.06' Bang Minah Diaries.


Minah was known for being crazy, loud, and a big lover in her primary school, and she hopes to remain the same througout her new middle school. But she soon finds out the middle school is like a complete planet away from primary school.

Exibit A: Different teacers, different rules for every different class.

Exibit B: Same kids, different attitudes.

Exibit C: Boys become less disturbing, and more of a want. The boys feel the same way about girls.

So what will Minah do? Will she stick out? Will she blend in? Will she become invisable? Will she showcase her talent? These conflict her daily, not to mention that the principle hand picked her to show the Chinese-American transfer student around the school who everyone refered to as "Souless Mark" at first around the school in welcome. Will they both help each other break their talent shells?


Okay, so my description a little bit.... 

Main characters will be Girl's Day's Minah:

... and Got7's Mark.

Thought the pairing would be interesting.

I'll update this when I can. 

Disclaimer on the Ages.

They were both born in 93', and most kids start middle school when they're 13-14 (Korean age) in Korea (12-13 in States) both turned thirteen in 2006 if I'm not mistaken. Also Korea starts school in March, and like in the states if your born before September you start school a year earlier, in Korea if you're born before March you start a year earlier. Minah was born in May and Mark was born in September so both would have more than likely been in the same grade.



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aahhhhhh i love this pairing so much♡♡♡♡ please update soon♡♡♡
Shinee_dream_gurl #2
Oo update soon 2
Shinee_dream_gurl #3
I love mark and minah is my second bias
afiercesong #4
Update soon please!
My two biases :33
Gilliocato #6
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^