

Summer was his favorite season, he thought winter gave no reason. Unfortuntely, one does not get a choice in being an Ice Prince. Historical fantasy, with a monarchy and all that lovely stuff. Former Prince Kim Myungsoo is banished for reasons to be revealed, and years later, a young worker of the present royal household is estranged in the woods, under an underground castle encased with ice. 


“I hate winter.” A little boy grimaced, blowing away a lock of ebony hair. The white ice crystals refracted against his chocolate eyes as he watched them pile up and hug each other against his windowpane.

“Why do you hate it?” his brother responded airly, who was even smaller than him. His chubby legs climbed up on the bed, and he bounced on the down pillow like an eager puppy.

“Because it is not summer.” he replied simply, his nose high in the air as if his childish answer was sufficient enough.

His baby brother held up his pudgy little hand, with his fingers spread apart like a duck. “But in the winter, you can catch snowflakes with your tongue and not get yelled at by father, you can drink hot cacao, and build snowmen—”

“Moonsoo, you just don’t get it.” the older brother sighed, slipping off his mattress. It was almost time for his lesson. He cradled a wooden board and a few sheets of parchment, his hands full as he left his quarters.

The younger one remained, pressing his hands against the cool window, fog building up around his palms from his body heat. His eyes traveled to the lonely, pathetic looking snowman (which looked like an ant hill more than a snowman) by the frozen water fountain in the heart of the castle. He made it all by himself.  

Moonsoo frowned, as if the former were still with him. “But you used to before.”


(a/n) Is Camille actually posting a fanfic!?

  1. This is set in the Goryeo Monarchy. (Yes, with kings, queens and attractive princes.)
  2. The Goryeo Monarchy does not exist. However, the Goryeo Dynasty did, before the Joseon Dynasty in Korea. Which is telling me I shouldn't be claiming this as a historical fic.
  3. I have this fear that I will update slow, the new semester starts in two days. And I hate math, and I have a math class. Math makes me want to cry.
  4. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I wrote the first chapter, and I am still contemplating whether this would be better off as a one shot or a short story.

​Well, whatever happens. Thank you for stumbling upon this fic!

Prompt for the 

In Love & Insane [Infinite and Exo Writing Contest] (first place)

"I think things are beautiful when you don't plan them, and you don't have any expectations, and you're not trying to get somewhere in particular." - Alison Mosshart.

Myungsoo birthday update!!!


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summerturtle1439 #1
Frozen, Snow White and Beauty and the Beast combined. This is a really beautiful story albeit a bit anticlimactic. But I loved it nonetheless. I love your writing style and the fact that you love Myungsoo :))
Chapter 15: I think that the end was too fast but it was a good story well written.
Thank you for taking me into another world the time of this lecture ヽ(*´∀`)ノ
{in love & insane writing contest} hi! Just letting you know the the deadline is on Monday, 14th July so if you want to add anything to your story please do! It doesn't need to be completed but I'll only be judging on what's written so if you haven't gotten to the prompt part of your story, please try your best to incorporate it! Thanks for entering the contest ^__^
Chapter 13: high pitched screaming
Chapter 4: i am sorry i have not been this excited over a fic for a while now
Chapter 4: oh. OH. OH mY Goodness I have a conspiracy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111
Chapter 2: this is for a writing contest but no matter what happens u r the tru winner in my heart