Am I willing to love him again?


After weeks, Baekhyun had been following Chanyeol like a lost puppy and the whole school is gossiping about it.

"Why is he hanging out with that guy?"

"Is he treating the new guy as a slave?"


Everyone became silent. It was quite shocking because he never talks to anyone.

On the other hand, Baekhyun was memesmerized. He remembered the day Chanyeol saved him from bullies and that's the day he fell for the taller.

"Baekhyun, come with me!" The hold of Chanyeol on Baekhyun's wrist wasn't tight like Baekhyun thought it would be. It was as if his wrist is so fragile and delicate that it could break.

"Please, stop this. Accept the fact that the relationship is over and we should move on with our lives. So stop." Chanyeol left Baekhyun on the sidewalk. It was funny for the ex, for that was what he did 2 years ago. But he won't lose him again, he won't be able to live without the taller. So he crossed the road without looking at traffic light. A honk was heard and Baekhyun looked in horror.

Chanyeol too was in horror but his brain functioned pretty fast and he ran to his ex and both push them in the ground. His ex has his eyes closed. Chanyeol took the chance to take a look at his ex. He was still the same for Chanyeol but he just can't seem to say anything. He heard Baekhyun whimpering. He was also mumbling, "I love you, Chanyeol." His tears followed after. It pained Chanyeol to see Baekhyun cry. It was always his weakness.

"Chanyeol, I'm sorry. Please accept me again."

"You're stupid. How dare you cross the road without looking?!"

Baekhyun opened his eyes and saw his one and only holding him in his arms like an angel. 

"Chanyeol? I am alive?"

"I won't let you die, I guess?"


"Don't do anything dangerous again, ok?!"

"I won't. Thanks for caring."

As soon as his ex smiled, Chanyeol's heart was beating rapidly again. "Here goes this feeling..." He was scared, but he wants to at least be there for him again even after the hurts he had been going throug because of his ex.

For Baekhyun, this was a new beginning.

Back at Chanyeol's house, Baekhyun was sleeping at Chanyeol's bed while the taller caressed Baekhyun's hair.

"Am I willing to love him again?"


kekeke short update! The finale is the next chapter. Hehehe.... Thanks for viewing and thank you for my first subscriber! You readers mean a lot to me. I'm just 13 and I want to have at least 20 views. Thanks for the 14 views!!! :)

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liermon #1
can i translate it to vietnamese?