
Can't Help Falling in Love With You

She caught me staring at her again. Again. Ugh, how embarrassing. She must think I'm a creep.

I looked over at Taehyung's table. He was texting some girls under his table. Tsk. What a player.

"Taehyung, am I creepy?" I asked.

He didn't even look at me. Hmm.

"Yah," I poked his cheek. Still no response.

"Kim Taehyunggggggg," I shook his arm.


"JEON JUNGKOOK!!" My teacher shouted.



"Stop disturbing Taehyung. Go stand outside class. Don't forget to raise your hands above your head!" 

Aish, if only he knew what Taehyung was doing. 

Taehyung suddenly smirked at me. Bastard.


On my way out of the class, I saw her laughing with her friends. Were they laughing at me? 

Whatever it is, at least she's laughing- OH MY GOD SHE SMILED AT ME.


I felt myself blushing. How manly.


Ah, Lee Jinhee. Thinking about her just makes me feel fluffy inside.



I met Jinhee in middle school. She was so noisy and loud, I couldn't stand her at all! I remember fighting with her almost everyday.


Thinking about the past kinda makes me laugh. I remember the first time we fought.


Jinhee was with her usual group of friends and they were laughing really loudly when the teacher wasn't in class. Being the goody-two-shoes class president I was, I glared at them and told them to be quiet.

Jinhee's friends imediately shut up, but Jinhee couldn't stop laughing. I was furious. This loud, annoying girl just could not shut up.


I did the craziest thing ever. I took the dirty whiteboard duster and threw it at her. I aimed it at her uniform, but it landed on her face.


Instead of crying, Lee Jinhee stormed right in front of my face with the duster in her hand. The whole class went silent. Lee Jinhee was the class clown - who knew what she was capable of doing!


She suddenly shouted (really really really really loudly, might I add) in my face.



I wanted to kick her, but I was intimidated by her. Yes, she was taller than me. Hey, it's not my fault girls grow faster than boys!


Intimidated by her, I did the lamest thing ever. I got nervous and I apologized. 

"S-s-s-sorry about that...." I gently took the duster from her hand.

Jinhee gave me a smug smirk before she went back to her friends, who could not stop laughing.


From that day, I told myself that Lee Jinhee would be my enemy forever. I couldn't wait to grow taller than her and throw a billion dusters on her.


Who knew, she ended up becoming my first love.


It was our last year of middle school when I decided that maybe we could be just friends. I was 15.


By the end of middle school, I started to go through puberty. My voice got hoarser and I had lots of pimples. I grew taller and taller each day. I was really happy about it. I thought of getting my revenge on Jinhee.



My plans of getting revenge immediately crumbled when I saw Jinhee. 

I didn't know what happened to her over the school holiday, but something about her just.... Attracted me. 

Shaking my weird thoughts away, I approached her.

"Hey Jinhee," I sat next to her in the cafeteria.

"Oh hi Jungkook!" She smiled at me.

Not wanting the situation to get awkward, I quickly asked her about her class.

"So... Which class did you get into?" 

"Ah, I'm in class 3B. I think Taehyung's in that class!" She smiled at me.


Lightbulb. I decided to use Taehyung as an excuse to see her.

I didn't know why, but I always wanted to see her.


Somehow, there was something about Lee Jinhee that made her different from other girls.

She was obnoxioulsy loud, crazy, and she enjoyed reading manga! I mean, who admits stuff like that? 


Despite her unique nature, I somehow found a way to like her. 


Everyday before school started, I would go to her class and pretend to wait for Taehyung. 

I'd stand outside their class at 6:45AM in the morning. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? Oh, the crazy things I do for you, Jinhee.


She'd always arrive at 6:50AM with her friends. Taehyung usually arrived at 7AM. That gave me 10 minutes to look at her. It was pretty creepy, but if I could see her, why not?


Alas, all good things have to come to an end, right?

Sometime around May, Jinhee stopped coming at 6:45AM. She started arriving after Taehyung and I had no more excuse to see her anymore. 

Because I was 15 and still growing, I told myself that she was just a little crush that I'd eventually forget. Well, I guess I was right.


Taehyung and I became fans of Girls' Generation. We would fangirl fanboy about them everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE - in class, in the cafeteria, just... Everywhere!!


