Chapter 1 : Meeting Him [1/2]

The Man In My Dreams [Discontinued Until Further Notice]


Music: Infinite-Real Story

Most of the music I put with the chapters won't match it, just so you know.

It's mostly because I like the songs.


Sung Hyo's POV:
I see him again, and without noticing I walk towards him. But suddenly, I feel a pain in my leg and stop walking. 
".....Sung Hyo..." I heard a voice say. I ignored it and continued walking. I felt a pain in my leg again. I started to wake up, as expected. "Sung Hyo", U-Kwon said to me. Gosh, I hate how he wakes me up. Always pinching me.
"Mwoh?" I irritatingly replied to him. "Hurry, we need to go to school." He calmly said to me. 
"Ne~. I understand, Kwonnie." I slowly got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.
U-Kwon's POV:
While Sung Hyo was getting ready, Kyoung Mi & I were sitting on the couch in the living room waiting for her. (A/N: Sung Hyo & Kyoung Mi lives together.)
Kyoung Mi was on her phone texting while I was on my phone playing games. I was stealing glances at her hoping she didn't know. She was smiling the whole time which made me smile and each time she got a text, she would giggle.
But, I couldn't help but feel uneasy, somehow. After a few minutes, I couldn't stand it anymore. I went behind her and asked,"Who're you texting?" Gosh, I hope she didn't think that me asking her was weird.
After a second, she calmly responded,"Ah... Woohyun Oppa", still focused on her phone, only taking a second to slightly look at me. OPPA?!? Who's her OPPA?!? Why would Kyoung Mi be calling this "Woohyun" guy OPPA?!? Who is he to her?!? How does he look like?!? Better looking than me?!?
"Kyoung---" I started to say, But was cut off when she said, "Ah! Sung Hyo Unni's done!" She grabbed her handbag and ran towards the door. But, she had almost tripped and I caught her in my arms, having my arms around her waist while she hugged me afraid of falling.
We slowly separated and stared into each others eyes. It stayed like that for 3 seconds until she panicked and fell on the ground, on her face. I felt sorry knowing that I didn't hold her tight enough and accidently let her fall.
"Oww..." She groaned as she got back up,"Apa...."
"Gwaenchanhna, Mimi-ah?" I worriedly said to her looking carefully at her face seeing if she had any bruises.
"Ne~. Gwaenchanhna, Kwonnie." Kyoung Mi replied to me. *Awkward Cough* We turned around and saw Sung Hyo. "Are we gonna go now?" Sung Hyo said to us.
"Ah...Ne~, Unni." Kyoung Mi awkwardly said to Sung Hyo. I grabbed my bag and we all left the apartment.


Narrator's POV:
They all left to the middle-point of their schools and said their goodbyes. They all left to their schools.  
(A/N: Sung Hyo & Kyoung Mi's apartment is a walking distance to their schools.)
Sung Hyo had all the same classes as U-Kwon. She spent her whole school time with U-Kwon.
Kyoung Mi had all the same classes as L exept one. She spent her free-time with Woohyun & Sungyeol, trying to avoid L as much as possible.
Sung Hyo's POV:
Finally, the school bell rang. U-Kwon waited for me in our classroom still packing. After I finished packing, we left the school, heading towards my apartment. 
We were silence the whole time until U-Kwon suddenly said,"Should we pick up Mimi?"
"You can go. I wanna go home." I said to him, followed by a yawn.
"Come on, Sung Hyo! You've never came to pick her up before. Please~, huh?" He whined to me. He kept blabbering trying to convince me. I got so tired of it after a few minutes and finally said,"Okay, okay I'll go. But, please~ stop whining!"
"Okay!" U-Kwon happily replied to me.
After a few minutes, we finally reached Kyoung Mi's school. We went inside the school until U-Kwon suddenly stopped me and quickly said,"I'll get Mimi. You stay here." He was about to run off until I grabbed onto the back his shirt and turned him around. "Then, what was the point in bringing me here?!?" I angrily yelled at him.
"Well, she'd be happy to see you come pick her up, SO~ I told you to come." He responded to me, giving a pouting face. I angrily looked at him, a look that said "Oh, HELL NO~. I'm not gonna forgive you that easily!"  
"Come on, Please~! It might take me one step closer to dating her." He said to me, now giving me an angelic face. I couldn't refuse his words & look and gave in. "Fine, go get her then." I reluctantly said to him. "Gomawoyo, Sung Hyo!" He said to me, while running away to get Kyoung Mi.
"Yah, Kim Yoo Kwon! You better hurry!~" I shouted to him. He turned around smiling while waving before he turned around the corner and left.
L's POV:
"I'm sorry, things just aren't working out." I said to her. "What does that mean?" She said back to me, with teary eyes and a shaky voice.
"I'm trying to say... Let's break up."
"Wae?!? Na ttaemun-e?!?" She was crying now.
I smirked and leaned in closer to her. "Ne~, neon jeongmal babo."
"Mwoh?!?" She irritatedly said to me, with a shaky voice.
"I said NEON-JEONG-MAL-BA-BO." I slowly to her," You're really stupid to think that you were interesting enough to even satisfy me for a week. It's only been 3 days, so don't take it too hard."
She pushed me away and yelled, "Yah! Nappeunnom!"  PA! She slapped me. She grabbed her bag and ran off.
*Sigh* "Another girl who probably hates me now... Wait... What was her name again?..... Nevermind. Like I really care." I softly mumbled to myself. I grabbed my bag and left to the school gateway.
I stopped for a moment and looked at the girl in front of me. She was HELLA cute. But, I hadn't seen her before. Maybe, she was a new student? It couldn't be, because if it was I would've heard about her. Then maybe, she was from another college and was waiting for her other cute or hot friend.
I walked up to her, smiled, and said, " Annyeong, I'm L. And you are?"
I raised my hand to shake hers. She gave me a confused look at first, but eventually slowly raised her hand & shook mine. "I'm..... Sung Hyo."
End of Chapter 1: Meeting Him [1/2]
Sorry, I updated SO~ late.
I haven't been able to use the computer lately.
Anyways, hoped you liked the first chapter. ^-^
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boyfriend_love #1
It was such a good story until u hiatus it!!!!
@aznfreak83: WELL,SORRY!!!~ It was just easier typing Sandy than just always typing Sung Hyo!!!~ Did you see the part where I put PA! ?<br />
<br />
@yumyumxoxo94: I just thought it'd be funnier/better typing PA!
FaceCrap! wtf! why the hell you put my name in there.. you could have use 'plap' or something... but it did make me laugh xD<br />
lucky your story is pretty interesting...<br />
Who Ever Is Reading This, Ignore It. NoT you gao! you better have read this..
DUDE! I told you not to call her SANDY! MY NAME! LOL xDD<br />
We'll Discuss this at you house when I come! LOL xDD<br />
Anyways, Now I'll Subscribe, Since Chapter 1 was good. <br />
But If chapter 2 isnt good, Hahas Bye bye subscribing button! LMAO xDD
well well well.... i'll subscribe it when you post chap 1 up and its good x)
Wow.... Update Gay . Hahahahahas ^^