1 2 Step
She knew that the company had suggested Minho. With the inclusion of Minho, then all of the main male rappers would be featured in the Girls’ Generation Asia Tour including Key, Eunhyuk, and Shindong. Plus, Onew was going to be there as well, so why not add another SHINee member? It made the most sense and she knew it. That’s why she wasn’t offended when Sulli told her that she’d heard from Heechul that Minho would probably be the one to rap in Yuri’s solo.


   Disappointment was a more appropriate term for how she was feeling. Because, when she’d heard that Yuri was covering 1 2 Step and needed a rapper, she’d immediately volunteered. She told as many higher ups as she could that she was interested. But Minho made more sense, so she didn’t take it personally.


   Sulli watched her face carefully after she spilled the news, looking apologetic and wanting to know if she was okay. Amber had immediately brushed aside her concerns, telling her that she was fine and that Minho was the logical choice. Not to mention he was a talented rapper whom she considered a good friend. So she was happy for him, really. He’d have a lot of fun. Who wouldn’t, given the opportunity to perform alongside Yuri in Girls’ Generation’s first ever full concert?


   Still, she found her mood dipping despite her inner pep talks to herself. She was relieved when the day was finally over and she could curl up in her bed, pulling her knees to her chest, and let the disappointment wash over her in peace without having to worry about Sulli constantly asking her if she was okay.
   It made no sense. It made absolutely no sense. Choosing Minho made sense. Choosing her made none.
   And yet Amber was pretty sure that her manager was talking to her when he said that she was the one who’d rap in Yuri’s solo at the two back-to-back Seoul concerts. She made him repeat the news twice in fact, worrying that maybe her Korean skills were failing her. But still, he said that she was the one who had been chosen. 


   When she returned to the other f(x) members in their practice room, she could barely contain the grin that was tugging at her lips. And though she was a pretty happy person normally, they immediately knew that something had happened, pestering her the moment she walked through the door to tell them why she was smiling.


   Sulli squealed upon hearing the news, quickly dashing to her phone to text Heechul and tell him that he’d been wrong. The rest of the members congratulated her and hugged her, knowing how badly she’d wanted the guest spot. Athough Krystal did seem a bit annoyed that she wasn’t invited to take part in the concert, considering her own sister was performing. Even though she always complained that people thought of her as nothing but Jessica’s little sister.


   But nothing could dampen Amber’s elation, especially when she heard from Sulli that Heechul had texted her back saying that, while the company had indeed wanted Minho, Yuri herself had requested that Amber do the rap. Though she tried not to let the pounding of her heart overshadow her rational mind reminding her that Yuri probably just wanted to stay true to the song since the rap was meant for a girl and Amber was the only girl rapper with SM.
   Still, her heart hammered against her ribcage whenever she thought about it.
   She was given the rap ahead of time to practice on her own, even though she already knew it. But she wasn’t given the opportunity to rehearse with Yuri or even see what her routine was going to be until only a day before the concert due to both of their busy schedules. That was fine because she didn’t have to memorize any choreography. All she had to do was do the rap and learn her blocking which she was sure wouldn’t be complicated at all.


   The only thing that made her anxious was what Yuri’s dance was going to entail. And how she was supposed to interact with the older girl. Because, to be completely honest, she was terrified that she’d be too entranced by the other girl to be able to do her parts properly. That would be really embarrassing. Not mention detrimental to her career.


   So she went in expecting the worst, briefly greeting Yuri before she was ushered to where she was meant to wait while Yuri performed the first half of the song. She watched Yuri perform from where she waited for her cue, glad that she’d been mentally prepared for this.


   First of all, Yuri was doing an amazing job- she sounded great and her dancing was better than Amber had ever seen it. All of that was really enough to have her mind reeling, but when she saw Yuri going for the zipper on her black hoodie, she knew she was completely screwed. And she was right, feeling a sharp jolt go through her system as the older girl grabbed the bottom edges of her zip-up, holding it up as she executed a series of body rolls that had Amber’s brain short-circuiting.


   Fortunately, she was able to regain some of her coherency before she ran up the steps to the stage, entering into the performance and managing to get through her entire rap without flubbing any lines. Although she was fully aware that Yuri was dancing right next to her was sending shivers up her spine, and the way the other girl stripped off the hoodie and threw it away before ending with an amazing dance solo was quite distracting.


   Still though, she felt good about it and she had high hopes for the performance, mostly because Yuri was going to be amazing and the fans would absolutely love it. And also somewhat because she was pretty sure she could get through it without tripping over herself.
   The night of the concert, Amber felt nervous butterflies in her stomach like she hadn’t felt since her debut performance with f(x). But it was hard not to feel excited as well, feeding off the energy that was being put forth by the girls and by the entire crew who was managing the show. It was a big deal and Amber was thrilled to be there.


   And when it was finally time for her entrance, the adrenaline was running thick in her veins and she felt herself being immersed in the performance, however short it was. She was even able to play off Yuri’s interactions with her, which were much more abundant for the actual performance than they’d been in rehearsal.


   It was clear that Yuri was swept away by the live audience as well and was having a blast and Amber couldn’t help but have fun alongside her. Though she had to fight back a ridiculous grin as she watched Yuri bounce around during her rap, yelling out to the audience and sounding as hyper as she looked.


   It all went unbelievably smoothly even though Amber almost lost her when Yuri body rolled right in front of her and proceeded to booty pop against her. But she managed to go with it and act like the movement wasn’t sending thrills through her body.


   After the concert, Amber was happy and a bit surprised that Yuri tracked her down in her dressing room, thanking her profusely for performing with her and complimenting her on her performance.  
   “Well, we still have tomorrow,” Amber pointed out, smiling shyly, “I could still screw up,” she joked.
   “You won't,” Yuri laughed easily, tucking her long hair behind her ears. She was still wearing the concert t-shirt and jeans that she’d worn for the encore. Amber, however, had long ago changed out of her performance outfit, wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans as well.