I was too busy looking at my SNSD albums that I almost forgot about Jinhee's existance. We would walk past each other in the hallway sometimes, but I would only glance at her for a second before going back to my conversation with Taehyung about Tiffany noona. What? I'm a teenager! Things like that can happen!


Buuuuuuut, one day in the cafeteria, I accidentally bumped into Jinhee as she was carrying a bowl of hot noodles. Yup, the usual cliche happened. She spilled the boiling hot soup on me and yES IT HURT SO MUCH DAMMIT but suddenly looking at her face again made those butterflies come back. My Girls' Generation feels became a secondary thing, while Jinhee became the primary source of my happiness. Funny how she could change the way my mind worked in a split second, huh? Oh, Lee Jinhee...


Jinhee, being the cute, awkward and expressive girl she was, couldn't stop apologizing to me. She insisted on bringing me to the school infirmary and well.... I couldn't say no, could I?



She took me to the infirmary and applied some cream thing on the parts of my skin that were scalded by the hot soup.

As she applied the cream on my skin, my heart fluttered. She was standing so close to me! Her big eyes were concentrated on me and I couldn't help but blush hard.

Lee Jinhee suddenly filled my mind. I never knew it was possible, but she actually managed to un-knowingly push Girls' Generation out of my head. Jinhee you sneaky little brat.


After that day, I wanted to bump into her more often. Yes, it would mean sacrificing myself, but I was willing to do anything to get some alone time with Jinhee. I thought that maybe if I spent more time with her, she would eventually like me too. Right, right? WRONG.


Towards the end of middle school, there were rumours about the new student having a crush on Jinhee going around.

What was his name again? Oh right, he liked to call himself BamBam. I mentally declared a war with him. How dare he crush on Jinhee? My Jinhee? No way!


BamBam was good looking and nice. Plus, he was in Jinhee's class! That just gives him an advantage! Grrr.

I knew I had to do something. I did something really mean, but like I said, I would do pretty much anything for Jinhee.


I put a note in Jinhee's locker, pretending to be BamBam.



The next day, I saw Jinhee hitting BamBam with her backpack. 


I remember her screaming "DON'T PRETEND IT WASN'T YOU, BAMBAM. WHO ELSE HAS THE INITIALS 'BB'??? GET OUT OF MY WAY, UGH." in his clueless face. Honestly, I felt guilty. But it was for Jinhee. I had to play dirty! Oops?




After middle school, Taehyung and I managed to get into our dream school - Big Hit High.


I heard that Jinhee got into Seoul Girls' High School. I was pretty sad, but I thought it was just a part of life. You know? Meeting your first love and losing her. Well, that's what movies taught me, anyway.


On the first day of school in BH High, I saw her. Lee Jinhee. In BH High's uniform! And she was still with her usual group of friends.


I quickly looked at the reflection from my phone screen to see how I looked. I had to admit, I did get a lot mature-r and handsome-r and much taller after middle school. Taehyung too. In fact, Taehyung became really handsome. He helped me style my hair and told me that girls love it when guys push their hair back. And that's what I did.


As we walked past Jinhee and her friends, I gave her a small smile. She looked at me weirdly at first, but after she realized it was me, her face brightened up and she waved at me. I was shocked.


She waved at me.

Senpai She noticed me.

She remembered me.

Did she miss me?


I waved back at her frantically. I must've looked like an idiot then, but who cares? She laughed at my actions.

It was then when I realized that Jinhee, too, had matured. She lost the baby fat in her cheeks and her hair was longer, but still tied in a ponytail. I blushed I stared at her. The chubby, loud, annoying girl I knew suddenly became a sweet young lady.




Okay, maybe she was still loud. And she still announced her love for stuff.

........Okay, maybe she didn't change much.


I was thrilled to hear that we were going to be in the same class. Again.

I wanted to ask her if she remembered the whiteboard duster incident, but I was kinda shy...


I met some other guys and we became friends really fast. They were all really handsome too.

Seokjin was awkward and he really liked to whine.

Yoongi was really cool, at least that was what I thought.

Hoseok was the funny guy who laughed at practically everything.

Namjoon was pretty 4D-ish, but he had a strong leader vibe around him, and I respected him a lot for some reason.

