
1004- The diary of Junghan

[December 4 2010]

It's Miyoung's birthday today. I woke up really early just to cook for her. After tiptoeing to the kitchen, I slipped at the step between the kitchen and the living room.

"uff," I groaned and stood up, only to meet Miyoung  staring at me. 

"What are you doing so early up?" she raised an eyebrow ( which was something I tried to do but couldn't )

"Getting umm water?" I grabbed the water jug and awkwardly poured water into a cup. She watched me as I continued to drink and wash the cup.

"If you're going to make me a surprise breakfast then do it. I like maple syrup blueberry pancakes," Miyoung said and walked out of the kitchen. I felt a blush rise in my cheeks. Smart girl. Almost too smart for herself. 

After fiddling with the pancake recipe for half an hour, I finally got 5 pancakes out of the pan successfully (2 burned but don't tell Miyoung) After pouring some maple syrup on the them, I served it to Miyoung with her favorite orange juice. Morning energy juice, she called it. After eyeing the pancakes suspiciously for about a minute, she cut a small piece of it and dumped it in maple syrup. I played with my fingers while nervously waiting for the queen's verdict. 

"Well?" I questioned after she swallowed her first bite. 

"You make better pancakes than me. But I make the best maple syrup. Next time, you'll make the pancakes, I'll make the syrup, that way, it'll be perfect."

"Yeah, okay, next time."

Miyoung then opened the presents that mom dad, the kids, and Daewon got her. After rolling her eyes at the makeup and rugby helmet that Daewon got her, cooing at the stuffed toys that the kids got her, smiling at mom and dad's decorative items for her room, she hugged them all one by one. My present? i left it somewhere. Somewhere she would only find at the right time.

"Get the cake, buddy," Daewon pushed me a little but not too much for Miyoung to actually notice. We bought a cake for Miyoung too. It was a strawberry vanilla whipped cream cake that we found at the small shop where i bought my present as well. That shop basically sold everything. it was perfect, just like Miyoung. After fishing the cake out from the fridge and lighting the candles secretly in thr kitchen, Daewon sent me a sign that Miyoung was coming downstairs in her newly bought dress. Holding the cake carefully on both hands, Daewon switched off the light and everyone started to sing Miyoung's birthday song.

''Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Miyoung, happy birthday to you," we all sang and she hung her head down in embarrassment. it was the first time i had ever seen her shy. oh well, she still looked pretty when she was embarrassed. she stood in front of me, until we were only seperated by the small cake i was holding. she placed her face nearer, and blew out the candles to her sweet sixteenth birthday.

"Doesn't everyone get caked on their birthday?" i piped up. Miyoung's embarrassed smile immediately turned into her famous killer glare. 

"Don't you dare, Junghan!" she backed away only to be held back by Daewon. 

"Just for today, I'm not going to listen to you," I grabbed a handful of cake, and finally, her face was made prettier with a mix of strawberries, vanilla cream and a pinch of an angel's love.


[December 10 2010]

 It's near. My time is almost up, i can feel it. Not only am i falling much harder for Miyoung, I find the signs everywhere this entire week.

The first was when i went to wash up in the bathroom the other morning. On the mirror there were words written. I ignored them, thinking it was another of Miyoung's habits, drawing on the mirror after a long hot shower. As i looked at it closely, it sent chills down my entire body.

your time is near, but do not fear, you have just enough, to prepare for the worst

My heart thumped quickly. this was just another prank that Daewon loved playing on me. After quickly rubbing it off from the mirror and my mind, i grabbed whatever i needed and sped off to school.

Not long after lunnch at school with Miyoung, i went to my locker to get my books. After forgetting about the incident in the morning, i had let my guard down. At the back of my locker, there were words scribbled in a black marker.

make the time you spend now worthwhile, or you'll live your other life in regret

My books dropped to the ground together with my heart, this is not happening again. before i could get a cloth to rub the words off, a small but sharp pain shot through my chest, it was quick, but lethal enough to make me clench my stomach tight. The pain attacked again, i tried to call for help down the hallway.

I tried, but my voice had disappeared again. 












A/N ; It's almost the end :( i'll try to finsih this asap because i already have an ending in mind. stuff cropped up yesterday night so i couldn't update, sorry! I need comments though please :-)


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