"How Can You Not?" Chapter Two

I Don't Speak Korean!

"You dropped your phone?" L. Joe repeated after I had finished rambled, stating the same four words about 16 times. I nodded frantically. He paused for a moment before muttering a sharp breath, muttering something in his, well, what I assumed to be, his first language."Would you be able to get another?"

I paused, pursing my lips slightly. I suppose I always could. All the pictures I saved... and all the contacts I accumulated... and the funny text conversations between Leanne, Jolan and I. "I guess."

L. Joe nodded, satisfied with his nosing around. I scrunched up my nose. Why did this guy have to be so handsome and so bothersome at the same time? He adjusted the strap of the fabric book bag. Of my book bag. I huffed, my cheeks puffing up to the size of a puffer fish. I didn't cross my arms; it was an action that showed my agitation a little too obviously. I didn't want that. He'd bug me about it somehow, someway. 

"This is the anime store," L. Joe suddenly proclaimed. If he didn't keep my books away from me, I'd probably have swooned from his accent. I looked at the building where we stopped. 

With a raised eyebrow, I looked towards the boy who was maybe a quarter inch taller than me. "How can you tell?"

"That's hiragana, Japanase letters. My Japanese is rusty... but I'm sure that says 'anime and manga here'. Isn't that a classy store name?" L. Joe mumbled, becoming more and more comfortable with English the more he spoke to me. He began to use sarcasm and teased me more often. 

"Maybe the idea of hiragana is interesting to the New Yorkers and it's immediately assosciated with anime and manga and other Japan stuff," I said and shrugged one shoulder. L. Joe then looked towards me and we shared a moment of awkward eye contact. I had no idea what he was thinking. But, in all honesty, my mind was reeling.

How would Leanne really react to him? Now that we're right in front of the anime store, I was actually a little nervous to have L. Joe with me. What if she assumes that L. Joe and I... are well, more than friends in some way? Even if I defended myself with the truth, she still wouldn't believe anything I have to say. That's not even the bad thing!

What if Leanne showed an interest to him? What if she acted like her confident charmer self? She got everyone she wanted with the simple bat of an eyelash. As bright and vibrant as I was, I could never match up to her. It was a simple fact that everyone knew. And as much as I didn't want to admit... I'd get jealous if L. Joe showed more interest in her than he did in me. After all, I captured his attention by falling. I'm sure she'd be able to catch his in a much more stunning way. 

I crinkled my nose lightly then turned around. I'm going to have to deal with it one way or another. "Alright, this must be it! Look for the girl in a pretty blue shirt." 

I hardly had to look at Leanne in order for her to scream. This one was so concerned and worried that it made me flinch. "Oh my god! Kari! Your face! Your beautiful, cherub-y face! How'd you get that mark on your chin? How can this happen?! The photoshoot is tomorrow!"

"... It's cherubic," was the only thing I could manage to say to her at that point. Of course, she's concerned about that

"Ugh, nevermind, Kari! What'd you do? Fall? Is that why you didn't text me? Because you know, I was actually getting worried. Do you know what that can do to my complexion? Kari!" Her eyes widened, no longer fixated on me. I gulped, not wanting to turn around. "K-Kari... Ka–"

Her scream resonated throughout the walls of the room. I swear I even saw some of the shelves rattle some. This one was a full-blown scream. It was excited and panicked and joyous and freaked. Her eyes were brilliantly shining, brighter than the sun on a hot summer day. Her smile was gleaming like a gem. She began to jump up and down, her arms flailing high and mighty. She looked like both a kid and a crazy person. 

That's when I felt a tug on my arm. I stumbled back, closer to him. L. Joe's grip on me was possessive in a way but I could also feel a sort of protectiveness to it. Unless that was my absurd, romantic mind trying to fuel some impossible fire. "Are you okay?" he asked me worriedly, not even caring that I wasn't looking at him.

My brow was completely knit as I looked towards my good friend. Leanne was still spazzing shamelessly. She looked towards L. Joe once she calmed down, only to freak out some more. It bothered me in the same way a mother would be bothered abouther child being too attached to a favourite toy. I mean, sure, she looks happy now but it was still... worrisome. 

"It's you! Really, truly you! L. Joe!" she screeched, stamping her feet joyously. The grip on my arm loosened and I could hear a relieved chuckle from under his breath. "Teen top! Teen top!" Another scream. "Ah! I love you! You're an amazing rapper! Wait! Wait, wait, wait! I got your album with me! I carry it around all over the place, that's how much I love you!" 

"Teen pop?" I asked, trying to make sense of what was going on."Or was it top? Teen top?"

