
1004- The diary of Junghan


The last word, I told myself. Do it for Miyoung. 

Struggling to write the to my final word, the pain attacked for the last time. This time, it was different, it made me drop my pencil and fall to my knees which a loud thump.


"Junghan!" I heard Miyoung knock my door from outside. Don't let her come in, don't. It will be harder for me to go.


"Junghan are you okay??" Miyoung burst into my room with a frantic look on her face. Turning around to look at me, she rushed forward to pull me up, it was too late.

Her hands passed through my body as if it wasn't there. She looked as if she was about to faint from exhaustion. Finally, there was no more pain, i was back to my original form.

"What's happening? Junghan? Talk to me!" she pleaded with tears already forming in her eyes. I tried to talk, i couldn't. I couldn't do anything humana anymore. I pointed to my study desk. Please Miyoung, read it. Read my letter. 

She backed away from me. Miyoung was scared of me. Please Miyoung, read it. Hesitantly, Miyoung picked up the last piece of paper i had left her.

"Miyoung, I'm leaving," she read it aloud. Every word she said made my heart drop again like a heavy rock. Swallowing her tears, she read on. "You might not understand now, but i'm angel. I'm not real in this world. I'm leaving, i have to go, thank you for your time."

"Time," Miyoung choked and fished out something from her pocket. My birthday present to her. A watch.

"Why now? Why now and not earlier? Then i wouldn't have fallen for you," Miyoung's knees also crumpled to the ground and she sobbed into my bed.

Read the last part before i go, Miyoung.

"I don't know what you think of me now. But i know what i think of you, Miyoung. Maybe, just maybe, you're my angel."

Drying her tears, she stared straight at me.

"You will come back, right?" she said and walked closer to me, placing her palm in front of mine."

With my last breath i was fated to breathe in this human world, i answer her with a faint whisper.

"One day, i will."










The End. 

... Or is it?




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