too much.”


“Of course.”




“CAN YOU GUYS SHUT UP! WE’RE TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!” They heard Jongin yell from the other room.


“Can’t we get some private time in this house,” Baekhyun complained. “We should move out Yeolie! Then we can be loud and do whatever we want to,” He suggested excitedly, not knowing that what he said caused a certain giant to start blushing.

“Yeah we can be as loud as we want,” Chanyeol mumbled. Baekhyun looked at him confusedly before understanding what the younger said.

“N-No I mean like, w-we could watch m-movies really l-loudly, and dance a-around and stuff,” Baekhyun muttered, completely embarrassed.

“Nah we’re not moving out. There our friends, I love living with them, maybe after we graduate we can get our own place,” Chanyeol recommended.

“But that’s in 2 years! I’ll be old before then,” Baekhyun pouted. Chanyeol tried to stop the urge to kiss those cute lips of his, but failed to do so.

“Your to cute,” Chanyeol reasoned as he continue to kiss his boyfriends lips.

“I-I’m not cute! I’m handsome,” Baekhyun argued.

“That’s exactly what Luhan hyung and Kyungsoo said, but you still call them cute right?” Chanyeol teased.

Baekhyun was to embarrassed  to reply so he only responded with a small nod.

“Also, only cute people bottom,” Chanyeol whispered seductively.

“W-What?” Baekhyun asked, even more embarrassed.

“Nothing, I’m going to sleep, goodnight Baekie! Love ya!” With a final peck on the lips, Chanyeol flipped over so he was facing the wall instead of Baekhyun, and started ‘pretending’ to snore.

“Yeolie! Don’t sleep now! I still want to t-talk to you!” Baekhyun whined as he started shaking Chanyeol’s body.


“Yeolie~” Baekhyun continued to whine.

“Fine don’t expect anything for the next two weeks,” Baekhyun told Chanyeol angrily as he walked towards his own bed. He never actually used it before since they were already a couple when they came here.

It felt unusually cold.

After what felt like hours (He exaggerated a little bit, it was more like 3 minutes).

He felt warm arms wrapping around his waist and felt a nose nuzzling into his hair.

“It’s your fault I can’t sleep without you,” A half awake Chanyeol murmured.

Baekhyun fully accepted the warmth of the latter and nuzzled his face back into his lover’s chest.

“I love you Yeolie,” Baekhyun said.

“Love you too.”







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Chapter 29: SO CUTE OMG
evil-onho #2
Chapter 29: Sehun and Luhan were just adorable. And I really appreciated all of the Kaisoo you had in there. Love Kaisoo!
Chapter 28: Author nim, I feel u. No matter what, OT12 is life.
Bubbaboo #4
Chapter 27: *dies*

Hunhan.... :'(((((((
Bubbaboo #5
Chapter 7: Author nim? I am honestly confused of whose thoughts am i>///< sorry

But love yer story~ ❤️
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Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 26: I NEED MY HUNHAN
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Chapter 24: L oooooooooooooooooooo L
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Chapter 23: Who's saying these stuff ? Isnt it baekhyun ?
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Chapter 21: Woah........