Jimin was quite flirty around girls, but I thought he was funny.

Then there was Taehyung, who was still weird. Meh.



They started talking about girls and I was curious about what they thought about 'love'.

"Love?" Jimin questioned.

"I'm an expert in this topic, ask away, Jungkook!" Jimin patted my back.

"What is love? When can you feel it?" I asked him.

"Love? I don't know, you'll know what love is when you feel it. I guess it's something like having a crush on someone, except worse. Hahaha! And when can you feel love? I think..... I think after 18? Yeah, probably after 18..." Jimin told me.

"You sound so interested in this, Jungkook. You shouldn't be thinking too much about love! Don't rush it! You still have time to try out some relationships, don't be a lovesick fool!" Taehyung playfully nudged me.



We never talked about love after that day, but I was pretty sure I was in love with Jinhee.

I wanted to tell them, but I was afraid that they would laugh at me. I wanted to stop thinking about Jinhee, I really did. But everytime I saw her, my heart would go out of control and my palms would feel sweaty. I hated the giddy feeling I felt around Jinhee, but it felt so... Right?


Yeah well, so that was how I met Lee Jinhee and how I subconsciously fell in love with her.



Ah, thinking about my "love life" makes me laugh. I can't believe I haven't said a thing to her yet! It's my second year of high school and I don't have the balls to confess to her. How on earth does Taehyung do it? Damn.

My hands were starting to feel tired. Stupid teachers and their stupid punishments. 


While I was cursing the teachers, I suddenly felt someone standing beside me.

I looked at my right and I sAW JINHEE???? LEE JINHEE??? WHAT'S SHE DOING OUT HERE???

I immediately put my hands wayyy above my head. I can't be a weakling in front of her!


I cleared my throat and quietly asked her "What're you doing out here?"

She looked at me with a playful grin and replied, "He found out about my old habit,"

"Old habit?"

"You should know this! Remember when I used to always talk in class? Oh, those were good times...."

I bit back a smile. Of course, how could I ever forget her old habit?


"Sorry for throwing that duster at you though, I was just a 13-year-old boy. Forgive me?"

Jinhee looked at me with a smirk. "Hah! You still remember that too, eh? Well I was never mad at you in the first place!"

"Really? Hahaha, that's good to hear!"

"We should hang out sometime. Maybe we could talk about all those funny things that happened in middle school!" Jinhee suggested.

"Y-yeah! We should totally hang!"

"Yeah man! We should talk about this later, don't wanna get into trouble with Mr Grumpy Pants in there, huh?" 

I smiled. I never really had a proper conversation with her before. Not since middle school, at least. 

She laughed. There it is, her laughter. The laughter I used to hate so much had become music to my ears. 

What was wrong with me? 

Is this what love does to you?

It felt weird. Falling in love at 15? It felt so...... Wrong, but then again, nobody said teenagers were foridden to fall in love. 


Oh, Lee Jinhee, I just can't help falling in love with you.



a little note for you lovely people;

ayyyyy lmao that was pretty lame and cliche wasn't it??? /facepalms/ 


that was just a little crappy lame story thing that was stuck in my head in class, i needed to get it out of my head so... there you go! HAHAHA. 

do tell me if you liked it though, maybe i could write more oneshots hehehe i'm thinking of writing a taehyung one next.... I DONT KNOWWWW.


let me know if you liked this story in the comments!! :-)


gosh its 5:30 in the morning i should go to sleep, bye!!!!


(psst, you should check out my jungkook fic: Never In A Million Years ;-D)






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thAt was adorable i'm gonana sob in a cornER bbbbBbYE
14 streak #2
Chapter 1: That was cute^^ jungkooks all shy and cute><
airiiminwoo #3
Chapter 1: Kyaaaa! This is so damn effing cute okay! Like ughhhhh I can just imagine him being like that! And how you describe his hate which turned into love or how he's embarrassed to ask about love again is realistic. Cliche but cute. Please do more bts oneshots ^^
Chapter 1: Eren x Levi???? Shingeki no Kyojin?!?!?!?!?! that was awesome!!!!!!!!!
luvvmiss94 #6
Chapter 1: What cute kookie!! ... I love the way you make it .. Its kinda look like diary
Yeah i love it