However, Leanne was too busy digging through her oversized purse to pay attention to me. As an alternative, I looked towards him. "Teen top? What's that? What is a teen on top of?" I asked. For some reason, I lowered my voice. I felt that, if I questioned what was going on, Leanne would take offense. 

L. Joe only laughed, his mesmerizing smile plastered on his handsome face. Oh dear Lord, he could be the death of me. Thank goodness for being able to hold in my spazzings... well, most of the time. "Teen top. It's the name of the group that I am in." 

A high-pitched squeal emanated from Leanne as she shuffled towards L. Joe. She had a red Sharpie in her hand and a thing rectangular object. She practically shoved it into his hands. He had no choice but to let go of me. I didn't mind. It gave me a chance to see what was the object she gave to him. 

It was an album. "Roman". I tilted my head, curious. There were six boys, all in differently coloured, vibrant suits. Two were smiling at each other and the others were looking at the camera. They were happy and high-spirited. There was also "TEEN TOP" written in cool font. The one in the yellow suit... it looked a lot like...

"Oh! Ohhh! L. Joe! You're a celebrity!" I thought out loud. Even the cashier looked at me as if I was slow. Leanne then realized that I was still here. I didn't disappear just because one of her dreams came true. 

"You know L. Joe? Kari, why didn't you tell me?" she asked, almost sounding offended. 

My face fell from its happy moment as I began to grumble before answering. "I didn't know he was a celebrity. He helped me with my cuts when I fell. I just met him today."

"H-How – How can you not know who L. Joe is? L. Joe is like a god! He's heavenly! I mean, look at him! He's gorgeous! What I wouldn't do to L. Joe, that y man –"

I cleared my throat. It was awkward to know exactly where Leanne was going through this. Clearly, L. Joe was a ual fantasy to many girls, considering Leanne only fangirls for the very best. Believe me, I know. L. Joe was signing the album, although it was clear from the huge smile on his face that he was listening. 

"Hello? Innocent 14-year-old here," I said in a small singsong voice. Leanne smiled at me. She was already 17, that lucky woman, so she was considered "allowed" to think in such a way. Jolan, Leanne and my other friends tease me on being the most innocent. That I would never think, even though I am one of the biggest spastics alive, to take a pairing and make a ty fanfiction. Or dream about some hot male actor ravaging me. Like, c'mon, that's a little on the erted side and given I really know nothing about and how to perform such a deed, it was just awkward and strange.

"Here you are," L. Joe said as he handed the album back to Leanne. She let out a sheepish but entirely squeal-filled giggle as she clutched the album to her chest. She never looked happier honestly. And I was kind of proud in the fact that if it wasn't for me, she would never smile like that. "You're Kari's friend, right?"

"Yeah! She's my little bestie. My dongsaeng." I furrowed my brow at the strange word. It was weird to my ears; the way a puzzle piece would fit into another place in the puzzle, but it obviously wasn't right. What did it mean? Doh-ung-say-aang. "Thank you for rescuing her."

L. Joe immediately grinned towards me. "Now, that's how you say a nice thank you."

I crossed my arms, trying not to mind the way Leanne was looking at me. She was giving me a stumped look as if I had grown a second head. I, Kari Ryan, have an inside joke with TEEN TOP's L. Joe? (Even though I have no idea who TEEN TOP is...) 

The answer is: Heck yes! 

"Those are my books, guy. Give them back now!" I whined playfully, trying my best to imitate one of my tantrums without the actual brattiness of it. 

"How can you not spazz? Kari, do you even know what Kpop is?"

"Kpop... no, I can't say I do," I told Leanne, who was still looking at me dubiously. She harrumphed, and gave a rather attractive snort. The kind that could be considered both snooty and charming. It was one of her many envied assets. 

"How can you not?" L. Joe asked me, the stupid grin on his face this time. Yes, it was just as mesmerizing as his soft eyes look and his radiant smile but you could tell he was aiming to be mean with that kind of grin on his face. I tried my best to glare at him, even sticking my tongue out at him. 

"No, seriously, though, how can you not?" Leanne asked. Now it was my time to be stumped. Leanne, not taking offense to an obvious jab at her? That was something that didn't happen during the Earth's lifetime. At least, that's what I always thought up until that point. 

Holy crap. L. Joe must be pretty damn special then. 

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Chapter 8: I love this story so much!! Please update soon, I really can't wait to find out what happens next, it's such a good story^^
belolol #2
Chapter 7: Was that the end?? If so ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 7: nice story! ^^
Chapter 5: its nice to read something like this once in a while. simple and light. keep it up! :D
nielsgirl #5
Chapter 3: Oh please update soon Author-nim!!!
PrincessErza #6
OMG, I can't wait for the first chapter. I think it's going to be fun :) Update quickly juseyo, Author-nim. :D