
The Bridal Rental
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Where was he? He peered around the room, but there was nothing but the complete darkness that took over his surroundings. He blinked — once, twice, three times before he realized his attempts didn't clear up his vision. He swifted his arms around, trying to touch at least something in his midst. Like before, nothing changed. He was alone.


"Hello?" Jiyong hollared, not knowing what direction he could pin-point exactly. "Anybody here?"


After a few minutes of not hearing a reply, he groaned in frustration. He started moving his feet, shuffling them across the floor beneath him. Jiyong placed his arms out in front of him, being his guide and protecting in the pitch black. He continued for quite sometime until, unknown to him, one of his shoelaces soon became untied. And with one step, Jiyong found himself meeting the floor — face first.


He found himself cursing out loud as he rubbed his forehead. But somewhere in the distance, a dim flickering light glowed in the distance. He rubbed his eyes — it wasn't like he was using them before anyway — not believeing the sight that was not that far from him.


"You there!" He brought himself back on his feet. He began to jog towards the source of light, even beginning to sprint for his life.


The glow noticed Jiyong's presence and slowly began to float in his direction. The glow was enchanting like an encounter of meeting an angel surrounded in an aura of purity and innocence.


"Jiyong..." a voice called out to him from above.


He stopped running and took a moment to look around. Where did that voice come from? It was the first time he heard someone's voice in a while, but he knew there was no use in calling out to it.


"Jiyongie!", another voice, this one protraying a distinct feminine voice, squealed. Jiyong cringed at the sound of that horrendous nickname. It irked him like dragging long nails on a chalkboard. It wasn't the same from the ious voice, no, it was much different. It came from the glimmering, bright light. It soon came faster, almost the speed of something unhumanly.


As the light came closer, Jiyong finally noticed a woman, possibly around the same age as him, sprinting towards him while holding the bottom of her puffy and cream wedding dress. She was dressed in an all white attire — all the way from veil that covered her lovely face to the pearl stilettos that were being worn on her feet. The sight brought sheer horror upon his eyes.


When she caught up to him, she held her arms wide open and jumped into Jiyong's arms. She held him close, embracing him tight. Jiyong felt as he couldn't breathe but at the moment, death seemed like the perfect answer. He rather have his windpip crushed or one of his ribs piercing into his lung. She looked at him and couldn't help herself grinning — her eyes were glistening as hers melted into his.


Jiyong reacted quickly and pushed the strange woman off of him. He was absolutely disgusted.  It wasn't just because of her, it was because of the whole scene playing out right in front of him.


"Who the hell are you?" Jiyong questioned with a demanding tone.



The woman let her slender fingers pushed back her veil, revealing her lovely complexion. "Oh silly, don't you remember?" She puckered her soft pink lips and blew him a quick kiss. "I'm your wife." He forced himself to hold back whatever was trying to come back up from his stomach. He had many problems and he was going to make sure he wasn't going to throw up on some woman's wedding dress.


She stepped closer to him, close enough to hear his heart beating hurriedly. Jiyong knew for a fact that he wasn't married nor does he remember even asking a woman of such to be his wife. Jiyong didn't even think to pop that question to his girlfriend of two years. He didn't understand what was going on here. His mind couldn't stop spinning as he desperately tried to find something to hold onto.


Jiyong looked at her confused, not understanding the current situation. His "wife" soon started to smile once again except this time, her teeth became pointier, much sharper than normal. Her dark, beautiful brown eyes turned pitch black like the darkness that indulged them. As the woman widened , he could see the enormous fangs resting in .


"And now it's time to kiss your bride!" The woman dressed in white frightening hissed before she began attacking the neck that belonged to kJiyong.


"Jiyong! Wake up!"


Jiyong let out a blood-curdling scream as the newly transformed monster continued to make a bountiful feast out of his neck. The creature took large gouges and used its claws to forcefully dig into Jiyong's skin as he tried to break free of its strong grasp. This was not the honeymoon he expected.





Almost on cue, Jiyong's eyes

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Chapter 9: my Daragon FEELS are friggin reAALLL. Tbh I love how Jiyong's personality is - he hates being touched w/out his permission, he's impulsive & a bit rude and he KNOWS IT, and he keeps his promises. And he's not a typical playboy!! :D Let me say this, I couldn't stop smiling throughout the whole proposal scene & he gave her an effin' diamond ring!! Dara is one lucky girl!! >_< I wonder how it's gonna go down w/ his grandmother... uh oh. Anyway pls update when you can!! I can't wait for the next chapter!! ^^
naue523 #2
Chapter 9: New subscriber here!!! I love this so far!!! Riling up my daragon feels !! Hengsho! I really want him to like eventually fall for Dara like really hard&& cone to realize that life is not all about $$ but how you live it & who is there with you....
Chapter 9: I need more OMG!!!!! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! IT'S AWESOME!!!!
Please update again soon <3 <3 <3 <3
wenkie0414 #4
Chapter 9: update the soonesttt
bernie20 #5
Chapter 9: Very good...pls update more??!!thank u
Hwaiting!! I've watched that movie too.
kkenggi #7
Chapter 8: Hehehe..i saw the movie.. Fighting applèrs
Chapter 8: omg Jiyong is so rude. How will Dara tolerate that?! He better watch out or she'll put have to out his place!! xD That hug was so awkward but I loved it lolololol. Can't wait for Jiyong's so called proposal! looking forward to the next update!! :D
krungyxxi #9
Chapter 8: Jay is Dara's brother? omg!! pls include him in some scene~~ xD