   “I really wanted to thank you for choosing me to rap in your song,” Amber said, wanting to show her gratitude before she lost her nerve and never had the opportunity to talk to Yuri one-on-one again.
   “Thank you for agreeing!” Yuri smiled, “As soon as I chose this song, I couldn’t imagine anyone else doing that part.”
   “That…means a lot,” Amber admitted, glancing away and wishing she wasn’t blushing like a school girl.
   She looked up at Yuri’s face after a second and felt a shudder go through her body at the way the older girl was looking at her- eyes dark and intense, putting the seductive looks she shot the audience to shame.


   Amber felt her body react immediately, her nerve endings screaming at her to step forward and kiss the other girl like she’d wanted to since she’d seen her making lattes in her first music video. And even though her mind was in tangles, urging her to avoid doing anything rash, she took the two steps that separated them, pressing Yuri against the wall behind her and pressing her own body against Yuri’s front.


   Before she lost her nerve, Amber leaned forward and pressed her lips against Yuri’s, feeling electricity spark through her body at the contact. Though that was nothing compared to the jolt of desire that shot straight to her core when Yuri kissed her back. Her arms wrapping around her neck as she willingly parted her lips, practically begging Amber to deepen the kiss. Which, of course, she did. She wasn’t about to deny Yuri anything.


   Her head began to spin wildly as their tongues tangled together- Yuri’s so soft and pliant against her own. Her hands grasped at Yuri’s waist, digging into the soft flesh possessively, though not too harshly.
   Amber felt her mind clouding over with lust more and more with each of Yuri’s breathy gasps and moans into so she couldn’t even help but let her hands slide down, squeezing the older girl’s perfect and eliciting a startled whimper from her. But Yuri wasn’t about to let Amber have all the fun, so she wasted no more time before she slid her hands under Amber’s t-shirt, letting her hands explore the soft and smooth skin of her stomach and back.


   The younger girl was pretty sure she’d just moaned shamelessly into the other girl’s mouth, but she didn’t have any time to be embarrassed since Yuri grabbed her hand and placed it over the button of her jeans, making it pretty clear what she wanted.
   Amber did her best to open the other girl’s jeans with her overly-eager fingers, deftly sliding her hand under the denim to cup Yuri through her underwear. The dampness of the material against her palm surprised her, but it only made her even more eager- driving her to ignore any misgivings and slip her hand under the cotton of the other girl’s to press against the heat between her legs.
   The whine Yuri let out as she pulled back from the kiss to drop her head onto Amber’s shoulder had the younger girl moving her fingers quickly- the slide of her fingertips making Yuri tremble in her hold, whimpering and into her neck.


   With shaking fingers, Yuri ed Amber’s jeans and pushed her hand into the younger girl’s underwear before Amber even had a chance to comprehend what was happening. Her breath caught at the first contact, her body shuddering so hard that she had to use her unoccupied hand to brace herself against the wall.


   Amber increased the pace of her fingers, determined to push Yuri over the edge first. Which was looking more and more plausible as Yuri let her head fall back against the wall, her eyes squeezed shut as she shook and grasped onto Amber’s arm with her left hand.
   The tanned and smooth skin of the older girl’s long neck was too much to resist, so the next moment saw Amber leaning over to place wet kisses all over the column, using her tongue to lave over her pulse point. Even though she wished she could latch onto the smooth flesh to leave a mark for everyone to see, she knew that she would get her kicked if she let that happen so she restrained herself. Instead she focused on the movement of her own fingers in Yuri’s underwear and the wonderful shivers that were flowing through her from the other girl’s ministrations.


   When she felt herself getting alarmingly close to release, she doubled her efforts, reveling in the completely wrecked whimper Yuri let out the next second- body locking up suddenly before she was biting back her moans and coming onto Amber’s fingers.
   It was too much- the sounds, the visuals, the way she felt as she trembled- it was all too much for Amber to take, so she let herself go, tipping over the edge even though Yuri’s fingers were barely moving against due to her jelly-like limbs from her only seconds before.


   When she finally felt the blood returning to her extremities, Amber opened her eyes, finding herself staring straight into Yuri’s warm brown eyes- she was smiling.
   “I didn’t plan on that happening tonight,” she confessed, giggling.
   “Oh, I-” Amber started, but was swiftly cut off by Yuri’s soft lips pressing into her own.
   “I’m glad it did,” she murmured before pulling away, taking a moment to comb her fingers through her long hair.
   Amber stood there just watching, still feeling the euphoric hum of pleasure in her limbs as she tried to figure out what had just happened.


   “Well, I should get going or everyone’s going to wonder where I went…actually, they’re probably already trying to find me,” she laughed, the melodious sound bringing a smile to Amber’s face.
   “I hope I didn’t get you into trouble…otherwise they’ll wish they picked Minho,” she joked, still feeling like she was dreaming. Yuri giggled at the suggestion.
   “Don’t worry,” she smiled, making her way to the door, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” And with that, she was gone.
   And Amber was pretty sure that when she said that she’d see her tomorrow, she wasn’t only referring to the performance.
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Second story yay! Please also check out my first story You'll Love Her featuring jessber :)
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juny98 #1
Chapter 1: this story so amazing...i hope you will write more yulber story in future
106GGx #2
Chapter 1: i've always searched for yulber fics but only get the same old fics as results smh. and tbh, it's like my 3rd time reading this fic. Still awesome. Good job author! ps. i need moreee
Chapter 1: it is good
please update soon
Chapter 1: I'm not a big yulber fan but this was great!!